47 research outputs found

    Palatial Conspiracy in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Abu Zafar’s Siraj-ud-Daulah: A Comparative Study

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    A conspiracy is defined in criminal law as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime in the future. It is a nefarious, illegal, treacherous, or covert scheme devised by two or more people in secret. Instead of explaining an occurrence or circumstance, a conspiracy theory suggests that it is the plan of evil and powerful people, generally with political motives. The phrase ‘conspiracy theory,’ with its pejorative connotation, suggests that people who believe in conspiracies are motivated by bias or a lack of proof to back up their assertions. For this purpose, this study would like to examine Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Sikandar Abu Jafar’s Siraj-ud-Daulah to foster the real picture of palatial conspiracy historically. It would like to investigate some powerful male and female characters of the two well-familiar historical plays, including Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah Ghaseti Begum, and Mir Jafar on one hand, as well as Macbeth and Lady Macbeth on the other hand. It aims to explore the historical contexts to expose the source on which the stories of the plays have been grounded. Finally, this study aims to look at the comparative discussion of the protagonists in light of writers’ treatment of palatial conspiracy of the age, art of characterization, and plot construction. Thus, it aims to create a novel dimension of English literature by highlighting the historical concerns of sixteenth-century England and the eighteenth-century Indian subcontinent, respectively.

    Treatment of Rural Life and Nature in Jasimuddin and Wordsworth

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    This article aims to address William Wordsworth’s treatment of nature as a recurring motif in his poems. Wordsworth finds nature as a living thing that provides him with both enjoyment and knowledge. Only a few well-known poems that demonstrate the depth and evolution of his love for nature, his conception of mysticism in nature, joy in nature, universal love in nature, spiritual unity of nature, bond between nature and man, soothing influence and healing power of nature have been taken from the corpus of his literary works. The poet leaves his readers with a plenty of heartfelt and beautiful poems that are the timeless treasures of romanticism. On the other hand, Jasimuddin occupies a significant place in Bangla poetry. Being a poet during the time of Kazi Nazrul Islam and Rabindranath Tagore allow him to have a prestigious position. Due to the beautiful way he portrays rural Bengal, he is regarded as a Palli Kabi (Pastoral Poet). His presentation of nature is very touchy and sensuous. Thus, this article aims to investigate treatment of nature and rural life in some poems of Jasimuddin and Wordsworth


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    Racism is a faithful depiction of one race’s superiority to another, resulting in discrimination and prejudice towards the black nation based on race or ethnicity. For centuries, the life of the Afro-American community has been affected, tormented, maltreated due to racial conflicts. In The Bluest Eye, Morrison presents a community in which racial conflicts are internalized. Morrison delivers a faithful message relating to the black woman’s identity crisis by presenting the emancipation of mind and soul of the black community. The Afro-American women have been exploited in American male-dominated society, where white people are the decision-maker and arbiters of all the concerns. For this purpose, the paper aims to look at the politics of the postmodern culture of capitalism in a racist society and culture. It seeks to investigate the sadomasochist attitude of the characters in the theoretical framework of internalized racism in the African-American community presented in The Bluest Eye. It would like to foster a little black girl Pecola’s sufferings and agonies in a white-dominated society and the tribulations black families’ experience.Keywords: Afro-American Community, Racial Discrimination, Pecola, Morrison, The Bluest Eye, and Postcolonialism.

    Deception in Authorship Attribution

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    In digital forensics, questions often arise about the authors of documents: their identity, demographic background, and whether they can be linked to other documents. The field of stylometry uses linguistic features and machine learning techniques to answer these questions. While stylometry techniques can identify authors with high accuracy in non-adversarial scenarios, their accuracy is reduced to random guessing when faced with authors who intentionally obfuscate their writing style or attempt to imitate that of another author. Most authorship attribution methods were not evaluated in challenging real-world datasets with foreign language and unconventional spelling (e.g. l33tsp3ak). In this thesis we explore the performance of authorship attribution methods in adversarial settings where authors take measures to hide their identity by changing their writing style and by creating multiple identities. We show that using a large feature set, it is possible to distinguish regular documents from deceptive documents with high accuracy and present an analysis of linguistic features that can be modified to hide writing style. We show how to adapt regular authorship attribution to difficult datasets such as leaked underground forum and present a method for detecting multiple identities of authors. We demonstrate the utility of our approach with a case study that includes applying our technique to an underground forum and manual analysis to validate the results, enabling the discovery of previously undetected multiple accounts.Ph.D., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201

    On Modeling the Costs of Censorship

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    We argue that the evaluation of censorship evasion tools should depend upon economic models of censorship. We illustrate our position with a simple model of the costs of censorship. We show how this model makes suggestions for how to evade censorship. In particular, from it, we develop evaluation criteria. We examine how our criteria compare to the traditional methods of evaluation employed in prior works

    Bacterial pathogens in wound infection and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in a medical college hospital, in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Background: Wound infection is a major health problem that results in prolong hospital stay, increased treatment cost and are responsible for significant mortality and morbidity worldwide. The aim of the present study was to isolate and identify the bacterial pathogens causing wound infection and to determine their antimicrobial susceptibility profile.Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at the Department of Microbiology, Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka from January 2016 to December 2016. Wound swab samples were collected and inoculated into appropriate media. The bacterial pathogens were identified by using standard microbiological methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility test were performed using disc diffusion technique following Kirby-Bauer method.Results: Out of 239 wound swab samples analyzed 173 (72.4%) were culture positive. Majority (35.3%) of culture positive cases were in age group 16-30 years and 60.1% were male. Staphylococcus aureus (36.9%) was the predominant isolate, followed by Escherichia coli (35.8%), Pseudomonas spp. (17.3%) and Proteus spp. (5.8%). Bacterial isolates were highly resistant Amoxicillin (89-100%), Cephalosporin (60-100%), Ciprofloxacin (53-71%), while they were least resistant to Imipenem (0-14%) and Amikacin (17-30%).  Conclusions: In the present study most of the isolates showed high rate of resistance to commonly used antibiotics. Therefore regular monitoring and rational use of antibiotic should be practiced