76 research outputs found
Keragaan Nitrogen Dan T-phosfat Pada Pemanfaatan Limbah Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias Gariepinus) Oleh Ikan Peres (Osteochilus Kappeni) Dengan Sistem Resirkulasi
The purpose of this study was to analyzed the role of peres fish and kale plants as a commodity enhancements to reduce levels of nitrogen and T-Phosfat from waste catfish, also to analyze the survival and biomass peres fish, catfish and kale plants. This research was conducted at Unit Pelayanan Teknis Balai Benih Ikan (UPT-BBI) Lukup Badak, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Provinsi Aceh in October to November 2015. The method of this study was an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD), with use 4 levels treatments and 3 repetitions, this study also uses regression and correlation analysis. The results showed that the kale plants and peres fish did not leave a role of influence to lower the value of Nitrogen and T-Phosfat from waste catfish, but it affects both the survival and growth (length and weight), both in peres fish, kale plants, as well as catfish. Water quality parameters in this study to the range of tolerance for fish farming Peres and catfish.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peranan ikan peres dan tanaman kangkung sebagai komoditas tambahan terhadap kadar Nitrogen dan T-Phosfat yang berasal dari limbah budidaya ikan lele, terkait dengan kelangsungan hidup dan biomassa ikan peres, ikan lele dan tanaman kangkung. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga bulan November tahun 2015 di Unit Pelayanan Teknis Balai Benih Ikan (UPT-BBI) Lukup Badak, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Provinsi Aceh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan menggunakan 4 taraf perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan parameter kualitas air pada penelitian ini tergolong dalam kisaran toleransi untuk budidaya ikan peres dan ikan lele. Penambahan tanaman kangkung dan ikan peres tidak berpengaruh untuk menurunkan nilai Nitrogen dan T-Phosfat, namun berpengaruh baik terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan (panjang dan berat) pada ikan peres, lele dan tanaman kangkung
The Adequacy of International Legal Obligations for Environmental Protection During Armed Conflict
Since it first developed, the law of war has focused on protecting human beings. It prioritises human protection by controlling the conduct of belligerents in order to minimise human injuries and casualties. However, the consequences of war are seldom limited to human casualties. War also causes major destruction to the environment. This article shows that despite prioritising human protection, International law provides a significant number of rules to protect the environment during armed conflicts . Contrary to claims that existing rules are insufficient, the law of war adequately safeguards the environment during armed conflicts by prohibiting certain military activities that may cause significant damage to the environment. Furthermore, there are peacetime regulations that may continue to bind belligerents in times of war
ASEAN\u27s Human Rights Body: New Breakthrough for Human Rights Protection in South East Asian Region Some Preliminary Notes From Indonesia\u27s Perspective
On 21 November 2007, leaders of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) promulgated the ASEAN Charter (the Charter). Not only does it provide legal basis for ASEAN\u27s legal personality; it also provides new legal norms for its member states. One of those that need to be discussed is the establishment of ASEAN\u27s Human Rights Body (the Body). This obligation is stipulated in Article 14 of the Charter, which stresses the commitment of member nations to protect human rights. However, the establishment of the Body has faced numerous pessimistic opinions regarding the organisation\u27s capability to protect human rights considering its notorious reputation over this matter. The article is fosucing on some areas of concerns that need to be looked at to put the Body into operation. Some important lessons from the European Human Rights Body is examined as comparison
International Community and Indonesia\u27s Policy Towards Climate Change Post-2012
Throughout the International climate change regime\u27s development up until 2012, the emergence of new and helpful mechanisms and negotiation processes were often accompanied by setbacks such as withdrawals and unmet State obligation. The object of this study focused on International community and Indonesia\u27s policy towards climate change. The Method of this study is normative legal research. The result of this thesis is to situate the internal/domestic climate of several States (the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Norway, and Indonesia) and one regional organization (the EU); and connect it to the outward International policies each have chosen to put forward on the negotiation table and/or submit themselves to. Given the global nature of and concern about climate change, it feels as if there is no shortage of lessons to pick β from outright refusal to be legally bound to the regime at all (the U.S.), an unprecedented and recent move of formal and official withdrawal from the regime\u27s key instrument (Canada), the struggles with implementation that a regional organization might face (the European Union), to the recent moves and measures in environmental protection pioneered and led by States characterized by their increasingly strong economies (Brazil, Norway, and Indonesia)
Investigasi Kemampuan Problem Solving dan Problem Posing Matematis Mahasiswa Via Pendekatan Realistic
Mathematical problem solving and problem posing skill are the mathematical skills that need to be owned by students. By having this skill, students can be more creative in expressing ideas by connecting the knowledge that they held previously. But in reality, there are some students who are lack of problem solving skill; therefore it is really important to improve learning through appropriate approach. Realistic approach had been chosen as the learning theory to be applied in the class. This study has the objective to find out whether the use of realistic approach enhances students' mathematical problem solving and problem posing skills. The research methodology used in this study is a quantitative research. The instrument used diagnostic tests (pre-test and post-test); and questioner. The results of this study, the mathematical problem solving and problem posing skills students tend to increase. Recommendations for other researchers are do the research of mathematical problem solving and problem posing skills in other populations, especially prospective teachers
Implementasi Pmri dalam Materi Sifat Komutatif dan Assosiatif pada Bilangan Bulat untuk Level Siswa Sd/mi
Implementing PMRI in teaching process using a little sheet box and straw as a media for helping students in learning commutative and associative properties in integer numbers is the aim of this study. Design research is used as appropriate means to achieve the aim; conducted in three phases: preliminary design, teaching experiment (first and second cycle), and retrospective analysis. This study enables students to work with contextual situations within integer numbers properties; uses media tool (a straw and little sheet box). Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) underlies the design of the context and the activities. Sample of population is students from Madrasah Ibtidaiah Negeri 1 Palembang. This study involves fourth grade students, 3 students in first cycle and 36 students in second cycle (4 students were analyzed in detail). The result of this study could show that the activities could bring students' learning from the contextual situation to more formal situation. The activities within this study have been succeed to be implemented in this school so that these activities could be used for the others
Makna Realistic Dalam RME Dan PMRI
Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) merupakan adaptasi dari Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) dengan disesuaikan dengan situasi pendidikan matematika di Indonesia.PMRI memiliki permasalahan yang sama dengan RME, dikarenakan keduanya berpedoman pada teori RME yang dicetuskan oleh Hans Freudenthal, salah satu tokoh matematikawan dari Belanda. Freudenthal ini mengagaskan RME dengan makna mendalam dalam bahasa ibu dengan melihat system pendidikan di Belanda saat itu. Timbul permasalahan ketika pendekatan RME ini banyak diadopsi oleh negara lain. Interpretasi kata realistikdalam RMEmenjadi perdebatan di kalangan para ahli pendidikan matematika di dunia.Banyak yang masih hanya melihat dari arti terjemahan, tidak melihat dari makna secara mendalam, sehingga hal tersebut menimbulkan kekeliruan pandangan di kalangan masyarakat.Melalui kajian teori berikut diharapkan kekeliruan pemahaman kata realistik ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik; merujuk pada teori-teori sebenarnya, sehingga dapat menghindari perdebatan ataupun kebingungan di kalangan masyarakat.Dengan pengkajian teori ini, diharapkan masyarakat tidak lagi memiliki keraguan pada RME dan PMRI; keduanya dapat menjadi salah satu masukan pendekatan pembelajaran matematika bagi para pendidik yang ingin melakukan reformasi pendidikan matematika untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didiknya
Penggunaan Software ATLAS.ti sebagai Alat Bantu Proses Analisis Data Kualitatif
According to some Indonesian research, especially in mathematics education, qualitative research is still less interested. It became one of basic problem that the researcher wants to discuss. Hoping after all researchers read this study, the interest of them appeared to do qualitative research. In this study, researcher introduced one of data analysis qualitative software, namely ATLAS.ti. This software was useful in helping with the process of data analysis qualitative research, especially grounded theory. Grounded theory, as ATLAS.ti, was given coding in any research data. It would be making easier for researchers to call back data later, or so on. Based on this helpful thing, researcher hoped through this research it would create a procedure data analysis qualitative research assisted by ATLAS.ti. This procedure appeared through an example of an application of one case in the field of mathematics education. The result of this research was a procedure based on the case of researcher used
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