397 research outputs found
Dynamic Capabilities, Core Competence, and Competitive Advantage of Zakat Institution: Study in Rumah Zakat Indonesia
Previous studies of competitive advantage mostly discussed business entities, instead of public organizations or non-profit ones. Several products of public organizations already use a market mechanism such as in the case of zakat collection service in Indonesia. This research investigates the effect of dynamic capabilities and core competence on the competitive advantage of a zakat institution. The data analysis method employed in this research is path analysis to test the direct and indirect effect of dynamic capabilities on competitive advantage. The results of this research show that dynamic capabilities do not directly affect competitive advantage. Dynamic capabilities, however, affect competitive advantage through core competence. Keywords: dynamic capabilities; core competence; competitive advantage; zakat institutio
Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali dan memperoleh informasi tentang perubahan metode pembelajaran guru serta peran aktif orang tua dimasa pendemi covid-19. Perubahan metode mengajar dari tatap muka of line menjadi jarak jauh of line telah menyadarkan insan pendidik juga orang tua bahwa telah terjadi perubahan sistem pembelajaran secara masif. Perubahan ini jika tidak disikapi dengan bijak makan akan mereduksi makna dan hasil pendidikan yang diselenggaran dalam kuru satu sentengah tahun ini.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif naratif, model ini peneliti ambil agar dapat memotret dan mendeskripsikan fakta dan temuan yang dipadukan dengan berbagi literatur yang sesuai dengan judul penelitian. Dengan pendekatan ini diharapkan peneltitian ini dapat menggambarkan secara objektif tentang optimalisasi pembelajaran anak usia dini dimasa pandemi covid-19
Building The Concept Of Halal Brand Image On Islamic Banking
The asset growth of Islamic banks in Indonesia is relatively higher than their conventional counterparts. It is essential to explain the image of Islamic banks perceived by Muslim consumers. Brand image plays a significant role in affecting purchase intention. Customers may decide to purchase or avoid a product not because of the inability of that product to run its functions. This papers aims to explain the concept of halal brand image. The concept of halal brand image according to various scholars is still very varied, so it is necessary to obtain a holistic explanation regarding the concept of halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial institution. Literature review is used to explain the concept the halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial industri. Halal brand image can be defined as the rational and emotional perception of a brand that is followed, accepted, and permitted in Islam. This brand must certainly be free from usury (interest rate), gharar, gambling, and unfair as well as exploiting risk-sharing practices. Every practicing Muslim will consider Islamic principles when consuming any products, including financial service products Keywords:Halal, Brand Image, Islamic BankingThe asset growth of Islamic banks in Indonesia is relatively higher than their conventional counterparts. It is essential to explain the image of Islamic banks perceived by Muslim consumers. Brand image plays a significant role in affecting purchase intention. Customers may decide to purchase or avoid a product not because of the inability of that product to run its functions. This papers aims to explain the concept of halal brand image. The concept of halal brand image according to various scholars is still very varied, so it is necessary to obtain a holistic explanation regarding the concept of halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial institution. Literature review is used to explain the concept the halal brand image, especially in Islamic financial industri. Halal brand image can be defined as the rational and emotional perception of a brand that is followed, accepted, and permitted in Islam. This brand must certainly be free from usury (interest rate), gharar, gambling, and unfair as well as exploiting risk-sharing practices. Every practicing Muslim will consider Islamic principles when consuming any products, including financial service products Keywords: Halal, Brand Image, Islamic Bankin
Seseorang yang memiliki kepercayaan diri tidak akan memandang kehidupan hanya dengan sebelah mata, mereka akan selalu memaknai setiap kejadian yang ada di depan mereka. Karena bagi mereka sebuah kehidupan bukanlah untuk mencari pengalaman saja, tetapi juga untuk menggali lebih banyak lagi potensi diri. Bagi mereka yang memiliki kepercayaan diri, keterbatasan juga tidak bisa dijadikan alasan untuk terhambatnya sebuah prestasi, tak terkecuali seorang tuna netra yang memiliki keterbatasan dalam penglihatannya. Memang pada kenyataannya tuna netra tidak dapat melihat secara normal, tetapi melalui pelatihan ilmu getaran yang di perkenalkan oleh Perguruan Pencak Silat Beladiri Tangan Kosong Merpati Putih mereka mampu mengoptimalkan panca inderanya yang lain. Lebih dari itu, selain untuk pengobatan, manfaat lain dari ilmu getaran adalah untuk melatih kepekaan tuna netra agar dapat bergerak normal.
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran kepercayaan diri pada tuna netra pengguna ilmu getaran PPS Betako Merpati Putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, serta skala pengukuran psikologi yaitu skala kepercayaan diri. Pada penelitian ini hanya terdapat satu orang yang berkedudukan sebagai informan utama, yaitu seorang tuna netra yang mengikuti pelatihan di PPS Betako Merpati Putih dan mendapatkan ilmu getaran, pernah mendapatkan prestasi serta pengalaman selama berlatih di PPS Betako Merpati Putih, tinggal di dalam komunitas orang awas (tidak tinggal di asrama khusus tuna netra), berbahasa cukup baik dan bersedia untuk diwawancarai.
Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu keikutsertaan informan berlatih ilmu getaran di Merpati Putih membuat informan mendapatkan sedikit banyak peningkatan, baik dalam penglihatan, kesehatan tubuh, maupun interaksi sosialnya. Melalui pengalaman-pengalaman yang pernah dicapainya, seperti pembinaan olah raga golf, halang rintang menggunakan sepeda, menggunakan kamera polaroit, serta diikut sertakannya informan ke luar negeri membuat informan semakin percaya diri. Semakin besar tingkat kepercayaan diri informan, semakin banyak pula kepercayaan yang diberikan orang lain kepada informan
Interaksi Sosial Anak Down Syndrome di TK Nusa Indah Jakarta
Down syndrome is one of the children with special needs, where the child has an intellectual level that is low or below average. This study aims to find out, provide an overview, and explain about the forms of social interaction carried out by a child with special needs with Down syndrome with teachers and friends in regular school. This is done in order to provide a true view and picture of the social behavior that appears from children with Down syndrome, where it has not been widely known by educators and the public. This research is a qualitative research with case study method, this research uses purposive sampling technique. This study uses one subject with certain characteristics. Data collection techniques used are: non-participant observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include: (1) data reduction (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing. The results of data collection conducted from January to March 2017, found that there are four forms of behavior that appear classified in social behavior and forms of behavior classified as asocial behavior. The intended social behaviors are friendly behavior, sympathetic behavior, cooperative behavior, and competitive behavior. Existing asocial behaviors consist of resistance behavior and attack behavior
This study aims to examine and find out empirical data regarding the relationship between emotional intelligence and social behavior with student collaboration skills in learning, either partially or simultaneously. This study uses a survey method with data collection tools using a questionnaire that is preceded by direct observation and interviews with data sources, namely undergraduate students of the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University 45 Bekasi as the population. While the sampling in this study used a cluster sampling technique by taking the fourth semester students at the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University 45 Bekasi, amounting to 70 students. The data analysis used is correlation and regression analysis which is described descriptively. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and student collaboration skills in learning with a correlation coefficient of 0.917 and a coefficient of determination of 84.1%. Second, there is a positive and significant relationship between social behavior and student collaboration skills in learning with a correlation coefficient of 0.704 and a determination coefficient of 49.6%. Third, there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and social behavior together with student collaboration skills in learning with a correlation coefficient of 0.919 and a coefficient of determination of 84.5%
Hubungan bawahan atasan dalam penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan Leader Member Exchange (Graen et al., 1982). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh moderasi Leader Member Exchange pada hubungan partisipasi penyusunan anggaran dan kinerja manajerial, serta menguji pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari partisipasi anggaran, kinerja manajerial, dan kepuasan kerja. Metode survei yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan 123 peserta yang terdiri dari manajer tingkat menengah di BUMN / D dan BUMS Bandar Lampung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi anggaran terkait langsung dengan kinerja manajerial dan kepuasan kerja. Kinerja manajerial ditemukan untuk menengahi hubungan partisipasi partisipasi anggaran dan kepuasan kerja. Selain itu, ada temuan yang cukup menarik bahwa supervisor bawahan berkorelasi rendah dapat meningkatkan partisipasi anggaran dan kinerja manajerial, sementara supervisor bawahan korelasi tinggi dapat mengurangi tingkat partisipasi anggaran dan manajer kinerja manajerial
Ideological Tendencies in the Six English Qur’an Translation on Qs. Ar-Rum 41
Lessons from the Qur’an can be learned from its translation by those who do not understand Arabic, although the Qur’an does not state the meaning obviously. Still, some translators may interpret the Qur’an differently from each other depend on what ideology belongs to the translators. To know the ideology, this study employs Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) approach. The sources of data of this research are six English Qur’an translational texts. The research data are clause unites in the English Qur’an translation of the QS. Ar-Rum 41. They are divided into four clauses. The results showed that the translation of the Qur’an has a connection with the ideology embraced by translators. Saheeh International – Jeddah Qur’an translation bears the Aswaja ideology consistenly; Maulawi Sher Ali – Islamabad Qur’an translation bears the Ahmadiyah ideology consistenly; Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-DIn Al-Hilali, and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan - Madinah Al-Munawwarah Qur’an translation bears the Sunni ideology consistenly. Edip Yuksel – US Qur’an translation bears the ideology of reformism combined with the ideology of Ahlussunnah, Ahmed Ali Qur’an translation bears the ideology of reformism combined with the ideology of tafsiriyah that makes it less stylish, and Aisha Bewley Qur’an translation bears the ideology of Liberal and stylistic. The variety of ideologies in the English Qur’an translation is due to the influence of religious understanding of the authors as well as their efforts to promote specific ideologies in the English Qur’an translation
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai dakwah pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler Rohis di SMPN 28 Tangerang. (2) Untuk mengetahui semangat beribadah siswa setelah ada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dakwah Rohis. Berdasarkan hasil uji t terlihat dari hasil olah data SPSS 25.00 yaitu nilai constanta sebesar 0,368 dengan hasil uji t mempunyai tingkat signifikansi 2,666 (α > 0,05) berarti secara parsial terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dan searah antara Variabel X (Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Dakwah Rohis) terhadap Variabel Y (Semangat Beribadah Siswa) di SMPN 28 Tangerang. Maksud terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dan searah adalah semakin baik kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dakwah rohis maka semakin meningkat pula semangat beribadah yang dimiliki siswa di SMPN 28 Tangerang, jika semakin buruk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dakwah rohis akan menghambat semangat beribadah siswa di SMPN 28 Tangerang
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