5 research outputs found

    Character Building in Teaching English Vocabulary For Elementary School Students

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    The aim of this research was to describe the activity of C-L-C (Central Learning and Character) program in buiding character and improving English vocabulary of Elementary School Students. C-L-C Programme has created integrated learning acvities to build students’ character and improve English vocabulary for elementary  school students. The design of this study was a descriptive qualitative research. The researcher described the activities of English insrtuctor and students in building students’character and improving English vocabulary. There was 23 elementary School students had joinned on C-L-C program. The techniques for collecting the data were observation, documentation and questionnaire. The finding of this study showed that some activities did by the English instructor on C-L-C program to build the students’ character and improve the students’ English vocabulary were reading a text, writing, painting, gaming, pronouncing the new vocabulary, retelling the story, disscussing the character value in the story and preparing the students’ characters’ book. The result of this study, the C-L-C programme had built students’ character on discipline, responsibility, honor the other people and care to the environmen. Besides C-L-C had improved the students’ English vocabualry. It can be seen from the participation of students in learning process and the recapitulation of the students’ English test score. It showed that 1 students was poor, 5 students were satisfactory, 8 students were good and 9 students were very good. It can be concluded that C-L-C programme built students’ character and improved the students’ English vocabulary.  Keywords:  Character Building , teaching English vocabular

    Peningkatan Vocabulary dan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelurahan Gunung Pangilun Melalui Media YouTube Video

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    Sejak pandemi Covid 19 mewabah di dunia termasuk di negara Indonesia, pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring. Hal ini menyebabkan tujuan pendidikan sulit dicapai, khususnya dalam membentuk karakter siswa yaitu berakhlakmulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri,demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. Berdasarkan alasan ini maka tim dosen UPI YPTK tertarik membuat kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang fokus untuk meningkatkan vocabulary Bahasa Inggris yang diintegrasikan dengan pendidikan karakter menggunakan media film berbahasa inggris yang mengandung nilai karakter di youtube. Kegiatan ini diberikan terhadap siswa SD di kelurahan Gunung Pangilun. Bimbingan Belajar dilaksanakan rutin 2 kali seminggu selama 4 bulan. Disamping tatap muka, siswa dibekali sebuah buku pegangan Bahasa Inggris yang berisikan materi dan tugas anak di rumah. Sedangkan untuk pembinaan karakter, siswa dibekali dengan buku kontrol karakter. Dalam proses tatap muka Instruktur mempertontonkan video you tube singkat berbahasa Inggris yang mengandung pesan moral/ karakter. Untuk melihat perubahan tingkah laku siswa, disiapkan buku kontrol yang diisi orang tua. Selama 4 bulan proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, siswa mengalami peningkatan kosakata bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Dari 27 orang siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian ini, 9 orang siswa memperoleh peningkatan kosakata bahasa Inggris sangat baik, 8 orang siswa lebih baik, 7 orang siswa dapat menambah kosakata sesuai harapan, dan 3 orang siswa yang tidak mampu menguasai kosakata dengan baik. Sedangkan untuk pendidika karakter, sebanyak 7 orang siswa dapat berubah dengan sangat baik, 8 orang mengalami perubahan karakter lebih baik dan 10 orang belum berkembang sesuai harapan, dan 7 orang sulit untuk berubah

    Teachers’ Perception on The Aim of Reading Material in an English Textbook

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    Teaching material takes an important part to the success of teaching and learning. Moreover, Teachers’ perception on the reading materials is essential because it gives valuable input about teaching materials used in the teaching learning process. The main source of teaching materials comes from textbook. This research analyzes reading materials in students’ English textbook for grade XI semester I. The purpose of this research is to describe how are the reading materials in the aspects of aims viewed from the teachers’ perception.  Source of the data in this research is divided into two. First is the analysis checklist of reading materials in the students’ English textbook for grade XI semester I filled by three analysts. Two of the analysts are the English teachers at different schools while the other one is the researcher herself. Second is the interview gotten from the teacher who is also one of the analysts in order get more data about the teacher’s perception on the reading material especially about the strength and weakness of the aims of the material. The analyses found that the aims of the reading material fulfill the good criteria of reading aim


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    The purposes of this research are to (1) determine students' abilities in using word formation by using authentic materials provided. The instrument used to determine the student's abilities is MAT (Morphological Awareness Test); and (2) to determine the type and process of word formation contained in the authentic materials. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The results of this research, based on the MAT used, showed that the students’ understanding towards word formation process increased with the mean score was 83,26.  Meanwhile, the types of word formation found in the authentic materials were compounding, derivation, inflection, conversion, abbreviation, back formation, and initialism

    The Ability of Second Grade Senior High School Students in Speaking Transactional and Interpersonal Conversation at SMA Negeri 7 Padang

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    Speaking is often tested to the students beside listening, reading and writing. Moreover, speaking is an important skill. Students can express their feeling, ideas or opinion through speaking. In addition, students should be able to retell meaning of the monologue and functional texts or produce a transactional/interpersonal dialogue. The object of the data is the second grade students of SMAN 7 Padang. Speaking test was used to get information about the students’ ability in transactional and interpersonal conversation. The indicators are grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Based on the findings and discussion above there are four conclusions that can be drawn in this research. First, the ability of the students in speaking transactional and interpersonal conversation viewed from grammar aspect is fair. Second, the ability of the students in speaking transactional and interpersonal conversation viewed from vocabulary aspect is fair. Third, the ability of the students in speaking transactional and interpersonal conversation viewed from comprehension aspect was fair. Forth, the ability of the students in speaking transactional and interpersonal conversation viewed from fluency aspect is fair