7 research outputs found
Self-Regulated Learning dan Self-Control Pada Mahasiswa Pendatang
Educational isn't always between teacher and student, even each individual can arrange their learning or what is called learning with their arrangements. This of course requires good self-control from every learner. This study aims to determine the relationship between independent learning and self-control in students through a cross-sectional approach. The population and sample of this study were West Sumatra 2016-2018 students studying at Malikussaleh University using quota sampling. Primary data collection is done by utilizing self-regulated learning scales and self-control scales. Hypothesis test results indicate the value of the correlation coefficient (r = 0.553) at a significance level of 0,000 (p <0.001). The state of this statistical value can be interpreted that the working hypothesis has a significant relationship between the two variables studied
Peran Religiusitas Bagi Masyarakat Aceh dalam Menghadapi Pandemi Covid- 19
Salah satu Provinsi dengan kasus Covid 19 terendah di Indonesia adalah Provinsi Aceh, dimana Provinsi Aceh berada pada tingkat ketiga sebagai Provinsi dengan kasus Covid 19 terendah yaitu 168 kasus. Salah satu cara Aceh mengurangi jumlah kasus Covid 19 adalah karena masyarakat Aceh lebih tenang dan masyarakat lebih mengandalkan Allah. Aceh sebagai provinsi yang terkenal dengan kekentalan religius selalu menerapkan nilai-nilai religius dalam kehidupan. Bahkan nilai-nilai agama tersebut juga diterapkan dalam Pemerintahan. Kepatuhan masyarakat Aceh dalam menjalankan syariat Islam memberikan gambaran bahwa Aceh memiliki religiusitas yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran religiusitas masyarakat Aceh dalam menghadapi COVID 19. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Aceh Utara, tokoh masyarakat dan agama serta tenaga medis. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa semua informan dalam penelitian ini mengakui bahwa religiusitas memegang peranan penting selama pandemi ini, hal ini dikarenakan dengan meyakini bahwa pandemi Covid-19 adalah ketetapan Allah, informan lebih dapat menerima kondisi tersebut dengan ikhlas dan tabah
Fatigue and Sleep Disruption
The introduction of electric light and other technologies such as the computer and the internet leads to the increase of nightime activities, especially in workplace such as manufacturing and 24-hours/day service sector. Extended working hours and night shift are two major contributors of fatigue and sleep disruption. Lockley (as cited in Lerman, 2012) reported that nurses who work more than 12.5 hours have a greater risk of decreased vigilance on the job, suffer occupationl injuries and tend to make medical errors. It has been found that as sleep hour decreases, injury rates increases. Moreover, night shifts are found to result in greater loss of total sleep and is associated with sleep problems. Drake et.al. (2004) found that 32% of night shifts workers reported experiencing long-term insomnia and excessive sleepiness.
Penerapan Prinsip Ergonomi: Studi pada Gedung A Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Malikussaleh
A building with lots of rooms and beds will all be more beautiful and harmonious if the decor is tailored to the needs of workers or employees. This study aims to analyze and interpret the room settings of a building based on ergonomic principles. The method used in this study is a survey method with observation data collection techniques, both physical and psychological. The results of the study show that in general agriculture A campus doesn’t reflect ergonomic principles, only dosenn rooms and study rooms meet the ergonomic principle criteria
The purpose of this study is to know and understand the dynamics of divorced
women who are pregnant out of wedlock. The research informants were two women
in Yogyakarta with the criteria of being pregnant out of wedlock, experiencing
conflicts when they got divorced, and having adequate social environment covered by
the study.
This type of research is a qualitative case study. The data collections used
were observation and interviews. The data analysis used was qualitative data
analysis of descriptive model.
The results of this study indicated the resilience of women who are divorced
but with different levels and types. The first informant resilience was seen in terms of
optimism, self efficacy, emotion regulation and the ability to control impulses. The
process of resilience was affected by the first informant’s characters, responsibility,
family support, the children presence, the age when being divorced, and the length of
divorce. Meanwhile, the second informant resilience was seen in terms of optimism,
self efficacy, emotion regulation, self enhancement, empathy, and problem analysis
ability. The factors influencing the second informant’s resilience are the informant’s
characters, the children presence, the age of divorce and the informant’s role and
responsibilities towards the family.
Resilience itself consists of seven aspects: emotion regulation, the ability to
control impulses and to analyze problems, optimism, empathy, self efficacy, and the
ability to achieve what is desired
Penerapan Prinsip Ergonomi: Studi pada Gedung A Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Malikussaleh
A building with lots of rooms and beds will all be more beautiful and harmonious if the decor is tailored to the needs of workers or employees. This study aims to analyze and interpret the room settings of a building based on ergonomic principles. The method used in this study is a survey method with observation data collection techniques, both physical and psychological. The results of the study show that in general agriculture A campus doesn’t reflect ergonomic principles, only dosenn rooms and study rooms meet the ergonomic principle criteria