39 research outputs found
Sasya Tranggono is an Indonesian female artist who works with the subjects of puppets, flowers and butterflies. Her work is well known in the Indonesian art social scenes; she has actualized herself. In this research condition analyzes the self-actualization process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative research. Using Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization which has been converted to fine arts, Hans Van Maneen's theory for the exhibition process, and Hennessy's theory relating to publication on social media. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that Sasya Tranggono tries to maintain her self-actualization even through social media such as Instagram and the web. She has collaborated with several galleries to exhibit her work online and offline. All of her publication strategies kept her at the pinnacle of self-actualization
Perempuan Perupa Cina dalam Perubahan Politik di Cina
China has experienced several political changes. The latest change is the emerging of capital-liberalism, which cause their openness to the foreign culture and visitors. This openness has influenced their art work too. The Chinese's Art work is no longer made for propaganda purpose, but shifting to the aspiring of personal expression or for the purpose of social criticism. Yet, seeking the "freedom" of this capital-liberalism era, do not certainly brings equal opportunity to the woman artists of China. It was after the 1995 International Women Conference in Beijing that Chinese women artists began to realize their aspirations. Since then, many works by Chinese woman artists' take woman issues as their object and showing a new expression of aesthetics
Persoalan Kesetaraan Gender dalam Karya Seni Rupa Kontemporer Indonesia
Art work serves not only for personal expression but also have social function. It is quite obvious as some Indonesian women artists use their art works to express gender equality issues. Their ideas are contributing greatly to the development of contemporary visual art in Indonesia. These women artists express issues of gender that whether personally experienced by them or other women in general, using the expressive style of surrealism, expressionism, and naturalism. Certainly, their art works show good aesthetics values, supported by excellent skills and technical abilities. Most of their art works not only provide excellent visualizations but also send strong messages on gender equality issues. Their works, as explained in this study, provide a common ground to increase public awareness for the importance of gender equality issues in Indonesia
Kultur padi
Padi dalam budaya masyarakat Indonesia senantiasa dihormati. Padi bukan sekedar jenis tanaman yang tumbuh dan kemudian
menghasilkan beras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok masyarakat
Indonesia. Budaya Indonesia tidak melihat padi hanya sebagai bahan pangan pokok, melainkan lebih di lihat lagi dari hakekat bagaimana sejenis tumbuhan demikian berarti dalam kehidupan manusia bahkan dapat mensejahterakan umat manusia. Bagaimana sikap leluhur bangsa yang sarat dengan isyarat, peringatan dan anjuran yang diwujudkan dalam berbagai upacara ritual memberikan pesan kearifan yang sangat bermakna. Terlebih lagi di era milenium ketika arus globalisasi melanda dunia, kemajuan teknologi mendorong upaya meningkatkan produksi melalui intensifikasi, ekstensifikasi, diversifikasi pertanian, jangan sampai mengabaikan nilai-nilai dan tradisi leluhur
Tubuh, Tubuh, Tubuh
Abstrak. Tubuh merupakan bentuk representasi identitas dari individu. Bentuk tubuh dari satu individu ke individu yang lain pasti berbeda, setiap bentuk tersebut dapat dengan mudah diidentifikasi dan juga dimaknai tidak hanya secara visual melainkan juga nilai-nilai lain yang mengikutinya. Nilai dan norma terhadap bentuk tubuh dinilai berdasarkan nilai tatanan sosial yang berlaku di mana individu itu berada, sehingga bentuk dan nilai kesempurnaan akan tubuh tidaklah absolut, namun demikian penilaian dan pemaknaan akan tubuh tersebut secara tidak langsung dapat mempengaruhi cara pandang dan pemahaman individu itu sendiri akan tubuhnya. Pembuatan karya seni gambar tentang tubuh yang dibuat penulis, merupakan sebuah bentuk penghayatan dan pengenalan lebih dalam akan tubuh penulis sendiri, bagaimana kekecewaan dan kebencian akan ketidaksempurnaan tubuh penulis dikonfrontasikan melalui kegiatan intimasi yang dilakukan selama melakukan penciptaan karya seni gambar pada penelitian kali ini yang diberi judul 'Tubuh, Tubuh, Tubuh'. Penggambaran representasi tubuh dalam karya ini memperlihatkan pose tubuh secara detil dan realis, tubuh secara keseluruhan baik itu dari depan maupun belakang, juga ditambahkan dengan bentuk-bentuk abstrak dan detail dari pemahaman penulisan akan tubuh tersebut, menggunakan pensil berwarna sebagai medium penggambaran karyanya. Penciptaan karya gambar tentang tubuh ini, melalui proses yang cukup panjang, memberikan ruang untuk penulis dalam memahami tubuh sendiri, melalui detail arsiran, warna, dan kedekatan akan detail-detail bentuk realis tubuh yang digambarkan secara sempurna, membawa penulis ke ruang yang lebih intim tetapi juga kadang berjarak, tentang bagaimana penulis pada akhirnya menerima pemahaman dan keadaan terhadap ketidaksempurnaan, kekecewaan dan kebencian akan tubuh penulis sendiri. Perenungan dan kontemplasi selama proses penciptaan membawa pemikiran penulis ke ranah yang lebih terbuka, penulis menyadari proses penciptaan karya kali ini merupakan bentuk lain katarsis penulis dalam mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang sebelumnya dimiliki penulis.Kata kunci: drawing; katarsis; konflik; konfrontasi; penghayatan;tubuh. Body, Body, BodyAbstract. The body is a representation of the individual identity. Body shape is different from one individual to another. Each form can be easily identified and interpreted not only visually but also by other values that follow. Values and norms toward body shape are valued based on the prevailing social order. Therefore, shapes and values of the perfection of the body are not absolute. However, rating and explaining the body can indirectly affect the perspective and understanding of the individual's own body. Creating art images of the body by the author is a form of appreciation and recognition even deeper into the body of the author herself. Disappointment and hatred of the imperfections of the author's body were confronted through intimacy which was conducted during the creation of the artwork images of this final work entitled 'Body, Body, Body'. The depiction of the body in this work shows body poses in detail and with realism, overall, both front and back, and added with abstract forms and details of the author's understanding of the body, using colored pencils as a medium for the author's depictions. This creation of drawings in this project, through a long process, provided space for the author to understand her own body. Through detailed shading, color, and proximity of detailed body shapes depicted perfectly, bringing the author to a more intimate space yet sometimes also more distant, about how the author finally accepted the understanding and the circumstances of the imperfections, disappointment, and hatred of the body of the author herself. Reflection and contemplation during the creation process brought the author to a more open realm; the author realizes the process of creating the work this time is a form of catharsis of the author in overcoming previous problems.Keywords: body; catharsis; conflict; confrontation; contemplation; drawing
Batik is a result of a tradition of ownership owned by various regions in Indonesia. One ofthe areas in West Java is known as Batik Priangan, including the region of Garut. Each regionin Priangan has a batik that is batik with unique motifs and coloring in each region. In this paper,it describes the aesthetic value of batik Garut in the mountainous areas with the coastal areas.This research uses historical approach, the value of tradition-oriented, and in cultural acculturation.Based on the analysis, it can be known that the waters can be different from the visualizationof batik motifs in the mountainous regions, which tend to be classic motifs, typical of the latenight and the coast of the region. The other difference appears from the ability of the craftsmen,the craftsmen in the mountainous regions show more detailed and smooth skills, while on thecoast there is no detail
Studi Komparatif Lukisan Perempuan Perupa dengan Pria Perupa Impresionis dalam Tema Kehidupan Keseharian
Impressionism is an art movement that firstly established in France in the middle of 19th century. Claude Monet, Èdouard Manet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Edgar Degas are famous male impressionist artists that were known by many, yet there are famous female impressionist artists such as Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Eva Gonzales, and Marie Bracquemond that deserve to be known as well. The presented paper discusses the aesthetics value and meanings of paintings of these female impressionist artists, through the perspective of art criticism, historical method, and women studies. Object of analysis are paintings that depicting domestic life made by mentioned artists above. Results show that the depicted domestic life in those paintings presented a unique gaze of a woman, as shown in the representation of body language to express the relationship between mother and children. Thus, female impressionist paintings emphasize more on the activities and aspiration of women than the beauty of their bodies. The painted theme shows that the artists express gender equality and/or independent (or self-supporting) women, which are presented in an equal aesthetic quality compared to those of male impressionist artists
Transition of Digital Culture for Indonesian Women in Print Magazine to Digital Magazine
Magazine is an information source that is part of media industry Moreover magazine is also acts as an entertainment source for its readers One of the impacts of the technological development is the transition from printed magazine to digital magazine The development of technology creates a revolution in publishing industry for instance this phenomenon changes the consumption habit of printed publication which is currently in its fully mature state today This transition give impacts to its readers One of the examples are the digital culture from the visual point of view In this work we focus our observation of such a culture transition from the visual point a view on a magazine A study case that is used in this work is from Indonesia life style magazine This magazine is considered as one of the women magazines that have the longest history in Indonesia A qualitative method and semi quantitative method that describes the digital culture transition from the digital culture view that occurs on both printed and digital version magazine is used in this work Such a technological transition influences the value of the magazine with respect to its readers Indonesian women Media is battlefield of culture Most of the content of the contemporary culture war is related to the image cultivated by the mass media This struggle goes beyond morality and values sometimes focus on the involvement of our popular media representations and the evidence of lessons learned about community medi
Eclecticism in Chinese Modern Calligraphy, Analysis on Foo Yong Kong’s Painting
Foo Yong Kong is a unique artist, in his artistic practice, he mixes the art of calligraphy with the abstract art of expressionism. Chinese calligraphy is a form of Chinese traditional art. Abstract expressionism is one of the idioms of modern art. In modern art discourse, calligraphy is not categorized as fine art. As part of the identity of the Chinese nation for centuries, the existence of Chinese calligraphy art has been experiencing various developments. One phenomenal development is about how calligraphy redefine itself within modern art discourse which has led to a renewal of Chinese modern calligraphy. This study aims to analyze Foo Yong Kong's paintings in the perspective of Chinese modern calligraphy discourse with a focus on aesthetic tendencies in his works. The results show the tendency of eclecticism in Foo Yong Kong's artwork that combines aesthetic elements in calligraphy such as black brush stroke resulting from the effects of using special brushes (mao bi) and solid ink (mo), ink stone (yantai) and paper (xian zhi), with the practice of action painting using acrylic paint with contrasting colours. Keywords: Chinese Calligraphy, Abstract Expressionism, Eclecticism, Foo Yong Kong, Modern Chinese Calligraphy DOI: 10.7176/ADS/81-05 Publication date:April 30th 202
Analisis Motif Kain Tradisional Indonesia: Pemaknaan Visualisasi Abstrak hingga Naturalis
Indonesia is a country with various cultures. One of cultural product that interesting to be analysis is textile.Indonesian traditional textiles are made by weaving and batik techniques. Traditional textiles have a deepphilosophical meaning related to the human existence in the universe. Traditional textiles have various motifs. It isinteresting to analyze the meaning of the motifs of Indonesian traditional textile. The approaches of this research aretraditional Indonesian aesthetics and cultural approach. Traditional textile motifs can be categorized into geometrics,figurative, and naturalist motifs. The motifs are influenced by textile making techniques. For instance, weavingtechnique has limitation in motif type. Weaving technique produces geometrics motif. The other technique is batik thathas freedom to produce various motifs for textile. The original Indonesian textile motifs generally are abstract motives.Figurative and naturalist motifs emerge after the entrance of other culture influence. Based on visualization analysis,abstract motif has deep meaning related to people life philosophy. Some of figurative motifs have philosophical meaning,but naturalist motifs generally do not have philosophical meaning in Indonesian people