25 research outputs found
Pemanfaatan sumber daya udang mantis (Harpiosquilla raphidea) di perairan Tanjung Jabung Barat dan sekitarnya sudah berlangsung cukup lama dan dilakukan sangat intensif. Dalam kaitan kelestariannya, dibutuhkan opsi pengelolaan agar sumber daya ini dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji status stok dan kemungkinan opsi pengelolaan udang mantis di perairan Tanjung Jabung Barat dan sekitarnya. Penelitian dilakukan pada periode survei tahaun 2015-2019 dengan metode survey dan diperkaya dengan sintesis hasil-hasil penelitian di perairan Tanjung Jabung Barat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa alat tangkap udang mantis yang utama adalah jaring insang hanyut dan mini trawl dengan struktur udang berkisar antara 14-30 mm dengan perbadingan kelamin seimbang antara jantan dan betina, sementara pola pertumbuhannya bersifat allometrik negatif. Ukuran udang mantis yang tertangkap pada umumnya belum memijah. Laju pertumbuhan (K) udang mantis sebagai 1,53nm/tahun dengan panjang total maksimum (Loo) 34,1 cm. Laju kematian total (Z) dan laju kematian alamiah (M) masing-masing 11,27/tahun dan 2,16/tahun. Laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) sebagai 9,11/tahun dan laju pengusahaan (E) sekitar 0,81/tahun, sementara analisis usaha menunjukkan pendapatan bersih alat tangkap udang mantis adalah Rp 125.193.000/tahun untuk alat tangkap jaring insang hanyut dan Rp 260.316.000/tahun untuk alat tangkap mini trawl Status stok udang mantis sudah berada pada penangkapan berlebih (overfishing). Untuk menjamin kelestariannya, maka perlu dirumuskan opsi-opsi pengelolaan meliputi penutupan daerah/musim penangkapan pada bulan Mei, penetapan ukuran udang mantis terkecil yang boleh ditangkap yaitu pada ukuran panjang total 22,0 cm dan melakukan pengurangan upaya penangkapan sekitar 62 % dari kondisi tahun 2019. Keseluruhan opsi kebijakan ini harus ditunjang dengan peningkatan pemantauan, pengawasan dan penegakan hukum.The exploitation level of mantis shrimp (Harpiosquilla raphidea) resources in West Tanjung Jabung and surrounding waters is very intensive and has been going on for a long time.Ā ManagementĀ options are needed to preserve and sustain the mantis shrimp resources. The aim of this study was to identify the stock status and management of mantis shrimp in West Tanjung Jabung and surrounding waters. The research was conducted from 2015 to 2019 using survey methods and supplemented by the synthesis of investigation results from West Tanjung Jabung waters. Results showed that the mainly fishing gear of mantis shrimp in West Tanjung Jabung and surrounding waters was gillnet monofilament and mini trawl,meanwhile the shrimpās size structure ranged between 14,0-30 cm, the sex ratio was balanced between male and female and the growth pattern was negative allometric. Most of the mantis shrimp were caught in immature condition. The growth rate (K) was 1.53/year with maximum carapace length (Lā) of 34.1 cm (in total length0. Total mortality (Z) and natural mortality (M) werewere 11.27/year and 2.16/year respectively. The fishing mortality (F) was at 9.11/year and exploitation level (E) was around 0.81/year, while the financial analyses shows net income was Rp125,.193,.000.-IDR/year for gillnet monofilament gear and.260,316,000.IDR/year for mini trawl gear. Hence the mantis shrimp stock in West Tanjung Jabung and surrounding waters is in overfishing condition. Managements options proposed in order to keep sustainability of the resources are applied closed season in May, legal size catch limitation at 22,0 cm (in total length) and reducing of catch effort to 62% Ā in 2019. All of these policy options must be supported by conducting continues monitoring, supervision and law enforcement activities
Pengusahaan rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) di Labuhan Maringgai, Lampung Timur telah dilakukan secara intensif sehingga perlu upaya pengelolaan yang didasari dari kajian tentang aspek biologinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa aspek biologi rajungan, meliputi hubungan panjang-bobot, faktor kondisi, nisbah kelamin, kematangan kelamin, serta penentuan ukuran minimum yang boleh ditangkap dari sumber daya rajungan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan JanuariāDesember 2012. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei pada lokasi-lokasi konsentrasi nelayan/pengumpul dan daerahādaerah yang memiliki aktivitas perikanan rajungan yang paling dominan. Sebanyak 3508 ekor contoh rajungan yang diambil secara acak untuk dianalisis beberapa aspek biologinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan rajungan jantan bersifat isometrik dan rajungan betina bersifat allometrik positif. Nilai faktor kondisi terbesar pada rajungan jantan terdapat pada bulan Januari, sedangkan pada rajungan betina terdapat pada bulan April. Nilai faktor kondisi terkecil pada rajungan jantan maupun betina terdapat pada bulan Juli. Nisbah kelamin rajungan berada dalam kondisi tidak seimbang. Nilai Lc rajungan betina matang kelamin sebesar 109,72 mmCW dan Lm sebesar 113,50 mmCW. Ukuran minimum rajungan yang boleh ditangkap (minimum legal size) untuk dapat menunjang kelestariannya sebesar 110 mmCW.Exploitation of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Labuhan Maringgai, East Lampung has been intensified so that need the management measures based on the biological aspects study. The objective of this study is to assess the biological aspects including length-weight relationship, condition factor, sex ratio, sex maturity, and minimum legal size of blue swimming crab. This study was conducted from Januari to December 2012. Survey method is used for the study in some of blue swimming crab landing sites. Approximately 3508 samples of blue swimming crab were collected with random sampling. Results showed that the growth of blue swimming indicated isometric and positive allometric, by males and females respectively. The higher condition factor value of blue swimming crab was found in January and April, by males and females respectively. But the lower condition factor value of both was found in July. The sex ratio between males and females of blue swimming crab is not balanced. Lc for mature femaleĀ crab is 109,72 mmCW and Lm 113,50 mmCW.Ā The minimum legal size for the sustainable blue swimming crab fishery was 110 mmCW
Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction of Marine Fish Species from the Fishing Port of Kutaradja, Banda Aceh
The enormous potential of marine resources possessed by Banda Aceh Province is expected to be utilised optimally. Accuracy in marine fish resource identification is a critical requirement to support their utilisation and preservation in Banda Aceh Province. In this study, a molecular identification approach was carried out in addition to conducting a morphological identification, commonly used by several scientists. The results were 47 COI sequences generated representing 33 genera, 19 families, and five orders. From the resulting COI partial sequences, there is one potential haplotype from the Scombridae family (Auxis thazard), two potential haplotypes from the Carangidae family (Elagatis bipinnulata and Decapterus macarellus), and two potential haplotypes from the Serranidae family (Variola albimarginata and Cephalopholis sonnerati). This study is essential for fisheries biological studies and other fisheries studies to support the sustainable utilisation of marine fisheries potential in Banda Aceh
Indeks kelimpahan stok ikan beloso (Saurida micropectoralis) di Laut Jawa cenderungmengalami penurunan dari tahun ke tahun dan untuk mencegahnya perlu bahan masukan yang bersumber dari hasil penelitian yang dijadikan sebagai dasar pengelolaannya. Penelitian dilakukan untukmengkaji beberapa aspek biologimeliputi hubungan panjangberat, nisbah kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, panjang pertama kali tertangkap dan panjang pertama kali matang gonad, serta kebiasaan makan ikan beloso. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulanAprilāAgustus 2009 di perairan utara Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nisbah kelamin ikan jantan dan betina berada dalam keadaan tidak seimbang. Pertumbuhan ikan beloso bersifat allometrik positif, dimana pertambahan berat lebih cepat dibandingkan pertumbuhan panjangnya dan tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG) ikan beloso didominasi oleh stadium I. Panjang pertama kali ikan beloso tertangkap lebih kecil dari panjang pertama kali matang gonadnya (Lc < Lm) sehingga akan mengancam kelestariaannya. Ikan beloso bersifat karnivora, dimana makanan utamanya adalah potongan ikan dasar, cumi, dan teri.Ā Index of stock abundance of Lizardfish (Saurida micropectoralis) in Java Sea tend to decreased from year to year. The decline was expected because of the potential of Lizardfish decreasing but the effort continue to rise. The objective of this study is to assess the biological aspects including length-weight relationship, sex ratio, gonadal maturity stage, length of first capture (Lc) and length of first mature (Lm), and feeding habit of Lizardfish in north waters of Central Java. This study was conducted from April to August 2009 in north waters of Central Java. Results showed that the sex ratio between males and females was 1:0,97. Based on Chi-square test it is showed that sex ratio is not balanced. The growth of Lizardfish indicated positive allometric where the weight growth more faster than its length growth. The gonadalmaturity stage of Lizard fish is dominated by the first stage. The length of first capture of Lizardfish was under the length of first mature (Lc < Lm) so that will threaten its sustainability. Lizardfish was indicated carnivorous species where its main food are part of demersal fishes, squids and anchovies
Laut Banda merupakan salah satu wilayah yang menjadi alur migrasi Ā dari beberapa jenis ikan tuna, di antaranya ikan madidihang (Thunnus albacares). Hal ini menyebabkan Laut Banda menjadi salah satu daerah penangkapan ikan madidihang yang potensial. Namun, seiring terus meningkatnya tekanan penangkapan, sering kali ikan madidihang muda tertangkap. Hal ini tentunya akan mengancam kelestarian sumber daya ikan ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan struktur ukuran dan parameter populasi ikan madidihang di perairan Laut Banda. Penelitian dilakukan pada 5.609 ekor ikan contoh sejak bulan Februari sampai dengan Desember 2011. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan aplikasi model analitik menggunakan program ELEFAN I. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang cagak ikan madidihang berada pada kisaran 55-215 cm, dengan panjang pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) sebesar 131,85 cmFL. Parameter pertumbuhan von Bertalanffy untuk laju pertumbuhan (K), lebar karapas asimptotik (Lā) dan umur ikan madidihang pada saat panjang ke-0 (t0), masing-masing sebesar 0,51/tahun, 223 cmFL dan -0,1841 tahun. Persamaan kurva pertumbuhan sebagai Lt = 223[1-e-0.51(t+0.1841)]. Parameter mortalitas menunjukkan laju kematian total (Z) 2,4/tahun, laju kematian alamiah (M) 0,68/tahun dan laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) 1,79/tahun.Ā Banda Sea is the one of migration area of some tuna species, including yellowfin tuna (T. albacares). This led the Banda Sea to be the yellowfin tuna fishing ground potential. However, with the increasing fishing pressure, often times young yellowfin tuna caught. This case will threaten the sustainability of the resources. The purpose of the study was to identify the size distribution and population parameters of yellowfin tuna in Banda Sea. This study was conducted of 5.609 samples during February until December 2011. The data were analyzed using the analytical model application with ELEFAN I program. The results showed that fork length of yellowfin tuna in 55-215 cm range with the length of first capture (Lc) was 131,85 cm FL. The von Bertalanffy's growth parameters, K, Lā, and t0 were 0,51 yr-1, 223 cm FL and -0,1841 yr. The growth curve were Lt = 223[1-e-0.51(t+0.1841)], respectively. Instantenous mortality parameters, total mortality rate (Z) and natural mortality rate (M) and fishing mortality rate (F) were 2,4 yr-1, 0,68 yr-1 and 1,79 yr-1, respectively
HASIL TANGKAPAN PER UPAYA DAN PARAMETER POPULASI LOBSTER PASIR (Panulirus homarus) DI PERAIRAN GUNUNG KIDUL Catch per Unit Effort and Population Parameters of Scalloped Spiny Lobster (Panulirus homarus) in Gunung Kidul Waters
Scalloped Spiny Lobster (P. homarus) of the genus Panulirus is the most caught species in the coastal waters of Gunung Kidul. The intensity of fishing activities and less environmentally friendly fishing practices caused decline in catch per unit effort (CPUE) of this species. The objective of this study is to analyze the exploitation rate of P. homarus in Gunung Kidul waters using CPUE trend and population parameters as indicators. From February 2013 to January 2014, there were 1067of P. homarus collected using a stratified random sampling method for the duration of the research.The carapace length data were analyzed using analytical model application of ELEFAN I program. Daily catchment product was obtained from middlemen for five consecutive years to identify the CPUE trend. The result showed that there was a decrease in CPUE of P. homarus in 2010 and 2011.The average carapace length of the first capture (Lc) (53 mm CL) was smaller than the size of first sexually mature lobster (Lm) (58,5 mm CL). The exploitation rate of P. homarus had also exceeded 0,5. These factors indicated that Scalloped Spiny Lobster (P. homarus) was over exploited. In this study, mortality rate of fish catches (F) was influenced by the high value of E0.5 which is highly correlated with fishing pressure.Von Bertalanffy growth function shows that both females and males of P. homarus have a slow growth rate (0,46/year and 0,49/year), which is still in the range of Palinuridae familyās growth rate (0,27-0,54/year). The maximum age is between 8-10 years old, which is younger than other lobster species in Palinuridae family. Harvest control and environmentally friendly fishing practices are necessary to reduce fishing pressure of this species. Keywords: CPUE, exploitation, Panulirus homarus, populationABSTRAKLobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) merupakan spesies lobster dari genus Panulirus yang paling banyak tertangkap di perairan Gunung Kidul. Intensitas penangkapan yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun serta ketidakpahaman sebagian besar nelayan terhadap penangkapan yang ramah lingkungan telah mengakibatkan penurunan hasil tangkapan per upaya tangkap (CPUE) dari spesis ini.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tekanan eksploitasi P. homarus di perairan Gunung Kidul ditinjau dari tren CPUE dan parameter populasinya. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2013āJanuari 2014. Sebanyak 1067 ekor P. homarus dijadikan contoh dengan metode penarikan contoh acak berlapis setiap bulan selama periode penelitian. Data panjang karapas P. Homarus diolah dengan aplikasi model analitik menggunakan program ELEFAN 1. Data hasil tangkapan harian diperoleh melalui catatan pembelian nelayan pengumpul selama lima tahun berturut-turut untuk mengetahui tren CPUE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi penurunan CPUE P. homarus pada tahun 2010 dan 2011. Ukuran rata-rata P. homarus pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) lebih kecil (53 mm CL) dari ukuran matang kelamin secara fungsionalnya (Lm) (58,5 mm CL). Nilai laju eksploitasi (E0.5) juga sudah melebihi 0,5. Dua hal ini menjadi indikator sudah mengalami tangkap lebih.Nilai laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) berkontribusi besar terhadap tingginya nilai E dalam penelitan ini, yang dikaitkan erat dengan tingginya tekanan penangkapan terhadap spesis ini. Fungsi pertumbuhan von Bertalanffy untuk lobster betina dan jantan menunjukkan bahwa lobster memiliki pertumbuhan yang lambat (0,46/tahun dan 0,49/tahun) namun masih dalam rentang laju pertumbuhan dari lobster-lobster famili Palinuridae pada umumnya (0,27-0,54/tahun). Umur maksimal yang dapat dicapai antara 8-10 tahun, lebih muda dibanding lobster-lobster famili Palinuridae pada umumnya. Pengendalian penangkapan dan penerapan penangkapan yang ramah lingkungan perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari tekanan penangkapan terhadap spesis ini.Kata kunci: CPUE, eksploitasi, Panulirus homarus, populas
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic reconstruction of grouper (Serranidae) from Sunda Land, Indonesia
Groupers are coral reefs associated and favored in the aquaculture
industry. Aquaculture system has been successfully carried out with a
floating cage system as well as in an aquaculture system in a pond. Lately,
breeding activities in groupers have produced hybrid species that are
expected to increase production and fulfillment of the demand of groupers
in the live fish market in Singapore, Taiwan, and China. The study of
biology has supported the success of many of groupers, but information on
genetic variation in commercial groupers is still very limited. This report is
a preliminary study of genetic diversity in commercial groups from Java,
Bali, and Aceh, which is the Sunda land region in western Indonesia. Eleven
specimens have been identified with the barcode region (Cytochrome c
Oxidase subunit I gene region). As a result, two species were identified as
Indonesian haplotypes, namely Epinephelus merra and Cephalopholis
cyanostigma. Phylogenetic tree analysis produces two large clades, namely
Clade I (Epinephelus) and Clade II (Cephalopholis and Variola), which are
clearly separated in the subfamily Epinephelinae. However, in-depth studies
of genetic variation need to be more accurate by increasing the number of
specimens from various regions in Indonesia to describe genetic diversity
Estuaria Segara Anakan merupakan habitat asuhan utama udang jerbung (Penaeus merguiensis de Man, 1888). Informasi mengenai status stok sumberdaya udang jerbung di estuaria Segara Anakan sangat penting untuk penerapan pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi tentang aspek biologi, dinamika populasi dan kepadatan stok udang jerbung. Sampling dilakukan dengan metode survei pada musim timur dan musim peralihan II pada tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan udang jerbung bersifat allometrik negatif. Nisbah kelamin udang jerbung tidak seimbang, populasi udang betina lebih besar dibandingkan populasi udang jantan. Udang jerbung mempunyai rata-rata ukuran panjang pertama kali tertangkap (Lc)=17,15 mmCL, laju pertumbuhan (K)=1,47/tahun, panjang yang dapat dicapai (Lā)=44,6 mmCL, laju kematian alami (M)=1,34/tahun, laju kematian karena penangkapan (F)=2,37/tahun dan laju pemanfaatan (E)=0,64. Laju tangkap udang jerbung pada musim timur 269 gr./jam dan pada musim peralihan II 186 gr/jam. Kepadatan stok udang jerbung pada musim timur adalah 22.634 gr/km2 dan pada musim peralihan II sebagai 13.253 gr/km2. Agar sumber daya udang di estuaria Segara Anakan terjaga kelestariannya, maka perlu dilakukan pengaturan ukuran mata jaring/peningkatan selektifitas alat, mengurangi intensitas penangkapan dan perbaikan kondisi lingkungan.Segara Anakan estuary is an primary nursery habitatĀ of banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis de Man, 1888). Stock status information of banana prawn resources in Segara Anakan estuary is essential for the application of sustainable management. The objective of this research is to obtain data and information about biological aspect, population dynamics and stock density of banana prawn. Sampling was conducted by survey method on east monsoon and the second intermonsoon in 2013. The result of research shows that the growth pattern of banana prawn was allometric negative. Sex ratio of banana prawnĀ was unbalanced, female population greater than malesĀ population. Banana prawn has a length at first capture (Lc)=17,15 mmCL, growth rate (K) = 1.47/year, natural mortality rate (M) = 1.34/year, fishing mortality rate (F) = 2.37/year and the rate of exploitation (E) = 0.64. Catch rate of banana prawn in the east monsoon seasonĀ was 269 gr./hours and in the second intermonsoon season was 186 gr/ hr. Stock density of banana prawn in east monsoon season was 22634 gr/km2 and in the second intermonsoon was 13253 gr/km2. For the sustainability banana prawn resources in the Segara Anakan estuary itĀ is necessary to regulateĀ mesh size of the net to increase the gear selectivity, reducing the fishing intensity and improving environmental conditions.Ā
Diversity of commercially important grouper (Family: Epinephelidae) in Simeulue and Banyak Islands, Aceh, Indonesia
Grouper is one of the economically important fish groups in the Simeulue and Banyak Islands. However, data on the diversity of the grouper in this region is still limited. This study aimed to inventory the commercially important grouper in Simeulue and Banyak Islands. Sampling was carried out in April - September 2021 at sixteen locations around Simeulue and Banyak Islands. In total, 20 species of commercial grouper consisting of 6 genera were recorded during the study. Epinephelus was the most dominant genus with ten species, followed by Cephalopholis with four species. In addition, seventeen species (85%) were included in the Least Concern (LC), two species (10%) were categorized as Vulnerable (VU), and one species (5%) was Data Deficient (DD). This study provides a database of commercially important grouper in Simeulue and Banyak Islands that can be used to manage the fish group
Important value index (IVI) and diversity of mangrove vegetation in Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Province
Mangrove ecosystem is one of the unique ecosystems that has high productivity and it grows along the coast of Aceh Province, Indonesia. The mangrove vegetation in Aceh Tamiang District was decreasing due to human exploitation i.e. stems of mangrove vegetation utilized by local communities become charcoal and firewood. These activities have a negative impact on live and growth of mangrove vegetation. Therefore, the purposes of the study are to analyses the important value index (IVI), mangrove species diversity, and to analyses the correlation between substrate characteristics with mangrove density. The research stations determined using the purposive sampling method and each station has three plots as replication. There were 4 research stations located in Seruway, Bandahara, Banda Mulia, and Manyak Paye sub districts. The study reported 12 species of mangrove in the treeās category, 9 species of saplings, and 8 species of seedlings. The 12 species of mangroves found were Avicennia lanata, A. marina, A. officinalis, Brugeira parviflora, B. sexangula, Ceriops decandra, C. tegal, Lumnitzera recomosa, Nypa fruticans, Rhizopora apiculata, R. stylosa, and Sonneratia alba. The R. apiculata was species commonly found in each sampling location and it had highest IVI for the tree, sapling and seedling categories with the value of 207.24, 300, and 200, respectively. The average of diversity index was 1.56 categorized in the medium category. The moment Pearson correlation showed there was no significant correlation between the physical-chemical water parameters and substrate with the density of mangrove where Psig0.05.
Mangrove vegetation
Important value index
Aceh Tamian