49 research outputs found

    Exponential sums and finite field AA-hypergeometric functions

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    We define finite field AA-hypergeometric functions and show that they are Fourier expansions of families of exponential sums on the torus. For an appropriate choice of AA, our finite field AA-hypergeometric function can be specialized to the finite field kFk−1{}_kF_{k-1}-hypergeometric function defined by McCarthy.Comment: 4 page

    Hasse invariants and mod pp solutions of AA-hypergeometric systems

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    Igusa noted that the Hasse invariant of the Legendre family of elliptic curves over a finite field of odd characteristic is a solution mod pp of a Gaussian hypergeometric equation. We show that any family of exponential sums over a finite field has a Hasse invariant which is a sum of products of mod pp solutions of AA-hypergeometric systems.Comment: 22 page

    AA-hypergeometric series associated to a lattice polytope with a unique interior lattice point

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    We associate to lattice points a_0,a_1,...,a_N in Z^n an A-hypergeometric series \Phi(\lambda) with integer coefficients. If a_0 is the unique interior lattice point of the convex hull of a_1,...,a_N, then for every prime p\neq 2 the ratio \Phi(\lambda)/\Phi(\lambda^p) has a p-adic analytic continuation to a closed unit polydisk minus a neighborhood of a hypersurface.Comment: 12 page

    On the pp-integrality of AA-hypergeometric series

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    Let AA be a set of NN vectors in Zn{\mathbb Z}^n and let vv be a vector in CN{\mathbb C}^N that has minimal negative support for AA. Such a vector vv gives rise to a formal series solution of the AA-hypergeometric system with parameter β=Av\beta = Av. If vv lies in Qn{\mathbb Q}^n, then this series has rational coefficients. Let pp be a prime number. We characterize those vv whose coordinates are rational, pp-integral, and lie in the closed interval [−1,0][-1,0] for which the corresponding normalized series solution has pp-integral coefficients.Comment: Expanded introduction, Sections 2 and 5 rewritten, Section 7 added, small changes elsewher

    A-hypergeometric series and the Hasse-Witt matrix of a hypersurface

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    We give a short combinatorial proof of the generic invertibility of the Hasse-Witt matrix of a projective hypersurface. We also examine the relationship between the Hasse-Witt matrix and certain AA-hypergeometric series, which is what motivated the proof.Comment: 7 page

    On logarithmic solutions of A-hypergeometric systems

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    For an AA-hypergeometric system with parameter β\beta, a vector vv with minimal negative support satisfying Av=βAv = \beta gives rise to a logarithm-free series solution. We find conditions on vv analogous to `minimal negative support' that guarantee the existence of logarithmic solutions of the system and we give explicit formulas for those solutions. Although we do not study in general the question of when these logarithmic solutions lie in a Nilsson ring, we do examine the AA-hypergeometric systems corresponding to the Picard-Fuchs equations of certain families of complete intersections and we state a conjecture regarding the integrality of the associated mirror maps.Comment: 23 page

    AA-hypergeometric systems that come from geometry

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    We establish some connections between nonresonant AA-hypergeometric systems and de Rham-type complexes. This allows us to determine which of these AA-hypergeometric systems "come from geometry."Comment: 10 page

    A cohomological property of Lagrange multipliers

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    The method of Lagrange multipliers relates the critical points of a given function f to the critical points of an auxiliary function F. We establish a cohomological relationship between f and F and use it, in conjunction with the Eagon-Northcott complex, to compute the sum of the Milnor numbers of the critical points in certain situations.Comment: 15 page

    Dwork cohomology, de Rham cohomology, and hypergeometric functions

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    In the 1960s, Dwork developed a p-adic cohomology theory of de Rham type for varieties over finite fields, based on a trace formula for the action of a Frobenius operator on certain spaces of p-adic analytic functions. One can consider a purely algebraic analogue of Dwork's theory for varieties over a field of characteristic zero and ask what is the connection between this theory and ordinary de Rham cohomology. N. Katz showed that Dwork cohomology coincides with the primitive part of de Rham cohomology for smooth projective hypersurfaces, but the exact relationship for varieties of higher codimension has been an open question. In this article, we settle the case of smooth affine complete intersections.Comment: 20 page

    On the Jacobian ring of a complete intersection

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    Let f_1,...,f_r be homogeneous polynomials in K[x_1,...,x_n], K a field. Put F=y_1f_1+...+y_rf_r in K[x,y] and let I be the ideal of K[x,y] generated by the partials of F relative to the x_i and y_j. The Jacobian ring of F is the quotient J:=K[x,y]/I. We describe J by computing the cohomology of a certain complex whose top cohomology group is J.Comment: 28 pages, no figure