5 research outputs found
Sektor perikanan tangkap memiliki peran penting dalam upaya meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. Salah satunya dengan pengembangan usaha nelayan skala kecil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pengembangan usaha perikanan skala kecil dan menganalisis tingkat efisiensi jenis alat tangkap nelayan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berdasarkan hasil wawancara langsung di lapangan serta data sekunder dikumpulkan dari instansi pemerintah terkait. Kegiatan usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil, khususnya pada alat tangkap pancing tonda dan rawai dasar, memiliki nilai efisiensi yang rendah jika dilihat dari nilai profitabilitasnya, yaitu 20% dan 30%, jika dibandingkan dengan alat tangkap jala jatuh berkapal dan bagan dengan nilai profitabilitas, yaitu 40% dan 50%. Secara umum, perikanan skala kecil di Kolaka masih sangat memiliki ketergantungan dengan pemilik modal usaha untuk menjalankan kegiatan perikanan. Pengembangan usaha perikanan, khususnya pada alat tangkap yang memiliki nilai efisiensi rendah, perlu bantuan modal yang besar untuk meningkatkan nilai pendapatannya. Kebijakan perikanan skala kecil di Kabupaten Kolaka dikelola oleh Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas (UPTD) Perikanan Tangkap, khususnya pada bidang pemberdayaan nelayan skala kecil. Title: Analysis of Small Scale Catch Fisheries Business in Kolaka District, South SulawesiThe capture fisheries sector has an important role in efforts to improve the community’s economy, one of which is the development of small-scale fishing businesses. This study aims to determine the potential for developing small-scale fisheries and to analyze the efficiency level of types of fishing gear. The research location is in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, the data used is primary data based on the results of direct interviews in the field and secondary data collected from relevant government agencies. Small-scale capture fishery business activities, especially in line fishing gear and basic longlines, have low-efficiency values seen from their profitability values, namely 20%, and 30% compared to fishing gear, Jalah Jatu, and boats, with profitability values of 40% and 50%, respectively. In general, small-scale fisheries in Kolaka are still very dependent on business capital owners to carry out fishing activities. The development of fisheries business, especially in fishing gear that has a low-efficiency value, requires large capital assistance to increase the value of its income. Small-scale fisheries policies in Kolaka Regency are managed by the Capture Fisheries Technical Implementation Unit, especially in the field of empowering small-scale fishermen
Reef Fish in the Mudflats of Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi National Park, Indonesia
Although frequently described as low-fertility or low-productivity habitat, coastal mudflats serve as important feeding grounds for fish. Many fish species from adjacent coral reefs, seagrass beds, or mangroves foraging periodically in mudflats. Because of this foraging behaviour, some local fishermen are known to utilize the mudflats to catch fish. However, the impact of this catching activities to the ecosystem has not been fully discovered. An examination of the fish community structure and levels of environmental stress had carried out in the mudflat ecosystem of the coast of Kaledupa Island in Wakatobi National Park (WNP), Indonesia. Two mudflat study sites were selected from the shore of Balasuna and Tampara villages located between mangroves and coral reefs. Data were sampled from the fish catch of local fishermen using fish fences (sero) installed in each mudflat area. Fish community structure was analyzed using diversity index and index of relative importance (IRI). ABC curves and species exploitation rate were used to assess the local environmental pressure. A total of 74 fish species were recorded from the mudflats of Kaledupa, which was found to be dominated by reef-associated fish species, comprising 63 species and accounting for 85% of the total catch. Additionally, although both sites had relatively high reef fish diversity, the obtained Clarke’s W-statistic values were approximately 0, indicating that the local fish communities presented moderate levels of disturbance. Three out of five fish species with the highest IRI values were found to be over-exploited, namely Siganus canaliculatus, Lethrinus ornatus, and Lethrinus variegatus
Pemanfaatan sumber daya di wilayah pesisir mencakup konteks sosial multiple use, berbagai bentuk kepemilikan, dan konflik atas penggunaan sumber daya. Sistem ekologi di daerah pesisir sangat berhubungan erat dengan/dan dipengaruhi oleh satu atau lebih sistem sosial. Pendekatan kontemporer pengelolaan pesisir dan lautan berbasis sosial - ekologi pada dasarnya adalah integrasi antara pemahaman ekologi (ecological understanding) dan nilai – nilai sosial ekonomi (socio-economic value). Analisis sistem ekologi-sosial (SES) dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir terpadu mampu memberikan suatu pendekatan yang interdisipliner dan framework pengelolaan sumber daya yang berkelanjutan. Analisis SES dapat menjadi basis pengetahuan untuk mengatasi secara sistematis masalah yang kompleks dalam pengelolaan pesisir secara terpadu, selain itu juga dapat mengembangkan suatu strategi berbasis pengetahuan dalam memahami proses-proses ekologi dan sosial pada dimensi sistem dan skala yang berbeda.Title: Social – Ecological System (SES) Approach In Integrated Coastal ManagementUtilization of resources in coastal areas includes multiple use social contexts, various forms of ownership, and conflicts of interest. The purpose of this paper is to learn about the Social-Ecological System approach in integrated coastal management. Ecological systems in coastal areas have a very close relationship with / and are influenced by the social system. Basically the contemporary approach of coastal management based on social-ecology system (SES) is the integration between ecological understanding and socio-economic value. SES analysis in integrated coastal area management is able to provide an interdisciplinary approach and a sustainable resource management framework. SES analysis can be a knowledge base for dealing systematically with complex problems in integrated coastal management, while also developing a knowledge-based strategy in understanding ecological and social processes in different dimensions of the system and scale.
Stok Karbon Organik Sedimen di Kawasan Ekosistem Mangrove Pesisir Kabupaten Kolaka Sulawesi Tenggara: Organic Carbon Stock in the Mangrove Ecosystem Area of Kolaka Coastal Line Southeast Sulawesi
Mangrove ecosystem can absorb and store carbon stock in their biomass and sediment. This ecosystem plays an important role in the carbon cycle. This study aimed to analyze the C-organic content and organic carbon stock of sediment, also CO2 absorption. The sediment sampling was conducted in the Kolaka Coastal line mangroves using a Peat Auger for 1 m of sediment depth. Then the sediment was separated into four layers. Then the sediment samples were oven dried at 50°C for 1 week for sediment bulk density analysis (SBD). The analysis of the C-organic content of sediment was done by the LOI method. The estimation of sediment carbon stock using sediment C-organic data and SBD data. The results showed that the highest average of C-organic content was in station 3 (4.12±0.15%). In the othher hand, the highest average of SBD was in station 1 (0.67±0.02 g cm-3). Overall, the total of sediment C-organic stock in station 1 was higher than other station (233.67±11.90 Mg C ha-1). The total capacity of CO2 absorption by sediment in the station 1 was also higher than other station (856.77±37.66 Mg CO2 ha-1). The sediment C-organic stock was influenced by C-organic content and SBD value
Studi Komunitas Padang Lamun di Kecamatan Tanggetada, Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara
Tanggetada District has a large area of seagrass beds and is often used by the community. Seagrass beds in this area have not been scientifically confirmed, both in terms of species, density and seagrass communities. This study aims to determine the type and density of seagrass in Tanggetada District. The method used in this study is a quadratic transect method in an area of 100 m2 at each station. The location of the research was carried out at 3 stations, namely Station 1 in Tanggetada Village, Station 2 in Palewai Village and Station 3 in Anaiwoi Village. The results showed that 6 species of seagrass were found in Tanggetada District, namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, and Syringodium isoetifolium. Seagrass density is included in the category of dense and rare. Station 1 has a high density of seagrass with a dense category of 160.46 ind/m2, then Station 2 with a rather dense seagrass density of 117.49 ind/m2 and Station 3 with a low density of seagrass with a rare category of 60.59 ind/m2. Thalassia Hempricii is a seagrass that has the highest density value compared to other seagrass speciesseagrass density in the rare category. Thalassia Hempricii is a seagrass that has the highest density value compared to other seagrass species. Kecamatan Tanggetada memiliki areal padang lamun yang luas dan sering dimannfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Padang lamun di daerah ini belum terkonfimasi secara ilmiah baik itu dari jenis, kerapatan dan komunitas lamunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan kerapatan lamun di Kecamatan Tanggetada. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode transek kuadrat pada areal 100 m2 ditiap stasiun. Lokasi penelitian berada di 3 stasiun yaitu Stasiun 1 di Kelurahan Tanggetada, Stasiun 2 di Desa Palewai dan Stasiun 3 Kecamatan Anaiwoi. Hasil penelitian, ditemukan 6 jenis lamun tersebar di Kecamatan Tanggetada yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Kerapatan lamun termasuk dalam kategori rapat dan jarang. Stsiun 1 memiliki kerapatan lamun yang tinggi dengan ketegori rapat yaitu 160.46 ind/m2, kemudian Stasiun 2 dengan kerapatan lamun agak rapat yaitu 117.49 ind/m2 dan Stasiun 3 dengan kerapatan lamun yang rendah dengan kategori jarang yaitu 60.59 ind/m2. Thalassia Hempricii merupakan lamun yang memiliki nilai kerapatan paling tinggi dibandingkan jenis lamun lainnya