50 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan bagaimana menghidupkan epos pada awal abad ke-21 melalui kajian cerita fantasi epos fenomenal Amerika, A Game of Thrones. Sejalan dengan perkembangan manusia yang semakin mengandalkan rasionalitas, epos yang jauh dari rasionalitas seharusnyalah hUang dari kehidupan masyarakat. Akan tetapi, pada masa sekarang ini epos masih berpengaruhkuat dalammasyarakat,sepertiyangditunjukkano/eh ceritafantasi A Game of Thrones karya George R.R. Martin, seorang penulis yang dikategorikan sebagai salah seorang yang paling berpengaruh di dunia tahun 20 II. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan genre dan semiotika ini bersimpulan bahwa ada unsur-unsur fantasi yang kental dalam formula dan arketipenya. Dalam memenuhi selera pembaca, formula dibangun melalui representasi rasional dan kombinasi yang tepat antara konvensi dan invensi. Dari analisis konvensi dan invensi ini, penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang erat antara mitos dan cara hidup masyarakat meskipun dalam dunia modern sekalipun.
This research is intended to show the sustainabilityof epic in latest years of human history through the most phenomenal fantasy in American literature, AGame of Thrones.Along,with the capability of human beings in thinking clearly and sensibly, it is commonsensical that people tend to free themselves from irrationality. The reality shows, however, that the existence of epic fantasy still has power in appealing audiences or readers. This is the case with A Gameof Thrones written by George R.R. Martin who was given the award of One of The Most InfluentialPeople in 20 II by Time magazine. This qualitative research, using genre approach, finds out that in order to be compatible with today\u27s society,an epic seen in A Gameof Thrones, which is commonly known as a story centering on the legendary hero and his heroic deed in oral folk tradition, keeps its power as an epic fantasy narrative through certain archetypes and formulas. Through genre analysis using semiotic approach, the research brings about conclusions that the elements of high fantasy, elements built through rational representation, and a smart combination of convention and invention brings about its popularity. It is also concluded that there is a close relationship between the myth and the mode of people living even in the most modern context
Identity is shaped through values and values are maintained through ideology. Ideology is therefore important for every nation in making its vision into realization. The research is intended to find out (1) the values that African-American would like to fight for, through which they try to create their own identity, (2) how African-Americans, as minority, tried to build their identity in 1960s, and (3) the common ground of the effort in sustaining their ideology in that they can build their identity. This is a qualitative and interdisciplinary research in the constructivist paradigm in which qualitative method is used in gathering the data and descriptive qualitative is used in analyzing the data. This research reveals that the ways in establishing the African-American identities are through sports, social practices and music. In relation to the notion of ideology, the spreading and strengthening of African-American ideology, both cultural and psudo ideology, are done through humanitarian actions to fight the discrimination they endure. This research determines that the synthesis in creating identity among the whites is through individual freedom and responsibility in which freedom is the common ground of human existence marking the primary force of the existence of identity
Rethinking John Boyneâs The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas as Childrenâs Literature
This graduating paper aims to examine whether or not John Boyneâs novel entitled The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas should be categorized as childrenâs literature. The story tells about a nine-year-old German boy named Bruno with his Jewish friend, Shmuel, who lives inside the concentration camp during the Holocaust. This graduating paper applies the genre approach since it is the most suitable approach to analyze the elements of childrenâs literature genre, which are character and characterization, didactic elements, the happy ending, and element of pictures in childrenâs literature. In order to support the analysis, library research was conducted alongside the novel itself as well as supporting articles from reliable websites. The result of the analysis shows that John Boyneâs The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas cannot be categorized as childrenâs literature as the characteristics of childrenâs literature suggested by Nodelman are not found in the novel. However, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas can be categorized as high literature since the characteristics of high literature are primarily found in the novel
The yellow wallpaper" â a mirror of
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk membahasa cara berpikir Charlotte Perkins Gilman yang menentang masyarakat yang berkultur patriarki seperti yang terlihat dalam novellanya yang berjudul "The Yellow Wallpaper". Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka dan bertumpu pada sumber referensi yang berkaitan dengan topik yang dibahas. Studi ini didasarkan pada interpretasi a tas cara berpikir Charlotte Perkins Gilman yang memberontak, sebagai seorang feminis radikal di antara pemikir sosial lain sezamannya di abad kesembilan betas.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Pengkajian Amerika milik Tremaine McDowellyakni rekonsiliasi waktu (lampau, kini, dan akan datang), dan rekonsiliasi disiplin ilmu, yakni pendekatan sejarah sosial, pendekatan budaya, konteks sejarah pada zaman Charlotte Perkins Gilman dan pendekatan sastradalam hal ini kritik sastra feminis, strukturalisme geneiik.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat yang didominasi oleh kaum laki-laki yang cenderung menindas kehidupan kaum perempuan dalam norma yang disebut Pengkultusan Keperempuanan yang Baik menyebabkan pengkultusan yang lain yaitu Pengkultusan Pencacatan kaum Perempuan. Kedua jenis pengkultusan ini menyebabkan munculnya gejala kegilaan perempuan.
Kata kunci: Pengkultusan Keperempuanan yang Baik, Penindasan Kaum Perempuan, kegilaan perempua
Women Detectives in Detective Fiction: A Formula Analysis on Dublin Murder Squad Series
This paper studies the formulation of two women detectives in Tana Frenchâs work, Cassie Maddox and Antoinette Conway, in the Dublin Murder Squad Series by exploring the hard-boiled fiction conventions which underlie the formulation of Tana Frenchâs two female detectives. The objective of this study is to determine how French innovates the hard-boiled fiction conventions in the formation of her women detective characters, Cassie Maddox and Antoinette Conway. By employing formula analysis as theorized by John G. Cawelti (1976), the results of this study show that French innovates the hard-boiled formula in four aspects. First, French innovates the hard-boiled formula by expanding the concept of marginality from economic class to gender and race. The second innovation is the substitution of the hard-boiled convention which emphasizes on masculine toughness with resistance to patriarchal control. Third, French re-established the relationship between the detective and the character femme fatale. Their similarity of female experiences and perspective with the femme fatale makes these women detectives not only reveal the femme fatale as a murderer, but also the motives and scenarios behind their acts. Finally, French also innovates the antithetical nature of the hard-boiled detectiveâs presentation by offering a âfeminineâ path to justice. These observations show that Frenchâs innovations on hard-boiled conventions on her women detectives are the extensions of the women investigators in the antecedent feminist revisions of the hard-boiled stories which are heavily influenced by the second-wave feminist values. However, Tana French also inserts her own commentary on the new variants of female character shaped by the new post-feminist discourse which separates her women detectives from those in the antecedent feminist hard-boiled revision series
Changes in the Matrilineal System within Minangkabau Children's Carito
This article explores the transformation of the matrilineal system within Minangkabau childrenâs carito. In general, childrenâs carito are considered bedtime stories that convey positive values; as such, research into them has focused on values. Childrenâs carito have been collected through interviews with storytellers who retain the carito within their memories. The memories of these storytellers have changed together with changes in the storytellers themselves and in their environments. To explore the changes in the matrilineal system within the carito, one story has been analyzed over three generations (from grandparents, parents, to children). Changes in the matrilineal system are evidenced through the carito charactersâ emergence and disappearance, their actions, and their interactions with their mothers, whoâas in the matrilineal systemâare central within the carito. Changes, differences, and behaviors within the carito indicate the dynamic transformation of communal families to conjugal families and ultimately nuclear families
Positioning the Portrayal of White Protagonists in O.A Bushnellâs the Return of Lono and Kaâaâawa
This paper explores the role of literature in the post-truth age through reading on O.A Bushnellâs the Return of Lono and Kaâaâawa. A Hawaiâian novelist, Bushnell contextualizes the earliest interactions between the native Hawaiâian (Kanaka Maoli) and the white settlers which began with the arrival of Captain Cookâs expedition in 1778. Through his fictions, Bushnell underlines positive portrayal of the white characters to provide a counter-discourse to the generally accepted history of Hawaiâian colonialism. Through first person point of view, white characters become the central figure in both of Bushnellâs fictions. Through reading on O.A Bushnellâs narration, this paper aims to elaborate how the Hawaiâian natives also become a willing partner in western colonialism which highlights their colonial complicity. The concept of colonial complicity is employed to highlight the participation of the natives in promoting Western way of thinking. The analysis argues that although Bushnell contextualizes the complicity of the Hawaiâians in promoting Western discourse, resistance also occurs through creation of a hybrid culture. Â This paper concludes that in the post truth era, literature should always strive to uncover the truth based on subjective interpretation instead of abiding of a universal truth
Changes in the Matrilineal System within Minangkabau Children's Carito
This article explores the transformation of the matrilineal system within Minangkabau childrenâs carito. In general, childrenâs carito are considered bedtime stories that convey positive values; as such, research into them has focused on values. Childrenâs carito have been collected through interviews with storytellers who retain the carito within their memories. The memories of these storytellers have changed together with changes in the storytellers themselves and in their environments. To explore the changes in the matrilineal system within the carito, one story has been analyzed over three generations (from grandparents, parents, to children). Changes in the matrilineal system are evidenced through the carito charactersâ emergence and disappearance, their actions, and their interactions with their mothers, whoâas in the matrilineal systemâare central within the carito. Changes, differences, and behaviors within the carito indicate the dynamic transformation of communal families to conjugal families and ultimately nuclear families
Konstruksi Identitas Tionghoa melalui Difusi Budaya Gambang Kromong: Studi Kasus Film Dikumenter Anak Naga Beranak Naga
Gambang kromong menjadi kesenian campur yang mampu bertahan di tengah pembatasanterhadap ruang gerak masyarakat Tionghoa. Keberadaan kesenian ini sekaligus menjadi atributbudaya yang mampu menjadi unsur pembangun identitas masyarakat Tionghoa. Identitas Tionghoamelalui kesenian gambang kromong memunculkan konstruksi yang berbeda terkait dengankebertahanan kesenian tersebut. Wacana ini muncul pada film dokumenter Anak Naga BeranakNaga. Konstruksi identitas ini dikaji dengan mempergunakan teori Bhabha tentang konsep ruangantara.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme sosial untuk melihat makna-maknasubjektif dari pengalaman-pengalaman subjek pelaku kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia.Melalui pendekatan ini dapat diketahui bahwa konstruksi identitas masyarakat Tionghoa melaluikesenian gambang kromong bersifat heterogen. Konsep kehidupan berkesenian yang cair dan mampumenembus batas perbedaan terepresentasi pada bentuk instrumen, lagu-lagu yang dibawakan maupunfungsional dari pertunjukan itu sendiri. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa identitas masyarakat Tionghoajuga dikonstruksi secara cair oleh masyarakat, bukan hanya dalam menghadapi perbedaan danpermasalahan etnisitas tetapi juga kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap perkembangan zaman. Dengankonstruksi yang cair tersebut, konstruksi identitas masyarakat Tionghoa menjadi bersifat pragmatisdan dis-identifikasi
Rekonstruksi Identitas Ke-âTionghoaâ-an dalam Film Indie Pasca-Suharto
AbstrakKe-âtionghoaâ-an senantiasa menjadi hal yang dipermasalahkan di Indonesia. Hal ini mengacu pada identitas ke-âtionghoaâ-an yang selalu diformulasikan oleh masyarakat Indonesia, baik oleh masyarakat Tionghoa itu sendiri maupun masyarakat non-Tionghoa. Upaya formulasi tersebut dimunculkan melalui berbagai wacana yang muncul baik perdebatan publik maupun berbagai karya mengenai kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia seperti dalam film. Metode yang dipakai mempergunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme sosial. Dalam hal ini, makna-makna subjektif dikaji atas pengalaman-pengalaman kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia melalui representasi film indie. Representasi tersebut dikaji tidak hanya melalui makna karya semata, tetapi juga mempertimbangkan unsur sejarah sebagai salah satu penentu alat produksi dan reproduksi. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan agar diperoleh gambaran latar belakang yang kompleks mengenai kondisi historikal dan kultural kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia. Gambaran yang kompleks tersebut akan membantu dalam menafsirkan makna-makna yang terkandung dalam karya film indie sebagai suatu hasil produksi dan reproduksi dari gambaran kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa sebenarnya. Identitas masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia terbentuk baik dari pandangan eksternal maupun internal, sudut pandang formal maupun informal. Sudut pandang eksternal dilihat dari sisi luar masyarakat Tionghoa, sedangkan sudut pandang internal merupakan sudut pandang masyarakat Tionghoa membentuk jati dirinya sendiri. Identitas yang dibentuk secara formal terkait dengan peraturan perundangan yang diberlakukan di Indonesia sedangkan secara informal merupakan identitas yang dikembangkan melalui kolaborasi budaya bersifat mana suka (arbitrerness) yang pada akhirnya membentuk identitas baru yang tumbuh dari konteks ruang-antara masyarakat Tionghoa di Indonesia. Abstract The Reconstruction of Tionghoaness Identity in Indonesian Indie Movies in the Era of Post-Suharto. âBeing a Chineseâ has always been an issue in Indonesia. It refers to the identities of âbeing a Chineseâ that were formulated by Indonesian people, both by the half-Chinese Indonesians and non half-Chinese Indonesians. The efforts in formulating those identities were mediated by various discourses found in public debates and works of arts represented the Chinese society life in Indonesia, such as in films. In this research, the social constructivism approach was applied. The experiences in life traversed by the Chinese society in Indonesia depicted in indie movies were studied to get the subjective meanings. The representations were not scrutinized merely from the meaning, but also by considering the historical aspects as, among others, the determinant factor of the means of production and reproduction. It was carried out to get the full picture of complicated background about the historical and cultural conditions of the Chinese people in Indonesia. The complicated depiction will be very beneficial in interpreting the meanings of the indie movies as a result of production and reproduction of the real life experienced by the Chinese society. The identity of Chinese people in Indonesia was shaped by the internal and external perspectives, by the formal and non formal point of views. The external point of view was the one given by the non Chinese people, whereas the internal was how the Chinese view themselves. The formally built identity was related to the laws applied in Indonesia. Arbitrary cultural collaborations informally developed the new Chinese identity that grew from the spatial contexts between the Chinese people in Indonesia.