60 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dibandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah; (2) untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan penerapan MPL menggunakan strategi ARIAS; (3) untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran MPL menggunakan strategi ARIAS; dan (4) untuk mengetahui respons siswa terhadap pembelajaran MPL menggunakan strategi ARIAS. Penelitian dilakukan di SMKN 1 Sidoarjo. Metode penelitian Pre-Test&Post-Test Control Group Design. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X TIPTL 2 sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan kelas X TIPTL 1 sebagai kelompok kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t terhadap hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif, ranah afektif, dan ranah psikomotor, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan signifikan hasil belajar ranah kognitif siswa  dengan rata-rata 84  yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dan rata-rata 78,94 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah, terdapat perbedaan signifikan kinerja afektif siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dengan rata-rata 77,92 dan rata-rata 60,52 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah, terdapat perbedaan signifikan kinerja psikomotor siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dengan rata-rata 78,83 dan rata-rata 71,82 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah; (2) keterlaksanaan penerapan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS berjalan baik dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,30; (3) aktivitas siswa yang sering dilakukan siswa yaitu adanya interaksi dan komunikasi optimal antara guru dan siswa dengan rata-rata 20,04%; dan (4) respons siswa terhadap penerapan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS mendapatkan respons positif dengan persentase respons siswa sebesar 83,03%. Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran ARIAS, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa, respons siswa, ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor Abstract This research aims: (1) to know student learning achievement which learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy compared with student learning achievement which learned using conventional instruction model with speech method; (2) to know realization of the implementation MPL using ARIAS strategy; (3) to know student activity along learning process of MPL using ARIAS strategy; and (4) to know student response on MPL instruction using ARIAS strategy. Research was conducted at SMKN 1 Sidoarjo. Research method was Pre-test & Post-test Control Group Design. Subject of this research were students of classroom X TIPTL 2 as experiment group and classroom X TIPTL 1 as control group. Based t-test result on learning achievement at domains of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, it shows that: (1) there was significant difference of cognitive learning achievement with mean 84 for learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy and mean 78.94 for learned using conventional instruction with speech method. There was significant difference of student affective performance learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy with mean 77.92 and mean 60.52 for learned using conventional instruction with speech method. There was significant difference of student psychomotor performance learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy with mean 78.83 and mean 71.82 for learned using conventional instruction with speech method. (2) Realization of the implementation MPL with ARIAS strategy was proceed good with mean score 3.30. (3) Student activity often performed by student was optimal interaction and communication among teacher and students with mean 20.04%; and (4) student response on the implementation of MPL with ARIAS strategy obtained positive response with percentage 83.03%. Keywords: instruction model, ARIAS learning strategy, learning realization, student activity, student response, cognitive, affective, psychomotor domain

    Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Film Miracle In Cell No.7 karya Hanung Bramantyo (Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Berdimensi Pendidikan Karakter)

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    Penelitian ini berjudul "Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Film Miracle In Cell No.7 karya Hanung Bramantyo (Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Berdimensi Pendidikan Karakter)." Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah karena pendidikan karakter saat ini belum efektif dalam membentuk karakter siswa, dengan hilangnya nilai-nilai positif sering disebabkan oleh segelintir siswa. Pendidikan karakter sangat penting dalam sistem pendidikan, dengan tujuan utama membentuk perilaku yang baik. Namun, dalam praktiknya, guru sering tidak optimal dalam pembelajaran, termasuk dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran. Penguasaan teknologi media pembelajaran, seperti media audio visual, sangat dibutuhkan. Film “Miracle In Cell No.7” karya Hanung Bramantyo adalah contoh media audio visual yang cocok untuk pembelajaran berbasis karakter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik observasi, teknik studi pustaka, teknik dokumentasi, teknik analisis, dan teknik mencatat. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu berupa nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter menurut Profil Pelajar Pancasila dan kriteria media pembelajaran menurut Ramli. Hasil penelitian mencakup karakteristik bentuk nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam film Miracle In Cell No.7 mencakup “bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, dan berakhlak mulia”, “berkebhinekaan global”, “bergotong royong”, “mandiri”, “bernalar kritis”, “kreatif” yang terbagi dalam 30 bentuk data nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter diantaranya 1) Beriman dan Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa 14 data, 2) Berkebhinekaan Global 5 data, 3) Bergotong Royong 7 data, 4) Mandiri 1 data, 5) Bernalar Kritis 1 data, dan 6) Kreatif 2 data. Hasil penelitian ini dapat berimplikasi pada model pengembangan media pembelajaran berdimensi pendidikan karakter, karena sudah sesuai dengan kriteria media pembelajaran

    Pengembangkan Pocket Book Berbasis Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar

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    The objectives of this research are: 1) produce a valid and practical pocket book of building material based on realistic mathematical  education approach (RME), 2) know the potential effect that arises from developing pocket book of building material of flat side space, 3) knowing the student\u27s response to pocket book material of building flat side space. Development of pocket book is done through two stages of priliminary stage (preparation) and formative evaluation stage. The results of this study show that pocket book wake up flat side space using RME approach that produced valid and practical. Valid is reflected from the revision after being validated by an expert based on content, constructs, and language. Based on the document analysis of the work result of the students during field test, showed the final test of learning using Pocket book with RME approach get very good category 43,75%, good 28,12%, enough 15,62%, and less 12,5%, data result the test is that the learning done shows a good potential effect. Based on analysis of student response result to pocket book developed for indicator of interest in pocket book obtained 86,09% student express strongly agree, material indicator 79,97% student agree and indicator from linguistic side 89,32% student strongly agree Keywords: Pocketbook, PMR

    Pengaruh Beban Pendinginan terhadap Temperatur Sistem Residential Air Conditioning Hibrida dengan Kondensor Dummy Tipe Multi Helical Coil Menggunakan Refrigeran Hidrokarbon

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    One way to save the energy is to improve the energy efficiency with combining two different equipmentsbecome one new double-function or hybrid equipment. Hybrid air conditioning can improve energy efficiency byremoving waste heat to the environment through condenser for heating water. The objective of this experimentalstudy is to investigate the effect of cooling load to system temperature of vapor-compression cycle hybrid airconditioning system with multi helical tipe of dummy condenser. The test was conducted with several coolingload variations (0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 Watt) as residential cooling load simulation. The result showed that therefrigerant temperature while using HCR-22 was obtained about 67.47 °C to 72.93 °C. The temperature ofrefrigerant was increased as well as the applied cooling load to be increased. The temperature of refrigeranthad more heat which to be absorbed and released into the environment so that the produced water temperaturewasalso increased. Hot water temperature of the ACWH system using HCR-22 refrigerant was obtained about41.01-44.96 ˚C

    Cause Factors in Implementing the Teacher Learning Difficulties Domain Affective

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    The research objective of this thesis was to determine the factors that influence teachers' difficulties in implementing beranah affective learning in SMP Negeri 4 Sekampung East Lampung. Itated by interest in the author of the importance of affective learning where the goal pebelajaran beranah this can affect the results of cognitive and psychomotor learning . Given the importance of affective learning and the fact that there is a reluctance in applying pembelajran affective teacher at the school, it raises the question of the causes that need to be resolved.This study uses the theory of affective learning, levels of the affective domain, the affective domain measurement, and theory of affective assessment. The method used in this research is descriptive research with a total sample of 20 respondents using a questionnaire, and analysis techniques in this study by using a percentage formula.The results of this study are, so tends internal factors contribute to the cause of the difficulties in implementing the teachers' affective learning as much as 50%, quite a role as much as 30%, and as much as 20%, do not contribute to the cause of learning difficulties in implementing affective teacher at SMP Negeri 4 Sekampung.Ekstren factors also tend to play a role in causing trouble enough teachers in implementing affective learning, development factors are contained in the teacher as much as 50% is quite a role, was instrumental in 30%, and as much as 20%, do not contribute to the cause of learning difficulties in implementing affective teacher. Of socialization factors play a role in causing enough trouble as much as 50% of teachers, 30% very important role, and as much as 20%, do not contribute to the cause of the difficulties in implementing teacher pembelajran of affective and affective factors play an important role Ratings are 50%, 30% is quite a role, and 20% said not contribute to the cause of the difficulties in implementing teacher pembelelajaran beranah affective in SMP N 4 Sekampung East Lampung

    Sikap Masyarakat Terhadap Adat Tunggu Tubang Di Desa Pulau Panggung

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    The purpose of this study is to describe and explain The attitude of society towards the customary of Tunggu Tubang in Pulau Panggung village sub district of Semende Darat Laut and Regency of Muara Enim. Method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method and having a sample of 48 head families. Basic techniques of data collection using the now and to analyze data that has been collected is used the formula percentages. Based on the results of data analysis it was known that the attitude of society towards the customary of Tunggu Tubang can be neutral categorized. For the attitude of society towards liability of Tunggu Tubang has supportive category, for the attitude of society towards Function/basics of Tunggu Tubang has supportive category, and for the attitude of society towards prohibitions of Tunggu Tubang has neutral category.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan sikap masyarakat terhadap adat Tunggu Tubang di Desa Pulau Panggung Kecamatan Semende Darat Laut Kabupaten Muara Enim. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan sampel 48 kepala keluarga (KK). Teknik pokok pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan untuk menganalisis data yang telah terkumpul digunakan rumus persentase. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat diketahui bahwa sikap masyarakat terhadap adat Tunggu Tubang dapat dikategorikan netral. untuk sikap masyarakat terhadap kewajiban Tunggu Tubang memiliki kategori mendukung, untuk sikap masyarakat terhadap Fungsi/dasar Tunggu Tubang memiliki kategori mendukung, dan untuk sikap masyarakat terhadap larangan-laragan Tunggu Tubang memiliki kategori netral


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dibandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah; (2) untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan penerapan MPL menggunakan strategi ARIAS; (3) untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran MPL menggunakan strategi ARIAS; dan (4) untuk mengetahui respons siswa terhadap pembelajaran MPL menggunakan strategi ARIAS. Penelitian dilakukan di SMKN 1 Sidoarjo. Metode penelitian Pre-Test&Post-Test Control Group Design. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X TIPTL 2 sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan kelas X TIPTL 1 sebagai kelompok kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t terhadap hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif, ranah afektif, dan ranah psikomotor, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan signifikan hasil belajar ranah kognitif siswa  dengan rata-rata 84  yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dan rata-rata 78,94 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah, terdapat perbedaan signifikan kinerja afektif siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dengan rata-rata 77,92 dan rata-rata 60,52 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah, terdapat perbedaan signifikan kinerja psikomotor siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS dengan rata-rata 78,83 dan rata-rata 71,82 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan metode ceramah; (2) keterlaksanaan penerapan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS berjalan baik dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,30; (3) aktivitas siswa yang sering dilakukan siswa yaitu adanya interaksi dan komunikasi optimal antara guru dan siswa dengan rata-rata 20,04%; dan (4) respons siswa terhadap penerapan MPL dengan strategi ARIAS mendapatkan respons positif dengan persentase respons siswa sebesar 83,03%. Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran ARIAS, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa, respons siswa, ranah kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor Abstract This research aims: (1) to know student learning achievement which learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy compared with student learning achievement which learned using conventional instruction model with speech method; (2) to know realization of the implementation MPL using ARIAS strategy; (3) to know student activity along learning process of MPL using ARIAS strategy; and (4) to know student response on MPL instruction using ARIAS strategy. Research was conducted at SMKN 1 Sidoarjo. Research method was Pre-test & Post-test Control Group Design. Subject of this research were students of classroom X TIPTL 2 as experiment group and classroom X TIPTL 1 as control group. Based t-test result on learning achievement at domains of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, it shows that: (1) there was significant difference of cognitive learning achievement with mean 84 for learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy and mean 78.94 for learned using conventional instruction with speech method. There was significant difference of student affective performance learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy with mean 77.92 and mean 60.52 for learned using conventional instruction with speech method. There was significant difference of student psychomotor performance learned using MPL with ARIAS strategy with mean 78.83 and mean 71.82 for learned using conventional instruction with speech method. (2) Realization of the implementation MPL with ARIAS strategy was proceed good with mean score 3.30. (3) Student activity often performed by student was optimal interaction and communication among teacher and students with mean 20.04%; and (4) student response on the implementation of MPL with ARIAS strategy obtained positive response with percentage 83.03%. Keywords: instruction model, ARIAS learning strategy, learning realization, student activity, student response, cognitive, affective, psychomotor domain
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