700 research outputs found
Interfacial reaction between SAC305 and SAC405 lead-free solders and electroless nickel/immersion silver (ENImAg) surface finish
The different surface finish and solder size on printed circuit board strongly affect the
formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) and solder joint reliability. Among of
various surface finish in the electronic industry, electroless nickel/immersion gold is
the most popular at the moment. However, because their black pad issues, electroless
nickel/immersion silver (ENImAg) was developed as an alternative surface finish.
Therefore, the effect on an interfacial reaction between lead-free solder and ENImAg
surface finish using different solder ball size (Ø300μm, Ø500μm and Ø700μm) was
investigated. All samples were subjected to an aging process with different aging
times. The characterizations of IMC formation were examined by image analyzer,
scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray. The results showed that
ENImAg finish was free from the black pad nickel. Subsequently, the solder ball size
has a significant effect on the IMC formation and fracture surface of as-reflowed and
aged solder joint. The IMC thickness of larger solder balls was found to be thicker
(1.74 μm) than smaller solder balls (1.32 μm) during soldering. In contrast to aged
solder joints, the smaller solder ball produced thicker (3.51 μm) IMC compared to
bigger solder balls (2.47 μm). Furthermore, the fracture surface of smaller solder ball
size showed ductile mode for both reflowed and aged solder joints. In addition, the
solder joint on ENImAg surface finish displayed a thinner layer and smaller grain sizes
compared to solder joint on bare copper
Persediaan bahan kain Sasirangan adalah persediaan bahan baku berupa kain, kertas karton, benang, dan tujuh macam pewarna yang disimpan dan digunakan untuk mem-produksi kain sasirangan sebagai kain etnik Banjarmasin. Penelitian bertujuan (1) untuk membuktikan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen persediaan bahan baku dominan pada in-dustri kain sasirangan di Banjarmasin belum efisien, dan (2) untuk merencanakan penga-plikasian model Economic Order Quantity untuk meningkatkan efisiensi bahan baku do-minan pada industri kain sasirangan di Banjarmasin. Penelitian dilakukan secara ex post facto dengan merunut persediaan kain untuk membuat sasirangan di Banjarmasin secara pooling. Sampel ditentukan menggunakan metode dua-tahap. Pertama, secara stratified random sampling dipilih 10 perusahaan (33% populasi). Kedua, secara purpive sampling dipilih 1 dari 15 macam persediaan bahan yaitu kain Katun sebagai peringkat pertama dari kelompok bahan kelas A dalam model persediaan ABC.Hasil penelitian, pertama terbukti pengaplikasian model EOQ kedalam manajemen per-sediaan menurunkan biaya rata-rata sebesar 7,79% dengan deviasi standar 0,57%, atau berkisar antara 7,22% sampai 8,8,36%; kedua, penerapan model EOQ pada tahun 2008 berdasarkan proyeksi trend semua peubahnya dengan metode yang disesuaikan dengan kecendrungan pola data didapat total biaya persediaan Rp 3968386125,85 tetapi jika ti-dak diterapkan model tersebut proyeksi biaya persediaan Rp 3973705559,74 dapat dihe-mat total biaya persediaan sebesar Rp5.319.433,80. Pengehematan total biaya persedia-an tersebut terjadi karena frekwensi pesanan yang terlalu besar (yaitu 639 kali ) diban-ding frekwensi pesanan yang dianjurkan model EOQ yaitu 146,46 kali. Antisipasi ketidak-pastian permintaan dan waktu kedatangan persediaan didapat lead time optimal (L2008>optimum) persediaan kain katun adalah 8 hari
The purpose of this community development activity is expected that the participants have knowledge and insight into entrepreneurship which includes growing into a creative person who can create from non-existent to existing, growing into a productive and non-consumptive person, and willing to try to become an entrepreneur to train independence, relying on their creativity. The implementation of this community service was carried out at the Tahfidzul Quran Nuruddin Salam Islamic Boarding School. This activity is in the form of practice and cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit at the Al-Hasyir Cooperative, Tahfidzul Quran Nuruddin Salam Islamic Boarding School. The shaper of the entrepreneurial spirit at the Tahfidzul Quran Nuruddin Salam Islamic boarding school has proceeded in accordance with the creative process and the incarnation of intuition, imagination, ideas, ideas, and the existence of resources to be processed to achieve the planned goals. It assumes the absence of uniformity in both technical and theoretical aspects that inspired it. The method of Islamic boarding schools in developing the entrepreneurial spirit of Tahfidzul Quran Nuruddin Salam students has been carried out by prioritizing the spirit of students who have charitable character and become independent individuals in facing changes in an increasingly advanced world, so that later there will be created human students who are able to manage the economy and are ready to color the world with Islamic entrepreneurial provisions, because Islam has made the search for treasure as one of the tools of worship and approach self to Allah Almight
Management of Religious Character Education in the Digital Era: The Role of Schools and Parents' Collaboration
The development of information technology in the digital era has resulted in various changes in human life. The ease of internet access makes it easy for children to access various shows, which can affect their development. Schools and parents have an important role in managing student character. One of the main characteristics that students must have is a religious character. This study aimed to determine the management of character education in the digital era, which schools and parents can carry out, and the collaborative role of schools and parents in character education management. By employing the library method, this study analyzed as many as 40 articles per research objective to obtain the appropriate formulation. The results showed that character education in the digital era has several opportunities and challenges. Religious character education in the digital era can be carried out by schools, for example, through learning, extracurriculars, school programs, and habituation. Parents also play an important role in character education by supervising, educating, and setting an example. Parents can collaborate with schools in character education management by participating in the management process. The principal plays a crucial role in the collaborative process between parents and schools. Based on the discussion that has been carried out, it can be interpreted that the management of character education in the digital era of collaboration between schools and parents can be carried out by involving parents in managing character education, where the principal plays an essential role.
Keywords: Character building; Digital era; Religious; School; Paren
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inflasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap pengangguran terbuka di daerah perbatasan Timur Indonesia tepatnya di pulau besar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder periode 2001-2013 yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS) dengan menggunakan data Panel model log. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa inflasi berpengaruh positif tapi tidak signifikan terhadap pengangguran terbuka. Hal ini sama dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Muliani (2009) menggunakan estimasi Ordinary Least Square (OLS) tahun 1986- 2008 menjelaskan inflasi berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan. Dan pertumbuhan Ekonomi berpengaruh negatif dn signifikan terhadap pengangguran terbuka, semakin tingginya tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi maka pengangguran akan berkurang, begitu pula sebaliknya
Persediaan bahan kain Sasirangan adalah persediaan bahan baku berupa kain, kertas karton, benang, dan tujuh macam pewarna yang disimpan dan digunakan untuk mem-produksi kain sasirangan sebagai kain etnik Banjarmasin. Penelitian bertujuan (1) untuk membuktikan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen persediaan bahan baku dominan pada in-dustri kain sasirangan di Banjarmasin belum efisien, dan (2) untuk merencanakan penga-plikasian model Economic Order Quantity untuk meningkatkan efisiensi bahan baku do-minan pada industri kain sasirangan di Banjarmasin. Penelitian dilakukan secara ex post facto dengan merunut persediaan kain untuk membuat sasirangan di Banjarmasin secara pooling. Sampel ditentukan menggunakan metode dua-tahap. Pertama, secara stratified random sampling dipilih 10 perusahaan (33% populasi). Kedua, secara purpive sampling dipilih 1 dari 15 macam persediaan bahan yaitu kain Katun sebagai peringkat pertama dari kelompok bahan kelas A dalam model persediaan ABC.Hasil penelitian, pertama terbukti pengaplikasian model EOQ kedalam manajemen per-sediaan menurunkan biaya rata-rata sebesar 7,79% dengan deviasi standar 0,57%, atau berkisar antara 7,22% sampai 8,8,36%; kedua, penerapan model EOQ pada tahun 2008 berdasarkan proyeksi trend semua peubahnya dengan metode yang disesuaikan dengan kecendrungan pola data didapat total biaya persediaan Rp 3968386125,85 tetapi jika ti-dak diterapkan model tersebut proyeksi biaya persediaan Rp 3973705559,74 dapat dihe-mat total biaya persediaan sebesar Rp5.319.433,80. Pengehematan total biaya persedia-an tersebut terjadi karena frekwensi pesanan yang terlalu besar (yaitu 639 kali ) diban-ding frekwensi pesanan yang dianjurkan model EOQ yaitu 146,46 kali. Antisipasi ketidak-pastian permintaan dan waktu kedatangan persediaan didapat lead time optimal (L2008>optimum) persediaan kain katun adalah 8 hari
Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students
were not able to gain the information of the text book. This problem was caused
by some factors. For example, some of the students had difficulties in getting idea
from the reading text and had difficulties analyzing the reading text because of
lack of vocabulary. So, the writer was interested in carrying out the research about
this problem.
The research was administered at State Junior High School 1 Kunto
Darussalam Rohul Regency. The subject of the research was the eighth grade
students of State Junior High School 1Kunto Darussalam Rohul Regency and the
object of the research was the effect of using Drawing to Remember Strategy on
reading comprehension on narrative text. Meanwhile, the design of the research
was a Quasi-Experimental research. The population of this research was all of the
eighth grade students. The total number of population was 154 students. Because
the number of population was big, the writer used clustering random sampling by
taking two classes for sample; VIII.1 consisted of 30 students as an experimental
class and VIII.2 consisted of 30 students as a control class.So, the total number of
the sample was 60 students. To analyze the data, the writer adopted independent
sample t-testby using SPSS 16 Software.
After analyzing the data, the writer found that the category of students’
reading comprehension taught by using Drawing to Remember Strategy was
categorized into Good level (74.33), and the category of students’ reading
comprehensiontaught without using Drawing to Remember Strategy was
categorized into Enoughlevel (64.50). The writer also found that there was a
significant difference between the students’ reading comprehension on narrative
text taught by using Drawing to Remember Strategy and taught without using
Drawing to Remember strategy of the eighth grade students atState Junior High
School 1 Kunto Darussalam Rohul Regency, where tobtained was 3.542. Thetobtained
was higher than ttable; 2.00 ≤ 3.542 ≥ 2.67.If: tobtained≥ttable, the null hypothesis (H0)
was rejected and (Ha) was accepted
The Role Of Educators In Student Character Development With The Habituation Of Dzuhur Prayers In Congregtion
This research is an attempt to find out the results and activities of the congregational Asr prayer at the Rahmat Islmiyah Foundation school in Medan in building religious character so that a personal habit occurs in students with guidance from the role of the teacher figure as (1). Educators, (2) Teachers, (3) Facilitators, (4) Supervisors, (5) Servants, (6) Designers, (7) Managers, (8) Innovators, and (9) Assessors. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach (qualitative research) in the form of interviews, word descriptions and documentation, so that it can answer all of the formulation of the problem
Humans are created as social beings, humans cannot live alone, because humans need interaction with one another. Humans must obey the rules of social norms. There are several definitions of Social Beings. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, Social Beings are humans who have reciprocal relationships with other humans. Meanwhile, according to DR. Elly M. Setiadi, explained that Social Beings are beings who in their lives cannot escape the influence of others. Likewise, a child needs the role of his parents as a place of protection, education, and supervision.  According to Suryono Sukanto (1985, p 268), explains that the role is a very dynamic position in aspects of life. A person has carried out his rights and obligations in carrying out a role based on his position in society. Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2005, p 802),  parents have the meaning of biological father or biological mother, some are interpreted as older people because of their intelligence,  intelligence or expertise. The role of parents is very important in a child's life. Islam teaches that there are several things related to the role of parents in providing children's rights.      Â
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