9 research outputs found
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas penggunaan sosial media terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa yang sedang menyelesaikan skripsi di Fakultas X Universitas Y. Pendekatan yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini ialah pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 243 mahasiswa Fakultas X Universitas Y. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala intensitas penggunaan media sosial yang mengacu pada aspek milik Ajzen, (2005) dan skala prokrastinasi akademik yang mengacu pada aspek milik Mustakim (2015) dengan menggunakan jenis skala Likert. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah uji regresi linear sederhana dengan menggunakan bantuan aplikasi SPSS 25,00 for windows. Berdasarkan uji korelasi yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil sebesar sebesar 0,000 dimana nilai tersebut kurang dari 0,05 (p<0,05). Sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima yaitu terdapat pengaruh antara intensitas penggunaan sosial media terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa yang sedang menyelesaikan skripsi. Berdasarkan uji korelasi yang telah dilakukan juga memnujukan koefisien korelasi adalah sebesar 0,590 dimana nilai tersebit jika dilihat pada kriteria koefisien korelasi menunjukan bahwa kedua variabel memiliki hubungan yang cukup kuat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa semakin tinggi intensitas penggunaan media sosial maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat prokrastinasi akademik pada mahasiswa, begitu pula sebaliknya semakin rendah tingkat intesitas penggunaan media sosial maka semakin rendah pula tingkat prokrastinasi akademik pada mahasiswa. Selain itu berdasarkan uji korelasi yang telah dilakukan tidak terdapat tanda negatif yang mana dapat diarikan bahwa hubungan antar variabel dalam penelitian ini merupakan hubungan yang positif.
Kata Kunci: Intensitas, Media Sosial, Prokrastinasi akademik, Skripsi.
This study aims to determine the effect of the intensity of the use of social media on the academic procrastination of students who are completing their thesis at Faculty X, University of Y. The approach used by the author in this study is a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 243 students of Faculty X, University of Y. The sample in this study was selected using accidental sampling technique. The data collection technique uses an intensity scale of social media use which refers to Ajzen's, (2005) and academic procrastination scale which refers to Mustakim's (2015) using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used in this study is a simple linear regression test using the SPSS 25.00 for windows application. Based on the correlation test that has been carried out, the results obtained are 0.000 where the value is less than 0.05 (p <0.05). So it can be stated that the hypothesis in this study is accepted, namely that there is an influence between the intensity of the use of social media on the academic procrastination of students who are completing their thesis. Based on the correlation test that has been carried out, it also shows that the correlation coefficient is 0.590 where the value if seen from the correlation coefficient criteria shows that the two variables have a fairly strong relationship. Based on this, it can be said that the higher the intensity of the use of social media, the higher the level of academic procrastination in students, and vice versa, the lower the level of intensity of the use of social media, the lower the level of academic procrastination in students. In addition, based on the correlation test that has been carried out there is no negative sign which can be interpreted that the relationship between variables in this study is a positive relationship.
Keywords: Intensity, Social Media, Academic Procrastination, Thesis.
Penerapan Teknologi Venturi Finebubble Portable Buoy Berbasis Solar Cell dan Internet Of Things Pada Tambak Udang Vaname Karangrejo Banyuwangi
Indonesia is a maritime country that has enormous potential in marine products. One of the marine products which is the highest export commodity is shrimp. Lingkungan Pakem, Karangrejo Village, Banyuwangi Regency is a partner location that is one of the national shrimp producing centers. Partners cultivate vaname shrimp with an intensive system as a producer of oxygen bubbles. The application of an intensive system causes problems, namely the amount of electricity costs and the uneven flow of water flow so that oxygen levels are not optimal. Based on these problems, the application of venturi finebubble portable buoy technology based on solar cells and IoT aims to increase the efficiency of the production of vannamei shrimp produced. The stages of technology application to partners consist of observation, planning, manufacture, assembly, and evaluation. The implementation of this technology can reduce electricity bills from operational costs in one harvest period (2 months) which was initially IDR 3,000,000.00 to IDR 2,000,000.00 and the average mortality rate of shrimp from 3000 individuals is equivalent to IDR 1,100,000.00 to 1560 individuals which is equivalent to IDR 572,000.00. Thus, the savings achieved are 37% or IDR 1,528,000.00 per harvest
Analisis Deskriptif Pesan Dakwah Dalam Komik 33 Pesan Nabi Volume 2 Jaga Hati Buka Pikiran Karya VBI_Djenggotten
Pengembangan Modul Kepercayaan Diri untuk Membantu Siswa Agar Lebih Aktif Saat Proses Pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 9 Malang
ABSTRAK  Sukmana, Achmad Noval. 2015. Pengembangan Modul Kepercayaan Diri untuk Membantu Siswa Agar Lebih Aktif Saat Proses Pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 9 Malang. Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. H. Adi Atmoko, M.Si (II) Yuliati Hotifah, S.Psi. M.Pd  Kata Kunci: Kepercayaan diri, siswa aktif  Kepercayaan diri berperan sangat penting dalam menentukan kesuksesan anak di masa mendatang. Siswa yang memiliki kepercayaan diri rendah akan berpengaruh pada hasil belajar khususnya dalam bidang akademik. Jika tidak segera diselesaikan akan timbul masalah yang lebih kompleks seperti nilai akademik menurun, bahkan siswa bisa tidak naik kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa modul yang disertai dengan prosedur penggunaan modul yang tepat dan layak untuk digunakan oleh konselor, guru, siswa, dan tenaga pendidik lainnya sebagai alat bantu yang berguna untuk menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri agar siswa bisa lebih percaya diri dan yakin akan kemampuannya, dan lebih aktif saat proses pembelajaran. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 9 Malang dengan menggunakan desain penelitian one group pre test-post test design yaitu dengan memberikan pretest dan posttest untuk mengetahui keefektifan modul. Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak lima kali pertemuan dengan pretest diberikan pada awal pertemuan dan posttest diberikan pada akhir pertemuan. Subyek penelitian yaitu 6 orang siswa kelas VII A yang memiliki tingkat kepercayaan diri paling rendah berdasarkan hasil nilai pretest. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji nonparametrik (Wilcoxon signed rank test) untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara nilai pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul kepercayaan diri bagi siswa SMP ini efektif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil nilai pretest dan posttest yang menunjukkan bahwa subyek mengalami peningkatan kepercayaan diri yang cukup signifikan. Kemudian hasil uji nonparametrik dengan menggunakan SPSS 20 ditemukan bahwa Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)/nilai probabilitas sebesar 0,026 < 0,05, maka Ho ditolak atau ada perbedaan antara nilai pretest dan posttest setelah diberikan perlakuan modul kepercayaan diri bagi siswa SMP. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya yaitu perlu dilakukan pengujian terhadap keefektivan modul diluar proses penelitian dengan skala lebih besar, dan beberapa waktu setelah proses penelitian dilaksanakan (misal 1 s/d 2 bulan setelah penelitian). Saran kepada konselor yaitu untuk menyebarluaskan modul kepada rekan sejawat agar produk ini dapat digunakan secara luas.
Strategy Management of Dakwah Education in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
challenges to the da'wah movement and da'wah education in the very complex industrial 4.0 era, including; Da'wah runs very normatively, does not pay attention to the actual situations that exist in society, da'wah runs stagnant and is unable to answer real problems in society, and there is still a lack of application of da'wah strategies, including da'wah that involves a da'wah organization. Therefore, there is a need for strategic management of da'wah and da'wah education, so that the existence of da'wah is not displaced in this 4.0 industrial era. The purpose of this research in general is to obtain an overview, describe, and reveal this research. The focus of the specific objectives is to obtain an overview of 1) environmental analysis, 2) strategy formulation, 3) strategy implementation, 4) evaluation and control, and 5) supporting and inhibiting factors of this research.
The research procedure uses qualitative methods, through the process: 1) Observation; 2) Interview; 3) Documentation. Which was developed through the triangulation process, processed using descriptive logic analysis. The findings of this study include 1) environmental analysis carried out in two stages, namely: internal environmental analysis which includes components of strengths and weaknesses that are owned and faced, and external environmental analysis with two main components, namely opportunities and challenges/threats, 2) strategy formulation is carried out systematically. systematic with elements consisting of vision, mission, goals, policies, and main strategies in the application of this research. 3) strategy implementation is the process of realizing a strategy formulation which includes programs, budgets, and procedures, 4) evaluation and control of the program implementation of this research is a control measure from the start of the program being compiled, then implemented and the program ends, and 5) human resources (HR) is a factor supporting the implementation of this research and the mindset of the management who still doesn't understand is the obstacle
Strategy for Improving The Quality of Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Teachers In The Ministry of Religion, Bandung City
This research aims to find out the penomena investigated, about the strategy of improving the quality of madrasah ibtidaiyah teachers in the ministry of religion in Bandung. This study uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. This research was obtained through observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Then analyzed using data reduction stages, data display, and data cocclusion. Based on the results of the study showed, that: 1) The objectives of these three Madrasahs refer to the vision of their respective school missions, 2) The implementation in general has been equally conducting activities in accordance with the planned program,3) The problems faced by these three MIS are almost the same, namely related to some teachers who are less competent, minimal financing and inadequate infrastructure 4) As for the solution by Coordinating with other Teachers, Coordinating with the Foundation and Committee, Coaching of Supervisors/PenMad and Active in kkg (Teacher Working Group)
Efficient use of land is one of the answers to overcome land constraints due to
the increasing number of residents. Shophouse is a building that has multiple
functions for trading and a place for living, because of its efficiency, the current
face of Indonesian cities are decorate by many shophouses.
Kendari is located in the southeast of Sulawesi island, and the capital city
where of Southeast Sulawesi, is also facing fews phenomena. the number of
shophouses in Kendari Increase by year significntly. The existence of the
shophouses is very much expected to be one of the causes of many issues in
environmental, such us unhygiene, flooding, congestion and others that occur in several places in the Kendari city.
This study aims to examine the interactions between the shophouses area and
its surrounding through the conditions of its environment, economy, and social, as well as to identify the factors that influence the occurrence of these interactions.
This research uses a case study method. It is to expect that from the
experiences that occured in Kendari city, this research can also enrich the concept of shophouses development cities with urban life. Based on these research, it was found the interaction of shophouses area and its surrounding, as well as the factors that influence the interactions. These factors can be as learning experience for other areas in other regions to manage the development of shophouses
Human Resource Management Model in Islamic Boarding School-Based Private Madrasah Tsanawiyah
The development of madrasahs cannot be separated from the productive human resources in them. Productive human resources cannot be separated from good management. This management is known as human resource management. In managing human resources, the madrasah must be able to create a management model that is planned, structured, and measurable in order to produce quality human resources. The human resource management model at Islamic boarding school-based Madrasah Tsanawiyah has its own uniqueness in achieving the vision of the institution. Starting with the main competencies that correspond to the institution's dominance and the continuity of human resources who always carry out service to the institution. The human resource management model in Islamic boarding schools begins with the stages of carrying out job analysis, implementing recruitment, implementing HR placement, implementing HR development, implementing compensation, implementing integration, implementing HR maintenance, implementing termination of employment, and last is the implementation of HR monitoring and assessment stages