368 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hak Konstitusional Melalui Pengaduan Konstitusional

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    The idea of a constitutional complaint against the input (constitutional complaint) into the realm of the Constitutional Court is part of efforts to protect the rights of citizens protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. Protections that are stronger and more real to the constitutional rights of citizens in particular, and human rights in general, is one of the characteristics of the 1945 Constitution which has undergone a fundamental change in question. So, talking about the constitutional complaint in relation to the 1945 mean to talk about the 1945 Constitution which has undergone a fundamental change that. Therefore, an understanding of the occurrence of fundamental changes to the 1945 Constitution has become very important to explain that the constitutional complaint mechanisms and the need for the Constitutional Court is given authority to decide constitutional cases referred to the current complaint really has become a necessity

    Hubungan Kekerabatan Jamur Pelapuk Putih Pleurotus Spp. Dengan Analisis Isoenzim

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    Pleurotus spp. is anedible mushroom commonly found on stem of wide leaftrees or other wooden plants in the forest. A number ofPleurotus species are found in Indonesia, and some of themhave been cultivated. An accurate technique is needed toidentify the species of Pleurotus correctly; one of the methodis the isoenzyme technique. Apart from its simplicity, cheapnessand quickness, this method also gives accurate informationon phylogenetic relationship among the Pleurotusspp. The technique was used to determine phylogeneticrelationship in 6 isolates of Pleurotus spp., i.e., Pleurotussp.8, Pleurotus sp.6, Pleurotus sp.1, Pleurotus sp.7, andPleurotus sp.9, using the GOT System. Results of the analysisindicated that all the Pleurotus isolates tested produced twobands with similar thickness, except for Pleurotus sp.1 thatproduced one band that move to the cathode (-). Anotherisolate of Pleurotus spp. produced bands tend to move to theanode (+). The genetic distances between Pleurotus sp.8was similar to that of Pleurotus sp.9, while that of Pleurotussp.6 was similar to Pleurotus sp.7. Genetic distances ofPleurotus sp.8 or Pleurotus sp.9 was similar to Pleurotus sp.6or Pleurotus sp.7, with the longest distance on Pleurotussp.1. Pleurotus sp.1 showed a different migration distance,where one of the isoenzym band tend to move to thecathode (-). This indicated that Pleurotus sp.1 has differentphylogenetic relationship with the other Pleurotus spp

    Nurse’s Experience in Caring End-of-Life Patients in Intensive Care Unit RSPI Prof. Dr Sulianti Saraso Jakarta Year 2021

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    Aims: To explore nurse's experience in caring of end-of-life patients in intensive care unit rspi prof. Dr sulianti saraso jakarta year 2021 Design: The type of research used in this research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach Methods : The subjects in this study were fiven nurses in the ICU RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso. Data analysis was carried out with the stages of data reduction, data presentation and leverage. Results: Based on the results of research interviews, we found four three themes as follow:  1) Nurses have good mastery; 4) Nurse emotional control; 3) Nurse response toward end-of-life care. Conclusions: This study found that nurse experience positively while caring of patients in end-of-life care, even sometime they still need to control their emotion of being empathy to the patients’ condition. Comprehensive and continue training related to end of life care is require to enhance and update nurse knowledge and skill of end-of life care

    Studi Teknologi Tepat Guna Pembangkit Listrik Berskala Piko Di Kabupaten Lany Jaya Kampung Malagai

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    Appropriate Technology abbreviated TTG technology is suitable or appropriate or feasible in a condition or an area that is considered still lagging behind or are not familiar with a variety of technologies, while the term pico-scale power plants stems from the power scaling on hydropower for the purpose simplify the analysis generated power. Pico Hydro is hydro power plants only hundreds of watts to 5 kW (Djoko Santoso, 2003). In an effort to support the program "Energy Independent area" and fulfillment services electrification infrastructure facilities in the district Lany Jaya which have the characteristics of a community settlement spreads with settlement consisting of a few households, the electricity demand is not great, the Piko-scale power plant development could be a solution to increase service infrastrukstur electric utilities in the region. Studies intent Appropriate Technology in Power Plant Scale Piko Lanny Jaya Regency is the identification of potential sources of energy for power generation pico scale (5 kW) in the study area and draft power generation technologies appropriate scale piko (5 kW) in accordance with the potential energy sources available and the condition of the area of study. Until the availability of appropriate technology design power pico scale (5 kW) corresponding to the potential sources of electrical energy in the study area (Lanny Jaya Regency)

    Evaluasi Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Online Menggunakan Information Systems Success Model (Studi Kasus: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan)

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    Otoritas Jasa Keuangan merupakan suatu lembaga yang berfungsi untuk menyelenggarakan sistem pengaturan dan pengawasan yan terintegrasi terhadap keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam sektor jasa keuangan. Lembaga ini menyediakan sistem yang bernama SIPO (Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Online) yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu bagi OJK untuk mengelola pembayaran pungutan OJK dengan lebih cepat dan mudah secara online. Pada dasarnya sistem ini digunakan untuk memudahkan bagi OJK, namun demikian, OJK ingin mengetahui apakah SIPO (Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Online) berhasil memberikan informasi yang diberikan kepada pengguna implementasinya.Oleh karena itu perlu adanya penilaian kualitas sistem informasi penerimaan online (SIPO) di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Dengan adanya permasalahan ini maka akan dilakukan evaluasi aplikasi tersebut dengan menggunakan Information Systems Success Model dan untuk perhitungan akan menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) yang nantinya akan dilakukan survei pada internal OJK yang menggunakan sistem ini dan hasil dari survei data akan dihitung menggunakan LISREL. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini adalah diharapkan dapat membantu Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dalam hal mengetahui apakah SIPO berhasil memberikan informasi yang diberikan kepada pengguna implementasinya yang telah diterapkan serta memberikan masukan indikator yang bernilai jelek menurut pengguna dan beberapa contoh perbaikan yang bisa dilakukan

    Uji Coba Mesin Pengering Kayu Kombinasi Tenaga Surya Dan Panas Dari Tungku Tipe I

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    Telah dilakukan uji coba teknis dan finansial terhadap mesin pengeringan kayu kombinasi tenaga surya dan panas dari tungku tipe SC+TI untuk kapasitas 19 m3 di salah satu industri/pengrajin kayu di Ngaringan, Grobogan, Jawa Tengah. Uji coba dilakukan terhadap kayu jati (Tectona grandis L.f.). Kebutuhan panas pengeringan di siang hari diperoleh dari tenaga surya dan di malam hari atau tergantung kebutuhan diperoleh dari tungku pembakaran dengan bahan bakar biomas/limbah kayu dari penggergajian sendiri. Tujuan uji coba adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknis dan finansial dari pemanfaatan masin pengering tersebut.Hasil uji coba menunjukan suhu rata-rata harian dari panas surya yang diterima ruang pengering berkisar antara 40 - 50°C, sementara suhu untuk pengeringan kayu jati berkisar antara 45 - 70°C. Kekurangan panas diperoleh dari tungku bakar. Untuk mengeringkan sortimen kayu dengan kadar air 50% sampai mencapai kadar air 10% memerlukan waktu rata-rata 13 hari dan menghasilkan rendemen kayu kering sekitar 80%. Konsumsi limbah kayu untuk bahan bakar tungku pada setiap periode pengeringan 8 m3.Investasi pendirian unit pengeringan memerlukan biaya sebesar Rp 74.635.000. Biaya produksi setahun (jumlah produksi 304 m3) adalah Rp 3.251.548.750, sehingga harga pokok produk Rp 10.695.884/m3. Analisis kelayakan finansial pemanfaatan mesin pengering menunjukan dengan harga jual kayu jati kering Rp 11.000.000/m3. Titik impas (BEP) tercapai pada produksi sebesar 86,3 m3, Nilai sekarang neto (NPV) Rp + 374.245.458 dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 80%. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa mesin pengering tersebut layak untuk dioperasikan
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