9 research outputs found
Effect of Bio-phosphate on Increasing the Phosphorus Availability, the Growth and the Yield of Lowland Rice in Ultisol
Effects of Bio-phosphate on Increasing the Phosphorus Availability, the Growth and the Yield of Lowland Rice
in Ultisol (Yafizham and M Abubakar): Ultisol soil is low of macro and micro nutrient, pH and base saturation as
well as high toxicity of Al and Fe. To increase productivity of ultisols soils, especially availability of P nutrients, the
use of bio-phosphate can increase P solubilizing in the soils. The research was conducted in the green house of
Agriculture Faculty, the University of Lampung from January to March 2005. A factorial experiment using two
factors in a randomized completely block design with five replications was conducted. The first factor was dosages
of bio-phosphate (0; 10; 20 g L-1), the second factor was lowland rice cultivar (Ciherang, Sintanur, Cilosari and IR64).
The results showed that the availability of N, K and P nutrients in the soil before planting was low. Application of biophosphate
increased availability of N, K and P in the soil. Application of 10 g L-1 and 20 g L-1 of bio-phosphate
increased root length of lowland rice, there were 13.3% and 36.8%, respectively. Application of 20 g L-1 of biophosphate
increased 100 grain weight of lowland rice which were higher 11.4% compared to without any bio-phosphate
Effect of Bio-phosphate on Increasing the Phosphorus Availability, the Growth and the Yield of Lowland Rice in Ultisol
Effects of Bio-phosphate on Increasing the Phosphorus Availability, the Growth and the Yield of Lowland Rice in Ultisol (Yafizham and M Abubakar): Ultisol soil is low of macro and micro nutrient, pH and base saturation as well as high toxicity of Al and Fe. To increase productivity of ultisols soils, especially availability of P nutrients, the use of bio-phosphate can increase P solubilizing in the soils. The research was conducted in the green house of Agriculture Faculty, the University of Lampung from January to March 2005. A factorial experiment using two factors in a randomized completely block design with five replications was conducted. The first factor was dosages of bio-phosphate (0; 10; 20 g L-1), the second factor was lowland rice cultivar (Ciherang, Sintanur, Cilosari and IR64). The results showed that the availability of N, K and P nutrients in the soil before planting was low. Application of bio-phosphate increased availability of N, K and P in the soil. Application of 10 g L-1 and 20 g L-1 of bio-phosphate increased root length of lowland rice, there were 13.3% and 36.8%, respectively. Application of 20 g L-1 of bio-phosphate increased 100 grain weight of lowland rice which were higher 11.4% compared to without any bio-phosphate
The Effects of Temperature and Length of Fermentation on Bioethanol Production from Arenga Plant (Arenga pinnata MERR)
Bioethanol is a fuel extracted from plant. Bioethanol can be extracted from cassava, sweet potato, sugarcane, corn, grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, sagoo, palms, coconut and rice. The aren palm is the most potential source of bioethanol, and as one of the most productive raw material of bioethanol. A research is needed to be able to produce bioethanol in a simple way so that it can be applayed by society. In this study, the effects of temperature (T) and length of fermentation (t) on ethanol production was examined. Temperature used is 27 oC and 32 oC. Samples from each treatment will be taken every 24 hours, starting from third days, which is 72 hours (H3), 96 hours (H4), 120 hours (H5), 144 hours (H6) and 168 hours (H7). Analysis performed includes changes in the sugar content, pH, total acid and ethanol content. The results showed that sugar content and pH decreased with increasing fermentation time, in both temperature, 27 oC and 32 oC. In contrast total acid was increased with increasing fermentation time. Increase in total acid is related to the formation of acids during fermentation. Ethanol content increased with increasing fermentation time in both 27 oC and 32 oC, though, the increase was higher at 32 oC. Highest ethanol content was obtained on day 5 in temperatures 32 oC
Seni Baca Al-Qur’an secara Halaqah di Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPQ) Nurul Mubtadi Gampong Simpang Peut Nagan Raya
TPQ Nurul Mubtadi is one of the recitation places in Simpang Peut Village that teaches the art of reading the Al-Qur'an with a different method from other recitation places, where the recitation is carried out in halaqah form. This paper aims to discuss the level of success in the art of reading the Quran with halaqah and the methods applied to TPQ Nurul Mubtadi in reading the Quran. This was a qualitative study with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, and documentation. This study showed that the halaqah reading of the Koran in the art of reading the Koran for TPQ Nurul Mubtadi students had a very good effect because the students were required to master the science of recitation and the basic rhythms such as bayyati syuri, bayyati husaini, hijaz, nahwand dan rast . Classes are held on Wednesday and Thursday nights. The method applied in the Art of Reading the Qur'an is the talaqqi or musyafahah method.Abstrak: Taman Pendidikan al-Qur’an (TPQ) Nurul Mubtadi merupakan salah satu tempat pengajian di Gampong Simpang Peut yang mengajarkan seni baca Al-Qur’an dengan metode yang berbeda dari tempat pengajian lain, di mana pengajian seni baca AL-Qur’an dilakukan dalam bentuk halaqah. Dari permasalahan tersebut, tulisan ini akan membahas sejauh mana tingkat kehasilan seni baca Al-Qur’an secara halaqah serta metode yang diterapkan pada TPQ Nurul Mubtadi dalam pembacaan Al-Qur’an. Kajian ini merupakan kajian lapangan yang bersifat kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembacaan Al-Qur’an secara halaqah menggunakan seni baca Al-Qur’an pada santri TPQ Nurul Mubtadi sangat baik, peserta diwajibkan menguasai ilmu tajwid serta menguasai irama dasar seperti bayyati syuri, bayyati husaini, hijaz, nahwand dan rast. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan pada malam rabu dan kamis. Adapun metode yang diterapkan dalam Seni Baca Al-Qur’an adalah metode talaqqi atau musyafahah
Understanding The Diversity Of Students In Madrasah Aliyah City Of Manado, Indonesia
The young generation of the Indonesian nation is the generation that determines the nation's future. The inculcation of the values of diversity in the younger generation should be carried out as early as possible. The research aims to explore the understanding of the diversity of students at Madrasah Aliyah Manado City within the framework of SARA (Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Inter-Group). A qualitative approach was used to collect observation data, interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation in exploring this understanding. The results of this study indicate that the knowledge of the diversity of students in Madrasah Aliyah Manado City generally has limitations in ability SARA diversity, but not so in terms of social relations. Because even since the mother's lap, the students at Madrasah Aliyah Manado City have lived in a pluralistic environment. Students' understanding of SARA diversity in Madrasah Aliyah Manado City is dominantly sourced from students' educational background in understanding religious and inter- group diversity within religion, social media, the community environment, and organizations outside Madrasah. As a recommendation from the Madrasah Aliyah in Manado City, it is necessary to revive the local content contained in the 2013 curriculum so that it can be a place for students to get to know and understand at least the tribes, races, and local cultures in North Sulawesi, forming a community
Dynamic scheduling of heterogeneous resources across mobile edge-cloud continuum using fruit fly-based simulated annealing optimization scheme
Achieving sustainable profit advantage, cost reduction and resource utilization are always a bottleneck for resource providers, especially when trying to meet the computing needs of resource hungry applications in mobile edge-cloud (MEC) continuum. Recent research uses metaheuristic techniques to allocate resources to large-scale applications in MECs. However, some challenges attributed to the metaheuristic techniques include entrapment at the local optima caused by premature convergence and imbalance between the local and global searches. These may affect resource allocation in MECs if continually implemented. To address these concerns and ensure efficient resource allocation in MECs, we propose a fruit fly-based simulated annealing optimization scheme (FSAOS) to serve as a potential solution. In the proposed scheme, the simulated annealing is incorporated to balance between the global and local search and to overcome its premature convergence. We also introduce a trade-off factor to allow application owners to select the best service quality that will minimize their execution cost. Implementation of the FSAOS is carried out on EdgeCloudSim Simulator tool. Simulation results show that the FSAOS can schedule resources effectively based on tasks requirement by returning minimum makespan and execution costs, and achieve better resource utilization compared to the conventional fruit fly optimization algorithm and particle swarm optimization. To further unveil how efficient the FSAOSs, a statistical analysis based on 95% confidential interval is carried out. Numerical results show that FSAOS outperforms the benchmark schemes by achieving higher confidence level. This is an indication that the proposed FSAOS can provide efficient resource allocation in MECs while meeting customers’ aspirations as well as that of the resource providers