6 research outputs found
Analisis kecekapan teknikal firma melayu dalam sektor pembuatan Malaysia
Purpose - this article aims to analyse and identify determinants of technical efficiency of Malay owned firm in the manufacturing sector. Design/Methodology/Approach - The analysis is based on 246 Malay owned firms surveyed in 2001/2002. Two levels of estimation are conducted, firstly, estimation of technical efficiency and secondly, estimating the tobit model to identify determinants of technical efficiency. Finding - The result from the first estimation shows that, in general, technical efficiency for the Malay owner firms is still at the medium level. The most efficiency sub-industry is fabricated metal, machines, electrical, and transportation equipment, whereas the least efficient is non-metalic, glass, and ceramic products. Furthermore, from the second estimation, the study are firm size and entrepreneur's level of education. Originality/Value - Studies on firms' technical efficiency particularly addressing the Malays are very limited. Most studies in this area focus on the industry in general.The finding from the study are crucial for entrepreneurs and the government. Identifying the determinants of technical efficiency may guide the Malay entrepreneurs to restructure their planning. The government, on the other hand, may learn from the findings in formulating its strategies to help the Malay entrepreneurs. Paper type - Research Pape
Qualitative characteristics accounting information of kariah mosque: A concept paper / Masita Hassan … [et al.]
All financial transactions should be included in organisations' reports in order to provide complete financial information to its primary and other users. Therefore, financial reports prepared by kariah mosque should encompass qualitative characteristics that would assist users in decision making. Malaysian Accounting Standard Board (MASB) has outlined the characteristics that should be included in business organisation financial report. However, kariah mosques are categorized under non-profit organisation, thus, characteristics may differ from profit making organisation. This study is objectively to investigate the understanding of qualitative characteristics and the usefulness of financial information that presented in kariah masjid‘s financial report. The study will use qualitative characteristics that adopted from Malaysian Accounting Standard Board (MASB) namely relevance, faithful representation, comparability, verifiability, timeliness and also other characteristics that suggested from previous literature. The study will use self-administer questionnaire, distributed to users (working committees, funders, donors) and preparer of kariah masjid‘s financial report. It is estimated that the understanding the quality of financial report would be different among users and preparers
Consumers' purchase pattern towards the e-commerce: a case of UiTM Melaka / Norazlinda Mohammad … [et al.]
This study addresses the role of the reliability of vendors and privacy of on online consumers in determining consumer trust in EC. Presently, consumers do not trust the unknown faceless seller and paperless transaction. For that matter, it is advisable for the online-seller (electronic commerce vendors) to enhance their websites' ethical procedure so they could gain trust from the consumers. This is fundamental as it shapes the consumer's perception on the websites that they frequent patronizing. The lack of consumer trust is one of the focused issues today as the world moves toward advanced information and technology era. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that affect consumer trust in electronic commerce in other words to determine how consumer trust is determined in EC. For the methodology aspect, this study uses descriptive analysis as the research design to further investigate the correlation between privacy of consumers and reliability of vendors in determining consumers' trust in electronic commerce. The samples of this study are the web users of electronic commerce around Malacca. Simple random sampling method will be used in selecting locations for questionnaire distribution. The data will be analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS software. It is expected that the result will show the factors that affects consumer trust in EC. It also provides beneficial guidelines for web vendors to understand more about consumer trust in order for them to build a healthy, secure and trusted e-commerce website. Thus, acquiring consumer's trust is a vital element that not only contributes to the success of e-commerce but also determines the purchase decisions of the consumers
Analisis Kecekapan Teknikal Firma Melayu dalam Sektor Pembuatan Malaysia
Penglibatan kaum Melayu sebagai usahawan semakin meningkat dan ini selaras dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk mewujudkan Masyarakat Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Bumiputera (MPPB). Dalam mencapai hasrat ini, kerajaan telah menyediakan pelbagai keistimewaan dan kemudahan kepada usahawan Melayu yang merupakan komponen terbesar Bumiputera. Walau bagaimanapun, kecekapan syarikat Melayu dilihat masih lagi rendah dan mereka juga kurang berdaya saing. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis dan mengenal pasti faktor penentu kecekapan teknikal (technical efficiency) syarikat milik Melayu dalam sektor pembuatan di Malaysia. Analisis diasaskan kepada 246 usahawan Melayu yang telah ditemubual menggunakan borang soal selidik pada tahun 2001/2002. Dalam mencapai objektif ini dua tahap penganggaran model dijalankan iaitu pertama, menganggarkan fungsi pengeluaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan perbatasan stokastik (stochastic frontier) untuk mendapatkan nilai kecekapan teknikal dan kedua menganggarkan Model Tobit untuk mengenal pasti faktor penentu tahap kecekapan teknikal. Keputusan penganggaran peringkat pertama menunjukkan purata kecekapan teknikal syarikat Melayu dalam sektor pembuatan adalah pada tahap sederhana, dengan subsektor keluaran logam yang direka, jentera, alat elektrik dan pengangkutan merupakan subsektor paling cekap, manakala subsektor keluaran bukan logam, kaca dan tembikar merupakan subsektor paling kurang cekap. Selanjutnya kajian ini mendapati saiz firma dan tahun bersekolah usahawan adalah signifikan dalam menentukan tahap kecekapan teknikal firma yang dikaji.
CEO Emoluments Determination of Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) in Melaka: A Concept Paper
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are formed by mutual members in conducting activities to enhance social welfare of its members and public. The issue of governance of NGO arises when such social welfare fail to be achieved. Principal-agent theory explains that agent (elected CEO or key committees) is responsible to carry out NGO activities aligned with principals interest (which described in NGO missions and goals). If CEO or key committees are being paid to govern NGO, emolument is primarily perceived as a signal to level of governance of NGO. This study objectively to determine factors that influence the decision of emoluments paid to elected CEO or key committees. Subsequently, this study is to analyze the level of governance of NGO. NGO registered in Melaka will be selected from Registrar of Societies (ROS) in Melaka. Therefore, data for this study will be collected using data from ROS Melaka. 594 registered NGO that located in Melaka will be contacted and interviewed to complete structured questionnaire. Data collected will be analyzed using SPSS software to determine the factors that influences emolument decision. Subsequently, data will be analyzed to determine the level of governance of NGOs in Malaysia, which related to emoluments decision making
Retirement Planning: Young Professionals in Private Sector
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing retirement planning among young professionals in private sector. There are three factors identified in this research which includes financial literacy, job satisfaction and savings behavior. Data used for this study are primary and secondary data such as from journal articles, periodicals and textbooks. A questionnaire is distributed and administered to extract data from the respondents consist of executives, non-executives and managers around Klang Valley, aged between 20 - 34 years old. The data is analyzed using frequency analysis, reliability test and Pearson correlation in order to obtain a clear findings and results. The findings show that financial literacy, job satisfaction and savings behavior has a positive association towards retirement planning. Furthermore, it is shown that financial literacy and saving behavior have a significant relationship with retirement planning. It is hope that this study will inform and encourage the young professionals to save and invest for the retirement