54 research outputs found
The efforts to understand ontological meaning of Islamic education are not easy, furthermore the nature of Islamic education meaning is intended as an abstraction integrity of meaning that is accepted ideological, theoretical, and empirical. The existence of Islamic education is always in contact and grappling with the reality surrounding them. In historical perspective, the struggle between Islamic educations with socio-cultural realities faces two possibilities: influences or is influenced. The consequence is that Islamic education can be defined as a process of enculturation and or facilitation efforts (medium). If referring to the terms of Islam, Islamic education is personified to the term at-tarbiyah, at-ta'li> m, at-ta'di> b and ar-riya> d} ah. Each of these terms has different accentuation meanings although it has the same outline. In understanding Islamic education, basic education and its goal formulation becomes noteworthy. Since the basis and purpose of demarcation will distinguish with other educations.Keywords: Ontological meaning, at-tarbiyah, at-ta’li>m, at-ta’di>b dan ar-riya>d}ah, basic and purpose of Islamic education
The efforts to understand ontological meaning of Islamic education are not easy, furthermore the nature of Islamic education meaning is intended as an abstraction integrity of meaning that is accepted ideological, theoretical, and empirical. The existence of Islamic education is always in contact and grappling with the reality surrounding them. In historical perspective, the struggle between Islamic educations with socio-cultural realities faces two possibilities: influences or is influenced. The consequence is that Islamic education can be defined as a process of enculturation and or facilitation efforts (medium). If referring to the terms of Islam, Islamic education is personified to the term at-tarbiyah, at-ta'li> m, at-ta'di> b and ar-riya> d} ah. Each of these terms has different accentuation meanings although it has the same outline. In understanding Islamic education, basic education and its goal formulation becomes noteworthy. Since the basis and purpose of demarcation will distinguish with other educations.Keywords: Ontological meaning, at-tarbiyah, at-ta’li>m, at-ta’di>b dan ar-riya>d}ah, basic and purpose of Islamic education
AbstractIslamic Religious Education with all that is related to it is knowledge that only becomes a theory when it is not applied. Muhammad Iqbal is figures who reconstructed Islamic religious education and western education were able to run simultaneously which would create a perfect human being. The theory created by Muhammad Iqbal in this journal will be applied to students through”the subjects of Islamic Religious Education and character using learning methods that are in accordance with the curriculum,”both regarding the objectives, scope, field conditions, so that an educational atmosphere can be realized in accordance with the values Islam
Menakar Peluang dan Tantangan Lulusan PTKIS Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
Situasi pergeseran tenaga kerja manusia ke arah digitalisasi merupakan bentuk tantangan yang perlu direspon oleh para mahasiswa dan almuni Perguruan Tinggi, terutama lulusan PTKIS. Tantangan ini perlu dijawab dengan peningkatan kompetensi alumni terutama penguasaan teknologi komputer, keterampilan berkomunikasi, kemampuan bekerjasama secara kolaboratif, dan kemampuan untuk terus belajar dan adaptif terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Di samping itu, alumni PTKIS mempunyai keunggulan tersendiri, mereka mempunyai; cultural capital, social capital, dan spiritual capital. Literasi data dibutuhkan oleh alumni Perguruan Tinggi untuk meningkatkan skill dalam mengolah dan menganalisis big data untuk kepentingan peningkatan layanan publik dan bisnis. Literasi teknologi menunjukkan kemampuan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi digital guna mengolah data dan informasi. Sedangkan literasi manusia wajib dikuasai karena menunjukan elemen softskill atau pengembangan karakter individu untuk bisa berkolaborasi, adaptif dan menjadi arif di era “banjir” informasi.
Kata Kunci: PTKIS, Revolusi Industri, Literasi
The situation of shifting human labor towards digitalization is a form of challenge that needs to be responded by students and academics, especially graduates of Islamic Private University (PTKIS). This challenge needs to be answered by increasing alumni competence, especially mastering computer technology, communication skills, the ability to collaborate collaboratively, and the ability to continue to learn and adapt to environmental changes. In addition, PTKIS alumni have their own advantages, they have; cultural capital, social capital, and spiritual capital. Data literacy is needed by university alumni to improve skills in processing and analyzing big data for the benefit of improving public and business services. Technology literacy shows the ability to utilize digital technology to process data and information. Whereas human literacy must be mastered because it shows the soft skill element or individual character development to be able to collaborate, be adaptive and be wise in the flood era of information.
Keywords: Islamic Private Institution, Industrial Revolution, Literac
Pengaruh paham Liberalisme dan Neoliberalisme terhadap Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
This paper is aimed at discussing the influence of liberalism dan neo-liberalism in Islamic Education in Indonesia. The existence of Islamic education is always dealing with and grappling with the reality surrounding them. The struggle between Islamic education to meet socio-cultural reality are two possibilities: a. Islamic education gives impact on socio-cultural environment; b. Islamic education is influenced by the reality of social change, by socio-cultural environment. The ideology of liberalism and neo-liberalism, rationalism, freedom, responsibility, fairness, and tolerance are ideals struggled by liberalism, despite the fact that some ideal values fail to realize. While neoliberalism is actually understood the existence of liberal capitalism is the ideology of liberalism that has led to the economic sector. The influence of not only the political, social, and economic, but in education as well which is a view that emphasizes the development of capabilities, to protect the rights and freedoms as well as identify problems and social change efforts in order to maintain stability for a long time. Central ideas of education revolves around the application of the concept of rationality, freedom, and equality. Education is a democratic distribution of rationality with a balanced treatment, between freedom and equality of rights and obligations, students. Teachers function as facilitators and change the learning process. Philosophycally running constructivism learning including the development of capitalization of education in the form of education commercialization. The fact also has affected in the world of Islamic education
Muatan lokal adalah bahan kajian atau mata pelajaran pada satuan pendidikan yang berisi muatan dan proses pembelajaran tentang potensi dan keunikan lokal. Penerapan kurikulum muatan lokal dapat memberikan bekal pengetahuan, keterampilan, pembentukan sikap dan perilaku siswa, berupa wawasan tentang keadaan lingkungan dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Pengembangan Muatan Lokal dilakukan dengan dua arah pengembangan dalam muatan lokal, yaitu Pengembangan untuk jangka jauh agar para siswa dapat melatih keahlian dan keterampilan yang sesuai dengan harapan yang nantinya dapat membantu dirinya, keluarga, masyarakat dan akhirnya membantu pembangunan nusa dan bangsanya. Studi ini merupakan studi literatur sehingga metode dalam menganalisis data dengan meninjau dan mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai referensi baik buku, artikel ilmiah yang digunakan sebagai bahan dalam mempelajari dan menambah wawasan secara konseptual yang berhubungan dengan studi kebijakan tentang kurikulum pengembangan muatan lokal
Peran Pendidikan Dalam Kegiatan Entrepreneurship Santri Kidspreneur Al Madina Surabaya
Pesantren education is one of the educational institutions that are in great demand by the public because learning is considered more effective and produces good quality human resources in Islamic religious education as well as spiritual values, intellectual education, and emotional education. The education obtained by Pondok Pesantren Al Madinah Surabaya is not only religious education, but there are excellent programs that make students have an entrepreneurial spirit which is expected to later become independent human beings, have good morals, have good language skills and have a high social spirit in society
This study aims to understand the implementation of excellent service in increasing public trust at SMA Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo. This research uses a qualitative case study approach. The data collection technique is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out through data reduction, data exposure, and concluding. The results showed that excellent service at SMA Nurul Jadid was implemented to increase public trust through; tangible modality, creating good communication, in-service training, the interconnection between employees, and an integrated approach to quality service. This research has implications for the importance of excellent service for every educational institution to ensure the loyalty of madrasa residents both internally and externally
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