26,434 research outputs found
Extended Modified Observable Technique for a Multi-Parametric Trilinear Gauge Coupling Estimation at LEP II
This paper describes the extension of the Modified Observables technique in
estimating simultaneously more than one Trilinear Gauge Couplings. The optimal
properties, unbiasedness and consistent error estimation of this method are
demonstrated by Monte Carlo experimentation using four-fermion
final state topologies. Emphasis is given in the determination of the expected
sensitivities in estimating the and
pair of couplings with data from the 183
GeV LEPII run.Comment: (17 pages, 8 figures
Multidimensional Binning Techniques for a Two Parameter Trilinear Gauge Coupling Estimation at LEP II
This paper describes two generalization schemes of the Optimal Variables
technique in estimating simultaneously two Trilinear Gauge Couplings. The first
is an iterative procedure to perform a 2-dimensional fit using the linear terms
of the expansion of the probability density function with respect to the
corresponding couplings, whilst the second is a clustering method of
probability distribution representation in five dimensions. The pair production
of W's at 183 GeV center of mass energy, where one W decays leptonically and
the other hadronically, was used to demonstrate the optimal properties of the
proposed estimation techniques.Comment: (25 pages, 11 figures
The Physics of UHECRs: Spectra, Composition and the Transition Galactic-Extragalactic
We review the experimental evidences about flux and mass composition of ultra
high energy cosmic rays in connection with theoretical scenarios concerning
astrophysical sources. In this context, we also address the discussion about
the expected transition between cosmic rays produced inside the Galaxy and
those coming from the intergalactic space.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, invited talk given at the "2016 International
Conference on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR2016)", Kyoto (Japan),
11-14 October 2016, version accepted for publication on JPS Conference
Battery simulation program
Computer program calculates spacecraft battery energy at specific times dictated by input sequence of recharge, discharge, and no activity phases. Recharge phases are assumed during times not specified, unless batteries are fully charged. Warnings are printed when energy falls below specified level. Program assumes two identical batteries
Nuclear absorption of Charmoniums in pA and AA collisions
We have analysed the latest NA50 data on production in pA and AA
collisions. The production is assumed to be a two step process, (i)
formation of pairs, perturbatively calculable, and (ii) formation of
from the pair, a non-perturbative process, which is conviniently
parametrized. In a nuclear medium, as the pair passes through the
nuclear medium, it gain relative square momentum and some of the pairs can gain
enough square momentum to cross the threshold for open charm meson, leading to
suppression in nuclear medium. Few parameters of the model were fixed from the
latest high statistics NA50 pA and NA38 SU total cross sectional data.
The model then reproduces the centrality dependence of over Drell-Yan
ration in 200 GeV/c S+U and 158 GeV/c Pb+Pb collisions. We also discuss the
centrality dependence of suppression at RHIC energy.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures, Revised version, to be published in
Atopic Dermatitis Host and Environment Model: Revisiting Therapeutic Options
Atopic Dermatitis affects both children and adults and is a serious health concern in many countries. AD is a complex disease with host and environmental factors underlying its pathology. Its treatment is multidimensional reflecting the diverse nature of its triggers and includes emollients, topical steroids and calcineurin inhibitors among others. Immunological dysfunction can be addressed broadly with systemic immunosupressors and specifically with monoclonal antibodies. Dupilumab, which targets IL-4 and IL-13 was granted approval for treatment of moderate-to-severe AD. Biologics targeting IgE/Th2 pathways may have its role in patients with overlapping AD and asthma. Psychological distress can exacerbate symptoms and is associated with increased severity of AD. Environmental triggers, such as, allergens can be addressed in selected cases with allergic immunotherapy. In this paper, we discuss AD treatment and propose a new step-by-step approach aiming at maintaining disease control and improving quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A model-independent analysis of the dependence of the anomalous J/psi suppression on the number of participant nucleons
A recently published experimental dependence of the J/psi to Drell-Yan ratio
on the measured, by a zero degree calorimeter, forward energy E_ZDC in Pb+Pb
collisions at the CERN SPS is analyzed. Using a model-independent approach it
is shown that the data are at variance with an earlier published experimental
dependence of the same quantity on the transverse energy of neutral hadrons
E_T. The discrepancy is related to a moderate centrality region: 100 < N_p <
200 (N_p is the number of participant nucleons) and is peculiar only to the
data obtained within the `minimum bias' analysis (using the `theoretical
Drell-Yan'). This could result from systematic experimental errors in the
minimum bias sample. A possible source of the errors is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 3 PS-figures. V2: Misprints are correcte
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