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    AbstractThis study aims to analyze the potential of MJ Beach as a tourist attraction. Type of research used descriptive with qualitative methods. Data retrieval procedure in this study is observation, interview and documentation. Results of the research obtained in this study is the result of an interview that is a description of the tour-ism potential of MJ Beach. Based on the results of the research, Arung Parak vil-lage has two tourism potentials, namely MJ Beach and Antar Ajong festival. MJ Beach has the advantage of having two tourism potentials as well as good acces-sibility. The weakness of MJ Beach is the lack of tourist support facilities and coastal abrasion. The opportunity that MJ Arung Parak Beach has is the presence of Pokdarwis and the trend of people who choose to travel in their own area. The threat in the development of MJ is the presence of other beaches that are more in demand by the community as well as the effects of Covid-19. The direc-tion of development that can be done is to utilize with both tourism potentials that have to be used as tourist attractions, misinterpret the condition of existing facili-ties, and still maintain the sustainability of the beach.Keywords: Tourism development, tourist attraction, beac

    Press Tool Jenis Simple Tool untuk Produksi SHIM Guna Meningkatkan Kualitas Produksi WELCAB

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    Shim tebal 0,3 mm merupakan komponen tambahan produk welcab yang diproduksi oleh departemen produksi Manufaktur di Yogyakarta. Komponen ini digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah ketidaklancaran mekanisme pada komponen standar linear guideway yang menyebabkan timbulnya bunyi (noise) ketika welcab sedang dioperasikan. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah proses produksi komponen shim tebal 0,3 mm memakan waktu yang relatif lama, 200 detik/pcs dengan kapasitas produksi 18 pcs/jam yang berdampak terjadinya line stop pada proses assembling. Penyebabnya dikarenakan proses produksinya masih dilakukan secara manual melalui 4 tahap yaitu pengemalan ukuran, pemotongan, pengeboran dan finishing. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menurunkan cycle time agar mampu meningkatkan produktivitas proses produksi komponen shim tebal 0,3 mm dengan rancang bangun press tool jenis simple tool. Komponen utama dalam rancang bangun press tool ini adalah top shoe, punch plate, die plate, die back plate, bottom shoe, piercing punch, cutting punch, stripper piercing, stripper cutting, locator pin dan plain guide post sets. Metode penelitian meliputi identifikasi masalah, studi pustaka, perancangan, pengerjaan dan pengujian. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi perhitungan ukuran punch dan die, besarnya clearance antara punch dan die, gaya potong, energi kerja, konstruksi komponen die set dan tegangan pada punch. Analisis lain yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah simulasi Finite Element Analysis (FEA) pada punch. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi uji kapasitas produksi dengan parameter jumlah tumpukan material yang dipotong dalam sekali proses yaitu 1 material, 2 tumpukan material dan 3 tumpukan material. Pengujian kualitas hasil produksi dilakukan dengan cara mengukur dan mencatat setiap dimensi komponen shim tebal 0,3 mm untuk mengetahui nilai penyimpangannya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah rancang bangun press tool mampu menurunkan cycle time produksi komponen shim tebal 0,3 mm sebesar 93% dari 200 detik/pcs menjadi 14 detik/pcs sehingga meningkatkan produktivitas sebesar 1355,56% dari 18 pcs/jam menjadi 244 pcs/jam


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    In this community service activity, welding training was conducted in Sumuragung Village, Baureno District, Bojonegoro Regency. The training was conducted using two methods, namely theoretical training and practical training. The service team activities carried out are by providing training to the youth and will provide welding equipment for those who are considered competent in carrying out welding practices. The results achieved by the youth community service team can open new businesses in the welding sector. In this training, trainees are directed to be able to make flower pot racks. Welding training has been carried out with enthusiasm from the village head and village youth who participated in this activity. The product of this training is a shelf for flower pots

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengurai Gumpalan Tepung Tapioka Dengan Penggerak Motor Listrik 1 HP

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    Almost all tapioca flour manufacturers at the home S.M.E. level, particularly in the Sidomukti district of Pati, Central Java, manufacture tapioca flour only to the final stage as a lump of tapioca flour. The results of this S.M.E. cannot be directly marketed to consumers because it must go through a process again so that the flour is smooth, so S.M.E. will sell tapioca flour lumps in the factory to be processed into ready flour to be marketed, resulting in lower profits for S.M.E.s producing tapioca flour and because there is no machine to decompose tapioca flour clumps for household production scale. Machine for breaking lumps of tapioca flour, this 1-horsepower electric motor drive is designed to alleviate challenges in S.M.E.s. This machine has a 50kg/h capacity and uses a 1:5 rotation ratio transmission mechanism via pulleys and a belt. When the electric motor is turned on, pulley one on the motor will rotate and move pulley two on the shaft, which then drives the mixer (stirrer), which will break down the flour that is put through the hopper and immediately filtered by mess, which has a hole size of 0.5 mm, and flour will come out through the output hopper that is under the body. This machine is semi-automatically operated by pushing ON to turn on and OFF to turn off. This machine will perform as intende