1,445 research outputs found

    Structural insight into the TRIAP1/PRELI-like domain family of mitochondrial phospholipid transfer complexes

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    The composition of the mitochondrial membrane is important for its architecture and proper function. Mitochondria depend on a tightly regulated supply of phospholipid via intra-mitochondrial synthesis and by direct import from the endoplasmic reticulum. The Ups1/PRELI-like family together with its mitochondrial chaperones (TRIAP1/Mdm35) represent a unique heterodimeric lipid transfer system that is evolutionary conserved from yeast to man. Work presented here provides new atomic resolution insight into the function of a human member of this system. Crystal structures of free TRIAP1 and the TRIAP1–SLMO1 complex reveal how the PRELI domain is chaperoned during import into the intermembrane mitochondrial space. The structural resemblance of PRELI-like domain of SLMO1 with that of mammalian phoshatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITPs) suggest that they share similar lipid transfer mechanisms, in which access to a buried phospholipid-binding cavity is regulated by conformationally adaptable loops

    Multi-view convolutional recurrent neural networks for lung cancer nodule identification

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    Screening via low-dose Computer Tomography (CT) has been shown to reduce lung cancer mortality rates by at least 20%. However, the assessment of large numbers of CT scans by radiologists is cost intensive, and potentially produces varying and inconsistent results for differing radiologists (and also for temporally-separated assessments by the same radiologist). To overcome these challenges, computer aided diagnosis systems based on deep learning methods have proved an effective in automatic detection and classification of lung cancer. Latterly, interest has focused on the full utilization of the 3D information in CT scans using 3D-CNNs and related approaches. However, such approaches do not intrinsically correlate size and shape information between slices. In this work, an innovative approach to Multi-view Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (MV-CRecNet) is proposed that exploits shape, size and cross-slice variations while learning to identify lung cancer nodules from CT scans. The multiple-views that are passed to the model ensure better generalization and the learning of robust features. We evaluate the proposed MV-CRecNet model on the reference Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative and Early Lung Cancer Action Program datasets; six evaluation metrics are applied to eleven comparison models for testing. Results demonstrate that proposed methodology outperforms all of the models against all of the evaluation metrics

    Diagnosis and localization of fault for a neutral point clamped inverter in wind energy conversion system using artificial neural network technique

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    Introduction. To attain high efficiency and reliability in the field of clean energy conversion, power electronics play a significant role in a wide range of applications. More effort is being made to increase the dependability of power electronics systems. Purpose. In order to avoid any undesirable effects or disturbances that negatively affect the continuity of service in the field of energy production, this research provides a fault detection technique for insulated-gate bipolar transistor open-circuit faults in a three-level diode-clamped inverter of a wind energy conversion system predicated on a doubly-fed induction generator. The novelty of the suggested work ensures the regulation of power exchanged between the system and the grid without faults, advanced intelligence approaches based on a multilayer artificial neural network are used to discover and locate this type of defect; the database is based on the module and phase angle of three-phase stator currents of induction generators. The proposed methods are designed for the detection of one or two open-circuit faults in the power switches of the side converter of a doubly-fed induction generator in a wind energy conversion system. Methods. In the proposed detection method, only the three-phase stator current module and phase angle are used to identify the faulty switch. The primary goal of this fault diagnosis system is to effectively detect and locate failures in one or even more neutral point clamped inverter switches. Practical value. The performance of the controllers is evaluated under different operating conditions of the power system, and the reliability, feasibility, and effectiveness of the proposed fault detection have been verified under various open-switch fault conditions. The diagnostic approach is also robust to transient conditions posed by changes in load and speed. The proposed diagnostic technique's performance and effectiveness are both proven by simulation in the SimPower /Simulink® MATLAB environment.Вступ. Для досягнення високої ефективності та надійності у галузі чистого перетворення енергії силова електроніка відіграє важливу роль у широкому спектрі застосування. Докладаються зусилля для підвищення надійності систем силової електроніки. Мета. Щоб уникнути будь-яких небажаних ефектів або перешкод, що негативно впливають на безперервність роботи в галузі виробництва енергії, у цьому дослідженні пропонується методика виявлення несправностей біполярних транзисторів із ізольованим затвором при обриві ланцюга в трирівневому інверторі з діодною фіксацією системи перетворення енергії вітру, що ґрунтується на асинхронному генераторі з подвійним живленням. Новизна запропонованої роботи забезпечує регулювання потужності, що обмінюється між системою та мережею, без збоїв, для виявлення та локалізації цього типу дефекту використовуються передові інтелектуальні підходи, засновані на багатошаровій штучній нейронній мережі; база даних заснована на модулі та фазовому куті трифазних статорних струмів асинхронних генераторів. Запропоновані методи призначені для виявлення одного або двох обривів у силових ключах бокового перетворювача асинхронного генератора подвійного живлення у системі перетворення енергії вітру. Методи. У запропонованому методі виявлення для ідентифікації несправного вимикача використовуються тільки трифазний модуль струму статора і фазовий кут. Основною метою цієї системи діагностики несправностей є ефективне виявлення та локалізація відмов в одному або навіть кількох інверторних перемикачах з фіксованою нейтральною точкою. Практична цінність. Робочі характеристики контролерів оцінюються за різних умов роботи енергосистеми, а надійність, здійсненність та ефективність запропонованого виявлення несправностей були перевірені за різних умов відмови розімкнутого вимикача. Діагностичний підхід також стійкий до перехідних станів, спричинених змінами навантаження та швидкості. Продуктивність та ефективність запропонованого діагностичного методу підтверджені моделюванням у середовищі SimPower/Simulink® MATLAB

    Study Of Some Biochemical Parameters in Dose During Pregnancy in Goats

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    This study was made to study the level of biochemical parameters presence in pregnant and non-pregnant goats from middle east. The level of S. glucose, S. urea, S. creatinine, S. cholesterol, and S. triglycerides were determined and analysed using analysis of variance software at P-Value of P<0.05, which showed insignificance difference between the pregnant and non-pregnant goats. Other biochemical parameters determined and analysed in this work include S. total protein, S. albumen and S. globulin. The level of these parameters between pregnant and non-pregnant is in significance and therefore, looks similar. S. calcium, S. potassium and S. sodium minerals were also determined and analysed using the same method as mentioned above. The obtained results demonstrated that there is no significance difference between the pregnant and non-pregnant goats in terms of the level of some biochemical parameter

    Hydrodynamics and Kinetics of Phenols Removal from Industrial Wastewater in a Trickle Bed Reactor (Part I: Hydrodynamic Study)

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    An experimental investigation of the hydrodynamic parameters in a trickle bed reactor is presented. The operating conditions are selected for the operating system to be at trickle flow regime. The effects of the two-phase flow rates, reactor pressure and temperature on the pressure drop, external liquid holdup and liquid axial dispersion are discussed. Pressure drop was measured using differential pressure transducer, while liquid holdup and axial dispersion were estimated using RTD technique with a reactive dye as a tracer. The results confirmed that pressure drop is proportional to flow rate of fluids and operating pressure while it is inversely proportional to temperature. Liquid flow rate has a proportional effect on liquid holdup and axial dispersion while gas flow rate and temperature presented a different image. A comparison between the results of present work and that of literature is presented and discussed. Empirical correlations for pressure drop, liquid holdup and axial dispersion with operating conditions are developed with correlation coefficient of 98.4 to 99.7 %

    A study of serious adverse drug reactions with antiepileptic drugs: a pharmacovigilance study

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    Background: Approximately 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally. There are currently more than 25 drugs in the market for the treatment of epilepsy, many of which have similar efficacy but differ in their tolerability profile. Besides unmatched beneficial potential of antiepileptic drugs, it is associated with many adverse reactions too. This study aims to identify the serious adverse reactions caused by prescribed antiepileptics, reported at the pharmacovigilance centre of government tertiary care centre.Methods: This is a retrospective, pharmacovigilance study of the antiepileptic drugs adverse reactions reported over a period of 1 year at a tertiary care centre.Results: A total of 120 ADRs of antiepileptic drugs were reported and collected at the pharmacovigilance centre. According to the WHO-ART system organ classification of ADRs, 78% of ADRs belonged to skin and appendages disorder. Based on the modified Hartwig and Siegel scale of severity, 60.8% ADRs were mild, 18.5% were moderate and 20.8 % were severe ADRs. The severe ADRs included: Steven-Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysis, Erythroderma, DRESS syndrome and Acute pancreatitis. Phenytoin has been found to be the antiepileptic drug causing the most number of severe ADRs amongst the prescribed antiepileptics. According to the modified Schumock and Thornton criteria most of the severe ADRs were not preventable.Conclusions: This study analyses the ADRs associated with antiepileptics reported at the pharmacovigilance centre. 20.8% ADRS were severe, this indicates that the epileptic patients should be closely monitored for ADRs, to avoid clinically significant harmful consequences. The awareness of ADRs would help physicians to identify patients with greater risk of ADRs and therefore, might benefit from ADRs monitoring and reporting programmes

    Investigation of Cost Control Measures for Main Contractors in Construction Projects

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    استنادًا إلى بحث سابق للمؤلفين، تم تحديد (59) عاملاً من العوامل المؤثرة في كلف مشاريع التشييد، تتضمن (13) عاملا هي أكثر العوامل تأثيرًا منها (10) عوامل من المرجح أن يسيطر عليها المقاولون الرئيسيون. تم في هذا البحث تحري تدابير السيطرة التي يرجح أن تكون في أيدي المقاولين الرئيسيين وفقا لآراء (30) من المهندسين العراقيين من ذوي الخبرة العالية. تم اجراء مسح استباني يتضمن (55) اجراءً للسيطرة على العوامل الأكثر تأثيراً على الكلفة. وتم ترتيب هذه الاجراءات باستخدام مؤشر الأهمية النسبية. فتبين لأجل السيطرة على الكلفة بشكل أفضل، أن على المقاولين ضمان: استخدام تقنيات ووسائل حديثة لرفع إنتاجية العمال، ووضع قواعد ملزمة للأداء الحسن للمقاولين الثانويين، والالتزام بالصيانة الدورية لتحسين أداء المعدات، وإدامة التخطيط السليم للموقع باستخدام تقنيات دراسة العمل، واختيار مدراء مشاريع مؤهلين، واستخدام تقنيات تخطيط وجدولة حديثة، وتأمين مواقع مناسبة للخزين الاحتياطي للمواد خارج موقع العمل، والتخطيط المسبق لمواصفات المعدات ومهارات العمال، واختيار موردين موثوقينBased on previous research by the authors, (59) cost control factors in construction projects were identified in which (13) were considered as the most influential factors. In this research, control measures that are potentially within the hands of main contractors were investigated according to the opinions of some Iraqi professional engineers of high experience. A questionnaire survey consisting of (55) control measures for the (13) most influential factors were suggested. When ranking those measures, based on the highest (RII), it was found that contractors should focus on; using modern techniques and tools to improve labor productivity, using modern design programs to give clear visualization to the owner so changes is reduced, setting solid rules to attain good performance for contractors, ‎S/C and ‎suppliers, paying liabilities on time to avoid shortage of funding, insure periodical maintenance to enhance equipment performance and lower downtime, integrity and anti-corruption, using work study techniques to insure proper site planning,  proper selection of project managers, using modern planning and scheduling techniques, prepare suitable safe off-site locations for backup material storage, insure previous planning for equipment specification and labor skills, insure selecting reliable suppliers

    Navigating financial barriers in English universities: a phenomenographic exploration of mature male students' experiences

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    This article, through phenomenographic research methodology explores mature male students' experiences of financial barriers in English universities 1, further exacerbated by factors of class, race and age. Up until now, phenomenography has mainly been used in educational research, exploring students' conceptions of learning. This study employs phenomenography to explore student experiences in different contexts. The study provides first-hand insights into the experiences of mature male students and the impact of financial barriers on them as there is limited literature, with the exception of a few researchers (Burke, 2009; Egerton, 2001; Gannon, 2014; Laming et al., 2019) on the experiences of mature male students. The voices of mature male students in specific contexts, as in the case of English universities, have been marginalised owing to multiple, intersecting factors. In drawing qualitative data from 15 mature male students studying at three Russell Group universities, this study offers important insights from students' perspectives on governmental and institutional fees and funding structures where a) the day-to-day living cost takes precedence over deferred debt of tuition fees, and b) financial challenges lead to further academic and social challenges. By raising awareness that education can be a transformative experience only when financial challenges are addressed, this study proposes small-scale interventions at the institutional level to enhance mature male students' university experiences


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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C16H12O3, contains two crystallographically independent mol­ecules. The isochromene ring system is planar (maximum deviation 0.024 Å) and is oriented at dihedral angles of 2.63 (3) and 0.79 (3)° with respect to the methoxy­benzene rings in the two independent mol­ecules

    Dynamic qualitative bolt force measurements for investigating influence factors on the pushout effect of small calibre ammunition

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    A small calibre weapon system consists of the weapon and the ammunition. In the case of bolt action rifles during the process of firing, the breech is a rigid bearing which prevents the casing from being pushed out. However, not the whole pushout force is taken by the bolt. Due to friction forces at the casing boundary, the chamber of the weapon can absorb a significant part of the pushout force. The duration of the pushout force is in the order of milliseconds. Piezoelectric strain gauges are capable of recording such short time events qualitatively. To increase the measurability of force obtained from raw signal, is filtered using a bandpass filter and applying a signal envelope. The results from the strain gauges are verified by a piezoelectric force washer. In this paper, two different lubrication states and two different casing materials are analysed to evaluate their influences on the force absorbed by the bolt. The analysis indicated that lubricated casings lead to bolt forces which are more than three times higher when compared unlubricated casings. The unlubricated steel casing also showed a significant lower bolt force when compared with the regular brass casing. However, this effect is reversed, if the casing is lubricated. This work demonstrates how to measure highly dynamic events. The acquired results can be directly applied to 5.56x45 bolt action rifles. These measurements may also have a significant influence on self-loading rifles, since the process of reloading is also dependent on the pushout force. The general application area is target competitive shooting and military purposes