1,564 research outputs found
Security in Locally Repairable Storage
In this paper we extend the notion of {\em locally repairable} codes to {\em
secret sharing} schemes. The main problem that we consider is to find optimal
ways to distribute shares of a secret among a set of storage-nodes
(participants) such that the content of each node (share) can be recovered by
using contents of only few other nodes, and at the same time the secret can be
reconstructed by only some allowable subsets of nodes. As a special case, an
eavesdropper observing some set of specific nodes (such as less than certain
number of nodes) does not get any information. In other words, we propose to
study a locally repairable distributed storage system that is secure against a
{\em passive eavesdropper} that can observe some subsets of nodes.
We provide a number of results related to such systems including upper-bounds
and achievability results on the number of bits that can be securely stored
with these constraints.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions of
Information Theor
Deconstructing Supersymmetric S-matrices in D <= 2 + 1
Global supersymmetries of the S-matrices of N = 2, 4, 8 supersymmetric
Yang-Mills theories in three spacetime dimensions (without matter
hypermultiplets) are shown to be SU(1|1), SU(2|2) and SU(2|2) X SU(2|2)
respectively. These symmetries are not manifest in the off-shell Lagrangian
formulations of these theories. A direct map between these symmetries and their
representations in terms of the Yang-Mills degrees of freedom and the
corresponding quantities in Chern-Simons-Matter theories with N >= 4
supersymmetry is also obtained. Dimensional reduction of the on-shell
observables of the Yang-Mills theories to two spacetime dimensions is also
discussed.Comment: 1+13 page
The Hamiltonian Analysis for Yang-Mills Theory on
Pure Yang-Mills theory on is analyzed in a
gauge-invariant Hamiltonian formalism. Using a suitable coordinatization for
the sphere and a gauge-invariant matrix parametrization for the gauge
potentials, we develop the Hamiltonian formalism in a manner that closely
parallels previous analysis on . The volume measure on the
physical configuration space of the gauge theory, the nonperturbative mass-gap
and the leading term of the vacuum wave functional are discussed using a
point-splitting regularization. All the results carry over smoothly to known
results on in the limit in which the sphere is de-compactified
to a plane
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