306 research outputs found
The Ability of Supplying the Elliptical Items Omitted From a Written Text and its Impact on the Reading Comprehension of 4th Year Libyan University Students Studying EFL
This paper investigates the ability of supplying the elliptical items omitted from a written text and its impact on the reading comprehension of Libyan university students studying EFL. Ellipsis can be defined as the omission of one or more lexical items that are understood in the context, but which are required to make the sentence or utterance grammatically correct. An elliptical item could be nominal, verbal or clausal. 4th year English Department students from the English Department- Faculty of ArtsGharian in Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi University completed reading comprehension test. Seventy one out of a hundred and four students accepted to participate in the study. The test was modified to include many elliptical items and the students were asked to supply them. The results, which were statistically analyzed, suggested that the study participants were not able to supply the correct elliptical items and consequently had poor reading comprehension results. The mean marks achieved were only 33.8. This result may have many pedagogical implications
Studies on the fragmentation of human immunoglobulin M by cyanogen bromide
Human IgM proteins have been isolated from several pathological sera by euglobulin precipitation followed by gel filtration. The purity of the isolated IgM proteins was determined by cellulose acetate electrophoresis. By reacting with anti-human IgM serum and anti-human Kappa (K) chain serum the immunological properties were determined. The polymeric IgM molecule (Mol-wt ≈ 950 000) was converted into pentameric Fcμ fragments using trypsin, and into monomer subunites (IgMs) using cysteine, and the purities and immunological characteristics of these products were studied. Their molecular weights were also estimated by gel filtration chromatography and by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. [Continues.
ABSTRACTThis research is motivated by regulations concerning criteria qualitative, namely the type of business and quantitative criteria, namely the ratio Islamic stock finance published in 2007, 2009 and 2012 in the form Bapepam and LK regulations. In Bapepam and LK regulations Number II.K.1 about Criteria and Issuance of List of Sharia Securities there is still tolerance to financial ratios, namely to interest-based debt with income interest based and other non-halal income. In the formulation of this study is how the changes, reasons and position of the Bapepam LK Regulation Number II.K.1 concerning Criteria and Issuance of List of Sharia Securities. This study aims (1) To find out changes in Qualitative Criteria and Quantitative Criteria in Bapepam LK Regulation Number II.K.1 about Criteria and Issuance of List of Sharia Securities in 2007, 2009, 2012. (2) For find out what is the reason for the changes in Bapepam LK regulations number II.K.1 about Criteria and Issuance of Sharia Securities List in 2007, 2009 and 2012. (3) To determine the Position of Bapepam LK Regulation Number II.K.1 about Criteria and Issuance of List of Sharia Securities in the legal system Capital Market in Indonesia. This research was conducted by juridical-normative method, namely analyze the contents of legislation in the form of Bapepam and Regulations LK. The source of the research is Bapepam LK Regulation Number II.K.1 and Fatwa DSN-MUI. Techniques for collecting data through interviews, documentation studies and literature review. Qualitative data analysis by collecting data to then be interpreted and conclusions taken. This study concludes (1) changes in 2007 to 2009 occur changes to qualitative and quantitative criteria but not too significant. Then in 2009 to 2012 there was a change in quantitative criteria that is to financial ratios to point (a) interest-based debt ratios at appeal with total assets of not more than 45%. (2) the reason that happened to changes from 2007 to 2009 were to provide information comprehensive about sharia securities, while changes from 2009 to 2012 are because the ratio calculation based on capital is considered irrelevant reasons: (i) Companies that lose (small capital) are not necessarily performance going forward is not good; (ii) No other country uses that ratio capital-based. (3) Bapepam LK Regulation Number II.K.1 concerning Criteria and The issuance of the List of Sharia Securities is still valid and provides reference to issuers that enter the List of Sharia Securities. Even though it is currently Bapepam LK has been abolished and merged with Bank Indonesia to become a Service Authority Finance (OJK). Because there are no new regulations issued by the FSA and Bank Indonesia, so that this regulation is still valid
Objective: Major objective of this study is to determine the calorific value and antioxidant activity of Canavaliarosea.
Methods: Petroleum ether extract of the seeds were tested qualitatively for twelve components. Calorific value in kJ/100g seed flour was determined based on the results of the proximate analysis. Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants were analyzed by standard procedures using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.
Results: C. roseais a perennial creeper with roughly circular compound leaves. Flowers are brightly pink-purple, in racemes. It is having large fruits up to 8-12 cm, with brown dormant seeds inside. Seeds were collected from banks of ‘Kabani’ River (Panamaram) and from various tribal hamlets in Wayanad district, Kerela. Preliminary phytochemical screening reveals the presence of eight compounds such as, tannins,saponins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids, phenols, coumarins and phlobatannins. The analysis of nutritive value of seed has a higher value of crude protein (48.71 %) and crude carbohydrate (34.07). The calorific value of seed material was 1529.9kJ/100g seed flour. Enzymatic antioxidants superoxide dismutase (38.134 u/mg fw) and catalase (19.051 u/mg dw) then non-enzymatic antioxidants poly phenols (12.81 u/mg dw) and ascorbic acid (10.301 u/mg fw) were tested. All those tests show significant levels of antioxidants in the sample.
Conclusion: Hence, the present study providing details about the place of collection, ethnobotanical information, energy content and antioxidant activity of Canavaliarosea
Objective: The present study includes the qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytochemical constituents and HPTLC (High-performance thin layer chromatography) analysis of phenolic acids in the fruit extract of Artocarpus hirsutus.
Methods: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Artocarpus hirsutus methanol fruit extract using standard methods. HPTLC analysis was performed by the CAMAG HPTLC system (Switzerland) for gallic acid, caffeic acid and ferulic acid determination.
Results: The Preliminary phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phytoconstituents such as flavonoids, phenols, tannins, steroids, glycosides, alkaloids, carbohydrate and protein. The methanol fruit extract has high carbohydrate content (267±0.02 mg/g FW). And good amount of protein, phenol, flavanoid were also found. The results of mineral studies shows that elements such as potassium (1.601%) and nitrogen (1.4%) were present in higher quantity. The result showed the presence of caffeic acid within peak 7 with an Rf (Retension factor) value 0.49, ferulic acid within peak 8 with an Rf value 0.60, and gallic acid within peak 5 with an Rf value 0.25.
Conclusion: The results indicated that the Artocarpus hirsutus fruit contains an appreciable amount of bioactive compounds
Critical Quality Factors and Financial Performance of the Libyan Construction Firms
The paper provides an empirical study on the identification of critical success factors (CSFs) of implementation total quality management (TQM) in Libyan construction industry. Six factors with 53 items were identified to develop questionnaires and to develop roadmap through which the Libyan construction companies could implement quality management
Objective: To explore, collect, identify and preserve wild edible fruits of Kannur district, Kerala.
Methods: Field survey was conducted for collecting information regarding utilization aspects of some underutilized fruits. The important wild fruits were selected on the basis of their easy availability and on their food and medicinal values in Kannur district.
Results: Total thirty three wild edible fruits were collected, identified, and documented. All these fruits were good source of fat, protein, sugars and antioxidants. Most species were found to have many therapeutic uses.
Conclusion: The documentation of wild fruits will benefit the community through the use of locally and freely available healthy food which will also preserve their cultural pride. And these wild fruit plants have important role in maintaining ecological balance
On The Existence of A Unique Solution for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations of First Order
In this paper, we state and prove a theorem for local existence of a unique solution for a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations ( NODE ) of first order by proving that the nonlinear operator of this system is contractive in a metric space subset of the Banach space consisting of the bounded differentiable functions on the real numbers and equipped with a Bielescki#39s type norm.nbsp Finally, we give examples to illustrate our result
Logistics education at historically black colleges and universities
A review of research literature on logistics education reveals disparities between demand for and supply of logistics management skills. Racial minorities are relatively underrepresented in logistics education and professional careers. In order to meet the rising demand for college graduates and mitigate racial disparities in the field, a need arises to enhance logistics education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s). HBCU’s are known to have a high rate of success in retaining and graduating African American students. Yet, only a few of these institutions offer logistics degree programs or concentrations within the business and social science majors. This article makes a case for enhancing logistics education at HBCU’s through program development, recruitment, and retention strategies. It argues that the coordination of activities and partnerships between the institutions offering the programs, high schools/community colleges, and employers of the graduates and government are essential for the success of such strategies
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