13 research outputs found
Hak-hak Korban KDRT dalam Putusan Hakim
Kehidupan rumah tangga adalah dalam konteks menegakkan syariat Islam, menuju ridho Allah Swt. Suami dan istri harus saling melengkapi dan bekerja sama dalam membangun rumah tangga yang harmonis menuju derajat takwa. Allah SWT berfirman: “Dan orang-orang beriman, lelaki dan perempuan, sebagian mereka (adalah) menjadi penolong sebahagian yang lain. Mereka menyuruh (mengerjakan) yang ma’ruf, mencegah dari yang mungkar, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, dan mereka taat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Mereka akan diberi rahmat oleh Allah; Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana.” (Qs. at-Taubah [9]: 71).
Dalam konteks rumah tangga, bentuk-bentuk kekerasan memang seringkali terjadi, baik yang menimpa istri, anak-anak, pembantu rumah tangga,dan orang-orang yang berada dalam lingkup rumah tangga. Kekerasan ini bisa terjadi karena berbagai sebab, seperti masalah ekonomi, sosial, bahkan karena pihak ketiga. Semua bentuk kekerasan dalam rumah tangga itu pada dasarnya harus dikenai sanksi karena merupakan bentuk kriminalitas (jarimah)
Bentuk dari perlindungan hukum terhadap korban salah tangkap dan menahan orang berupa memberikan sebuah ganti rugi, berkenaan dengan jumlah maksimal dan minimal ganti rugi, hak tersebut diberikan oleh negara kepada korban yang merasa dirugikan karena ditangkap, ditahan, dituntut dan diadili atau mendapat sebuah perlakuan lain, tanpa dibarengi dengan alasan yang berdasarkan undang-undang bertujuan untuk memenuhi rasa keadilan, keseimbangan, manfaat, kepastian hukum, dan kemanusiaan bagi korban. Selain itu pemberian sanksi kepada penyidik berupa suatu pernyataan maaf secara terbatas dan terbuka, dan harus dibarengi dengan adanya sanksi Kode Etik Profesi Polri dan Upaya Hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh korban salah tangkap yaitu dengan melakukan tuntutan ganti rugi dan rehabilitasi. Ganti rugi korban berbentuk sejumlah uang yang harus dibayarkan akibat kesalahan dari penyidik dalam menangkap, menahan, menuntut maupun mengadili tanpa suatu alasan yang berdasar pada undang-undang yang ada, maka rehabilitasi yang dilakukan cenderung untuk memulihkan nama baik, harkat dan martabat serta memulihkan hak seorang terdakwa. Disarankan untuk mengadakan sosialisasi tentang ganti rugi, dan penyidik Polri diharuskan bisa bersikap lebih professional dalam melakukan penegakan huku
The birth of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning Juvenile Justice System provides A new hope in the protection of children, namely the existence of strict arrangements regarding Restorative Justice and Diversion to avoid and keep children away from a judicial process. Restorative Justice through the Diversion process, seeks to place all parties involved in a particular criminal act together to overcome the problem and create an obligation to make things better by involving victims, children and the community in finding solutions to improve, reconcile and reassure a heart not basing on retaliation and returns the child back to the family environment properly. The main purpose of Diversion is to free children from the trauma of judiciary but still found obstacles in the implementation, either regulatory, institutional and infrastructure. The results of the research on the application of diversion at the police level still experienced many failures thus children end up having to deal with the Criminal Justice System and become prisoners that can damage the future of children
Abstrack-One of the biggest weapons in law enforcement to deal with rampant corruption is the judges. Judges are considerably independent and their authorities are guaranteed by the constitution. A judge’s decision ought to reflect justice for all, both in terms of benefit and legal certainty. Disparity is not an exclusive practice, but rather something commonly found in many states. It is impossible to truly eradicate disparity in every judge’s decision; however, one should try to minimize it since disparity can significantly harm the court system. Not to mention, it is also publicly regarded as an evidence of legal injustice, thus it can also lead to the increase of public distrust towards the law in general and the court system in particular. This study aims to analyze the construction of corruption cases and the punishments involved according to the Indonesian Acts. We also intend to describe the various ways the judges decided on corruption cases in Indonesia and granted punishments to the perpetrators to find out if there are evidences for disparity. This study can be categorized as a dogmatic legal research or normative legal research. It is a dogmatic legal research since it regards the law as a whole system that comprises legal principles, legal norms, and rules. It is also a normative legal research since we mainly analyzed normative law that involves both primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. We also used a combined research approaches between case approach and conceptual approach to analyze our research result through induction-interpretation conceptualization method.
Keyword: corruption, disparity, judge decisio
Disparity in decision often occurs in corruption cases because the judges have their own independence to decide corruption cases without full consideration. For example, people with the same case and position, but they can get a different sentence. It is impossible to omit disparity but the number of disparity can be reduced to give equal justice for the perpetrators and victims of corruption. Disparity is an inequality in criminal sentencing which is the result of unfair or unexplained causes, rather than a legitimate use of discretion in the application of the law. This article aims to analyze the corruption decision trends in Indonesia and disparity factors. This study used normative legal research as the research method. The writers gain data from the literature review. To ensure the data, the writers used triangulation. The findings of this study are that the judges’ decision on corruption cases vary in each level and the factors of judges’ disparity are influenced by inter-jurisdictional disparity, intra-jurisdictional disparity, or intra-judge disparity
Contempt of Court in the Perspective of Criminal Law Enforcement
The latest Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) dated August 28, 2019 sets
out the Contempt of Court in Article 281, that any individual who does not
abide by court order or judicial decree issued for the purpose of judicial process,
behaves disrespectfully towards judge or the court or attacks judge’s integrity or
impartiality in court hearing, or unlawfully records, directly publicizes, or
allows publication of anything which may affect judge’s impartiality in court
hearing is subject to criminal imprisonment for maximum 1 year or criminal
fine for maximum Rp10,000,000.- Based on the mandate of Act Number 5 of
2004 on the Amendment to Supreme Court Act Number 14 of 1985 on the
Supreme Court, Contempt of Court should be set forth in independent Law and
Regulation so as not to cause turmoil in the community as the result of
criminalization in criminal judicial process.Problems resulted from regulation of
Contempt of Court on judicial process are deemed to restrict the rights of law
enforcers such as advocates and other justice seekers. When a law enforcer is
criticizing the course of a hearing process, it may be categorized into Contempt
of Court pursuant to Article 281 RKUHP
Abstract: Gender equality in Indonesian legislature has not yet reached its expected state. Despite numerous agreements, conventions, and affirmative actions that were taken so far to promote the agenda, the fact of the matter is that female politicians are still quite rare in Indonesian legislatures, compared to their male counterparts. Among some of the deciding factors that hinder women’s participation in politics, gender gap and transactional relationship in the election system are deemed to be the main ones. This article wants to address this problem by analysing the regulation of Indonesian general election and the way it affects female representation in regional Indonesian legislatures. Using a normative approach, this article will discuss secondary data through qualitative analysis. We have examined the number of female politicians in five regional House of Representatives in Central Java based on the election result of 2014 and 2019. Our findings showed that women's participation in those legislatures has not yet reached the 30% quota expected by the regulation. Based on this finding, we propose two necessary steps to attain the 30% quota goal. The need of a political warrant in practical level for female politicians beyond political party legitimacy and number-ordering of their candidacies. Keyword : Gender equality, Indonesian legislature, Electio
Environmental Crime and Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Some Reflections on Counterproductive Approaches
The enforcement of environmental law in Indonesia shows a contradictory nature. The exploitation of natural
resources by corporations has caused unparalleled disasters. Yet, the perpetrators, especially those corporations who work in
collective, are rarely able to be persecuted. This research aims to examine the obstacles to environmental law enforcement in
Indonesia and analyze the ideal environmental law enforcement model for future use. This research uses a qualitative approach
which examines the concepts related to the ideal law enforcement for the future (ius constituendum). Our examination finds
that there are three main obstacles in enforcing environmental law in Indonesia: the inability to deal with corporations which
have strong political backing, overlapping authorities in the process of crime investigation, and difficulties faced by law
enforcement officers in finding evidence. In light of these findings, we propose a model of legal protection for victims of
pollution and/ or environmental destruction using the principle of restorative justice. In this model, judges can represent
facilitators from the state for the initial stage. The value of this model is that rather than only pursuing punishment for the
perpetrators, it shifts the focus towards providing compensation for the victims by the perpetrators.
Keywords: Environmental law, law enforcement, restorative justice, ideal legal model, Indonesi
Judges have freedom and independence in deciding cases. The judge's authority can have
an impact on different interpretations in deciding cases with the same legal source. Judges need
to be equipped with transcendental values as a source of reasoning. The purpose of this research
is to examine the concept of independence and freedom of judges in making decisions, and to
examine the contribution of transcendental law as an effort towards a fair judge's verdict. This
study uses a philosophical approach, which examines the future judge's decision from the ideal
point of view. The data used are secondary data with qualitative data analysis techniques. The
research findings show that the judicial power is the power of an independent state to administer
the judiciary in order to uphold law and justice for the implementation of a rule of law. Judge is
a core element who exercises judicial power. The judicial power is obliged to maintain the
independence of the judiciary through the integrity and the freedom of judges in examining and
deciding cases. Judges must be equipped with the value of transcendental law. Traditional
knowledge is the clearest gateway to confirming the Absolute Reality and getting out of
materialism. Transcendental becomes a source of rational reasoning and empiricism as well as
diversity and humanity with an inner awareness of God and the univers