273 research outputs found

    Spectral methods for multiscale stochastic differential equations

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    This paper presents a new method for the solution of multiscale stochastic differential equations at the diffusive time scale. In contrast to averaging-based methods, e.g., the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM) or the equation-free method, which rely on Monte Carlo simulations, in this paper we introduce a new numerical methodology that is based on a spectral method. In particular, we use an expansion in Hermite functions to approximate the solution of an appropriate Poisson equation, which is used in order to calculate the coefficients of the homogenized equation. Spectral convergence is proved under suitable assumptions. Numerical experiments corroborate the theory and illustrate the performance of the method. A comparison with the HMM and an application to singularly perturbed stochastic PDEs are also presented

    Numerical Methods for Multilattices

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    Among the efficient numerical methods based on atomistic models, the quasicontinuum (QC) method has attracted growing interest in recent years. The QC method was first developed for crystalline materials with Bravais lattice and was later extended to multilattices (Tadmor et al, 1999). Another existing numerical approach to modeling multilattices is homogenization. In the present paper we review the existing numerical methods for multilattices and propose another concurrent macro-to-micro method in the numerical homogenization framework. We give a unified mathematical formulation of the new and the existing methods and show their equivalence. We then consider extensions of the proposed method to time-dependent problems and to random materials.Comment: 31 page

    Large stiff systems solved by Chebyshev methods

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    Linearized Numerical Homogenization Method for Nonlinear Monotone Parabolic Multiscale Problems

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    Explicit Stabilised Gradient Descent for Faster Strongly Convex Optimisation

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    This paper introduces the Runge-Kutta Chebyshev descent method (RKCD) for strongly convex optimisation problems. This new algorithm is based on explicit stabilised integrators for stiff differential equations, a powerful class of numerical schemes that avoid the severe step size restriction faced by standard explicit integrators. For optimising quadratic and strongly convex functions, this paper proves that RKCD nearly achieves the optimal convergence rate of the conjugate gradient algorithm, and the suboptimality of RKCD diminishes as the condition number of the quadratic function worsens. It is established that this optimal rate is obtained also for a partitioned variant of RKCD applied to perturbations of quadratic functions. In addition, numerical experiments on general strongly convex problems show that RKCD outperforms Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent

    Quantitative assessment for detection and monitoring of coastline dynamics with temporal RADARSAT images

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    © 2018 by the authors. This study aims to detect coastline changes using temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images for the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. Two active images, namely, RADARSAT-1 captured in 2003 and RADARSAT-2 captured in 2014, were used to monitor such changes. We applied noise removal and edge detection filtering on RADARSAT images for preprocessing to remove salt and pepper distortion. Different segmentation analyses were also applied to the filtered images. Firstly, multiresolution segmentation, maximum spectral difference and chessboard segmentation were performed to separate land pixels from ocean ones. Next, the Taguchi method was used to optimise segmentation parameters. Subsequently, a support vector machine algorithm was applied on the optimised segments to classify shorelines with an accuracy of 98% for both temporal images. Results were validated using a thematic map from the Department of Survey and Mapping of Malaysia. The change detection showed an average difference in the shoreline of 12.5 m between 2003 and 2014. The methods developed in this study demonstrate the ability of active SAR sensors to map and detect shoreline changes, especially during low or high tides in tropical regions where passive sensor imagery is often masked by clouds

    Spectral Methods for Multiscale Stochastic Differential Equations

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    This paper presents a new method for the solution of multiscale stochastic differential equations at the diffusive time scale. In contrast to averaging-based methods, e.g., the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM) or the equation-free method, which rely on Monte Carlo simulations, in this paper we introduce a new numerical methodology that is based on a spectral method. In particular, we use an expansion in Hermite functions to approximate the solution of an appropriate Poisson equation, which is used in order to calculate the coefficients of the homogenized equation. Spectral convergence is proved under suitable assumptions. Numerical experiments corroborate the theory and illustrate the performance of the method. A comparison with the HMM and an application to singularly perturbed stochastic PDEs are also presented

    Accelerated convergence to equilibrium and reduced asymptotic variance for Langevin dynamics using Stratonovich perturbations

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    In this paper we propose a new approach for sampling from probability measures in, possibly, high dimensional spaces. By perturbing the standard overdamped Langevin dynamics by a suitable Stratonovich perturbation that preserves the invariant measure of the original system, we show that accelerated convergence to equilibrium and reduced asymptotic variance can be achieved, leading, thus, to a computationally advantageous sampling algorithm. The new perturbed Langevin dynamics is reversible with respect to the target probability measure and, consequently, does not suffer from the drawbacks of the nonreversible Langevin samplers that were introduced in~[C.-R. Hwang, S.-Y. Hwang-Ma, and S.-J. Sheu, Ann. Appl. Probab. 1993] and studied in, e.g. [T. Lelievre, F. Nier, and G. A. Pavliotis J. Stat. Phys., 2013] and [A. B. Duncan, T. Leli\`evre, and G. A. Pavliotis J. Stat. Phys., 2016], while retaining all of their advantages in terms of accelerated convergence and reduced asymptotic variance. In particular, the reversibility of the dynamics ensures that there is no oscillatory transient behaviour. The improved performance of the proposed methodology, in comparison to the standard overdamped Langevin dynamics and its nonreversible perturbation, is illustrated on an example of sampling from a two-dimensional warped Gaussian target distribution.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris; Ser.

    Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations with multiples scales

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    A new method for solving numerically stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) with multiple scales is presented. The method combines a spectral method with the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM) presented in [W. E, D. Liu, and E. Vanden-Eijnden, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 58(11):1544--1585, 2005]. The class of problems that we consider are SPDEs with quadratic nonlinearities that were studied in [D. Blomker, M. Hairer, and G.A. Pavliotis, Nonlinearity, 20(7):1721--1744, 2007.] For such SPDEs an amplitude equation which describes the effective dynamics at long time scales can be rigorously derived for both advective and diffusive time scales. Our method, based on micro and macro solvers, allows to capture numerically the amplitude equation accurately at a cost independent of the small scales in the problem. Numerical experiments illustrate the behavior of the proposed method.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Comp. Phy

    Multiscale model reduction methods for flow in heterogeneous porous media

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    In this paper we provide a general framework for model reduction methods applied to fluid flow in porous media. Using reduced basis and numerical homogenization techniques we show that the complexity of the numerical approximation of Stokes flow in heterogeneous media can be drastically reduced. The use of such a computational framework is illustrated at several model problems such as two and three scale porous media
