28 research outputs found
Tracing the trajectory of vocational education research on career adaptability: a bibliometric study
Reports on the evaluation of the most relevant themes on career adaptability through bibliometric analysis using the keyword “career adaptability” as its input aims to get a comprehensive view of current issues and trends in career adaptability research. The VOSviewer software in collaboration with Microsoft Excel and Open Refine was adopted as tool to visualize the network of authors, countries of origins and keywords in publication data mined on June 19 2022. The analysis found a total of 728 scientific publication from 1981 to 2022. The results show that in the last 15 years the number of career adaptability publications has grown very significantly. The United States is a major country contributing of publications. Author analysis presents Nota L as the most prolific author, while Savickas L is a prominent author while Guan Y is the writer with the best writing network with 8 other writers on career adaptability. Academic Press Inc. dominates the publication with 22.94% of it is production. Keyword analysis shows that career adaptability studies in the last two decades have focused on the theme of career planning through the establishment of a career guidance framework that aims to create prosperity
Teachers’ digital literacy overview in secondary school
This study explored the teachers’ digital literacy in secondary school and deciphered the most suggested way of enhancing secondary teachers’ digital literacy, overview levels, and the trends factors in the last five years of research. The methodologies in this study employed the traditional systematic literature review (SLR), which compiled some previous studies to be examined. The initial studies were only selected from an article published in a reputable journal indexed by Scopus. Of the 118 articles reviewed, 46 were selected to be included in the analysis. Significant findings summarize the fact that most of the last five-year research about teachers in secondary schools was impacted by the rapid development of technology and the demand for 21st-century skills. To summarize, as it is at the intermediate level, most secondary school teachers are digitally literate. However, future research may evaluate digital literacy training programs for teachers to assess what improvements should be made to delivery as well as existing frameworks used to test teachers’ digital literacy
Peramalan Beban Listrik Jangka Pendek Melalui Pendekatan Statistik dan Soft Computing
Abstrak—Makalah ini memaparkan hasil penelitian tentang estimasi beban listrik harian melalui dua pendekatan yaitu pendekatan statistik dan pendekatan softcomputing. Pendekatan statistik menggunakan metode moving average dan exponential smoothing, sedangkan pendekatan softcomputing menggunakan algoritma feed forward backpropagation dari jaringan syaraf tiruan. Hasil perhitungan dengan kedua pendekatan tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan metode koefisien beban yang selama ini digunakan PLN. Hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa estimasi lebih akurat dengan menggunakan pendekatan soft computing. Index Terms—Estimasi beban listrik harian; statistik; soft computing
Reconstruction of vocational high school physics instructional materials
Instructional materials for static electricity and dynamic electricity for Physics subjects in Vocational High Schools are not in accordance with the scope of the material contained in the Electronics Department: (1) The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the teaching materials of static electricity and dynamic electricity in Physics in the Electronics Department; (2) Qualitative Content Analysis Method was used to explore the contents of seven book titles with different publishers and is strengthened through inter-views with Physics teachers in the Department of Electronics. In the process of analyzing the content of the contents of this textbook used Atlas.ti computer software; (3) The findings show that the content in the Vocational High School Physics books pub-lished by several publishers does not yet have specific conformity with the Department of Electronics; (4) conclusion. There are code relating to the content content, researchers only specify it into 39 code titles in the VHS Physics Textbook. from qualitative analysis. The level of compatibility of the content of the material with the 2013 Revised Curriculum was 42.86%, the availability of pictures was 75%, examples of questions from the equa-tions of each series were 85.71%, the suitability of the practicum with the Electrical Clump was 14.29%. content conformity with the Revised 2013 Curriculum and electro majors has a slightly low percentage of 42.86%. So in this study, the authors reconstruct VHS Physics teaching materials for the Electrical Department and also make VHS Physics teaching materials for the Electrical Clump
The Distributions of Vocational High School Teachers’ Advanced Digital Competence (ADC)
Digital competence is one of the significant skills to be possessed by the teachers as the impact of rapid technology development in many aspects such as economy, education, health, and environment. Various digital competence measurements and frameworks had been developed to ensure that someone has an advance digital skill and one of those is DigComp 2.1 by European Commission. Many previous studies had been studied about teachers’ digital competence levels influenced by some factors such as age, gender, working period, and educational background. However, it is infrequently analysed that the advance digital competence (ADC) of Vocational High School (VHS) teachers is differentiated by engineering field and non-engineering field, area or region and its school quality. Moreover, this study aimed: (a) to show the ADC level analysis between VHS teachers in engineering and non-engineering school, (b) to delineate the ADC level of VHS teachers based on the islands where the school is located, and (c) to represent the impact of school quality towards the VHS teachers’ ADC level. The data was analysed using a quantitative approach with a descriptive statistics method. Additionally, the instruments of the survey to collect the data were adapted from the DigCompEdu framework in part of advanced level and measured using Likert scale. The participants of this study were 392 respondents but, it was classified and divided into some fields based on VHS fields, islands and school accreditation. The result of this study expounded that VHS teachers in the engineering field have higher scores at the ADC level even though there are some ADC components that should be upgraded by the VHS teachers in both fields. Meanwhile, islands and school accreditation had no significant impact yet showed the opposite result
Model Pendidikan Karakter di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter peserta didik di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dibantu program software Nvivo 12 Plus, informan terdiri dari para guru, peserta didik, dan industri. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling, sehingga terdapat informan kunci dan informan pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter, seperti disiplin, religius, bersahabat/komunikatif, kerja keras, tanggung jawab dan jujur merupakan nilai-nilai utama yang acap kali diberikan pendidik kepada peserta didik di SMK. Sedangkan karakter siswa yang cenderung diinginkan oleh industri adalah religius, disiplin, bersahabat/komunikatif, tanggung jawab dan jujur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari delapan belas nilai karakter yang ada, empat nilai yang sama muncul, perbedaannya terletak di kerja keras dan jujur. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pembentukan karakter peserta didik di SMK membutuhkan elaborasi yang baik antara satuan pendidikan, masyarakat dan keluarga, sehingga tujuan dari pendidikan karakter ini dapat tercapai dengan maksimal
Students’ acceptance of mobile-based assessment
The effective development of a Mobile-Based Assessment (MBA) depends on students’ acceptance. The aim of this paper was to examine the determinant factor of students’ behavioral intention to use mobile-based assessment. Data were collected from 105 second grade students of a vocational high school through an online survey questionnaire. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to test the measurement and the structural model. Results showed Perceived Ease of Use as the strongest direct predictor of Behavioral Intention to Use, followed by Perceived Usefulness. Content and Mobile Self-Efficacy only has an indirect effect. These four variables explain 51.3 percent of the variance of Behavioral Intention to Use
A Contextual Semi-Assisted Project-Based Learning on Ocean Wave Energy: Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Perceptions
The lack of technological innovation in the utilization of ocean wave energy as a renewable energy source is caused by a lack of public knowledge about this matter. Therefore, it needs to be introduced early, especially to pre-service teachers through innovative and fun learning. The aim of this study was to identify the responses of pre-service physics teachers about the learning program to introduce the concept of utilizing ocean wave energy. The research subjects were 31 sixth semester students who are taking environmental physics lectures in the physics education study program at one of the teachers' university in West Nusa Tenggara Province for the 2019/2020 academic year. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interview, and questionnaire techniques. All data collected were then analyzed simultaneously descriptively. The findings of this study showed that almost 90% pre-service physics teacher students agreed that the learning program had a positive impact on increasing interest, motivation, critical thinking skills, and creative thinking skills, and made them easier to solve problems and grow solid cooperation. Therefore, it can be concluded that pre-service physics teacher students agree to the use of semi-assisted project-based learning programs with contextual problems
A contextual semi assisted project-based learning (SA-PjBL) about ocean wave energy: Creative thinking of pre-service physics teachers
One of the factors that have become an obstacle in the development of techno-logy to use ocean wave energy as a renewable energy source is the lack of human resources who have expertise in this field. Therefore, in the long term, it is necessary to introduce basic knowledge to the young generation about wave energy and other renew-able energies and even must equip them with important skills such as creative thinking skills. This study aims to introduce students to how to utilize ocean waves as renewable energy while at the same time developing student creative thinking skills through semi-assisted project-based learning. This type of research is weak experiment research with one group pretest-posttest design research. The research was conducted on 31 pre-service physics physics teachers who were taking environmental physics lectures at a teacher training university in West Nusa Tenggara. The performance appraisal data were analyzed descriptively while the test result data were analyzed using the N-gain and the Wilcoxon test. Based on the results of data analysis, it was obtained <g> = 0.725, which means that there was a high increase in students' mastery of the concept of using ocean waves as a renewable energy source. In addition, the results of the performance appraisal data (score > 3) indicated that at each stage of learning, students were provided with indicators of creative thinking skills with very satisfied categories. Therefore, it can be concluded that environmental physics lectures using semi-assisted project-based learning able to improve students' mastery of concepts and creative thinking skills
A Simple, Rapid Analysis, Portable, Low-cost, and Arduino-based Spectrophotometer with White LED as a Light Source for Analyzing Solution Concentration
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate a simple, rapid analysis, portable, and inexpensive spectrophotometer. Different from other spectrophotometers, the present instrument consisted of a single white light-emmiting-diode (LED) as a light source, a light sensor, and arduino electronic card as an acquisition system. To maintain a constant light intensity, a common white-color LED emitting a 450-620 nm continous spectrum was employed. Software was written in C++ to control photometer through a USB interface and for data acquistion to the computer. The instrument is designed to be simple and compacted with sizes of 200 x 130 x 150 mm for length, width, and height, respectively. The analysis of the total cost isabout less than 500 USD, while commercially available offers price of more than 10,000 USD. Thus, this makes the present instrument feasible for teaching support media in developing countries. The effectiveness of the present spectrophotometer for analyzing solution concentration (i.e. curcumin) was also demonstrated. Interestingly, the present spectrophotometer is able to measure the concentration of curcumin precisely with an accuracy of more than 90%. Different from commercially available standard UV-visible spectrophotometers that have limitations in the analysis of concentration of less than 50 ppm, the present system can measure the concentration with no limitation since the measurement is based on the LED light being penetrated