18 research outputs found

    Numerical and experimental study of Boussinesq wall horizontal turbulent jet of fresh water in a static homogeneous environment of salt water

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    International audienceThis paper investigates a numerical and experimental study about buoyant wall turbulent jet in a static homogeneous environment. A light fluid of fresh water is injected horizontally and tangentially to a plane wall into homogenous salt water ambient. This later is given with different values of salinity and the initial fractional density is small, so the applicability of the Boussinesq approximation is valid. Since the domain temperature is assumed to be constant, the density of the mixture is a function of the salt concentration only. Mathematical model is based on the finite volume method and reports on an application of standard k - epsilon turbulence model for steady flow with densimetric Froude numbers of 1-75 and Reynolds numbers of 2 000-6 000. The basic features of the model are the conservation of mass, momentum and concentration. The boundaries of jet body, the radius and cling length are determined. It is found that the jet spreading and behavior depend on the ratio between initial buoyancy flux and momentum, i.e., initial Froude number, and on the influence of wall boundary which corresponds to Coanda effect. Laboratory experiments were conducted with photographic observations of jet trajectories and numerical results are described and compared with the experiments. A good agreement with numerical and experimental results has been achieved

    Numerical and experimental study of horizontal round turbulent forced plume in a static homogeneous environment

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    International audienceThis paper investigates a numerical and experimental study about horizontal round turbulent forced plume injected into a static homogeneous environment. Helium-air plume is an example of non-Boussinesq forced plume in which a low-density binary gas mixture is injected into a high density ambient of air. Since the domain temperature is assumed to be constant, the density of the mixture is a function of the concentration only. Numerical model is based on the finite volume method and reports on an application of standard k-epsilon model for steady flow with densimetric Froude numbers of 30-300 and Reynolds numbers of 2000-6000. The basic features of the model are: the conservation of mass, momentum and concentration. The boundaries of plume body, the centerline trajectory, the radius plume and the centerline mixture density are determined. It is found that the plume spreading and behavior depend on the ratio between buoyancy flux and momentum, i.e. Froude number. Laboratory experiments have been conducted for photographic observations of plumes trajectories for different mixture (helium-air) densities with different velocities and injection nozzle diameters. Numerical results are described and compared with the experiments and good agreement has been achieved

    Solids behavior in dilute zone of a CFB riser under turbulent conditions

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    International audienceThe behavior of the solid phase in the upper zone of a circulating fluidized bed riser was studied using a phase Doppler anemometer. Glass particles of mean diameter 107 mu m and superficial gas velocities U(g) covering the turbulent and the beginning of the fast fluidization regime were investigated. Three static bed heights were tested. Ascending and descending particles were found co-existing under all operating conditions tested, and at all measurement locations. Superficial gas velocity proved/happened to have a larger effect on descending particles at the wall and on ascending particles in the central region. Transversal particle velocities in both directions (toward the center and toward the wall) behaved relatively equivalently, with only slight difference observed at the wall. However, observation of the number of particles moving in either transversal direction showed a change in bed structure when increasing Ug. Furthermore, a balance was constantly observed between the core zone and the annulus zone where the mutual mass transfer between these two zones occurred continuously. Transition from a slow to a fast particle motion was accompanied by a transition to high levels of velocity fluctuations, and was found corresponding to the appearance of significant solid particle flow rate. (C) 2011 Chinese Society of Particuology and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Modélisation de la propagation des eaux usées dans la baie de Tanger

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    International audienceNotre étude concerne la modélisation de la diffusion de la pollution dans la baie de la ville de Tanger (Maroc). Ce processus est étudié à l'aide du code de calcul FLUENT en bidimensionnel (2D), l'objectif étant de valider le modèle de calcul choisi et les conditions aux limites utilisées en vue d'une future modélisation 3D

    Impact Of Urban Microclimate On The Energy Performance Of Riad-type Buildings

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    International audienceIn this study a simplified approach for urban microclimate modelling by using TRNSYS 17 software has been developed and validated. This approach has the advantage to model the microclimatic phenomena in order to consider them in a dynamic building thermal simulation software without going through time-consuming CFD calculations, and with a satisfactory accuracy for thermal and energy evaluation. This approach is used to determine the microclimate impact on Riad’s thermal behavior. The obtained results show that the estimated energy performances of Riad by only dynamic thermal simulation tools are deviating in relation to the developed approach

    Adsorption of a cationic dye from aqueous solution using low-cost Moroccan diatomite: adsorption equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies

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    This article presents the adsorption of Methylene Blue (MB) onto diatomite, in order to develop a low-cost treatment technology as a process alternative for dye removal. Diatomite used in this work was taken from the Nador area in the northeast of Morocco. Diatomite is characterised by different physical–chemical methods (X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm, scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared). Results showed that the adsorption of MB onto diatomite mineral is affected by various operating parameters like contact time, initial dye concentration, adsorbent dosage, pH and temperature. Adsorption equilibrium is reached after 1.5 h of contact time. Maximum MB removal is obtained at pH = 12. MB removal rate decreases as pH decreases. Adsorption equilibrium data are fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, Redlich–Peterson and Toth models. Adsorption data are well described by Langmuir isotherm model indicating that a homogeneous adsorption occurs. A maximum adsorption capacity (or monolayer coverage) of 11 mg g–1 is obtained at 45°C. A value of the enthalpy of adsorption of 12.78 kJ mol–1 is found confirming the endothermic nature of adsorption process, while a Gibb’s free energy change (∆G°) falling in the range −30.8 to −35.34 kJ mol–1 confirms the spontaneity of the process. Adsorption kinetics are fitted to a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Experimental results indicate that the Moroccan diatomite could be used as a potential adsorbent for the removal of cationic dye molecules, at lower cost