51 research outputs found

    Non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography using time-spin labelling inversion pulse technique for detecting crossing renal vessels in children with symptomatic ureteropelvic junction obstruction: comparison with surgical findings.

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    OBJECTIVES: Investigate the feasibility and evaluate the accuracy of non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography (NC-MRA) using time-spin labelling inversion pulse (time-SLIP)to identify crossing renal vessels (CRVs) in children requiring surgical treatment of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstructionand compare to laparoscopic findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen children ranging from 6 to 16 years of age underwent NC-MRA using the time-SLIP technique before surgery. Two independent readers analysed the MRA images. Number of renal arteries and presence or absence of CRVs were identified and compared with surgicalfindings. Image quality was assessed, as well as the presence of CRVs and measurement of renal pelvis diameter. Intra and inter-reader agreement was calculated using Cohen's kappa coefficient and Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: The overall image quality was fair or good in 88% of cases. NC-MRA demonstrated CRVs at the level of the obstruction in 10 children and no CRV in 9 children. All were confirmed intra-operatively except in one of the nine children. Sensitivity, specificity, NPV, PPV for predicting CRVs were 92%, 100%, 100% and 87.5%, respectively, for both readers. CONCLUSION: NC-MRA is a good alternative to contrast-enhanced MRA and CT scanning for identifying CRVs in children with symptomatic UPJ. KEY POINTS: • Time-SLIP technique offers acceptable imaging quality for identifying crossing renal vessel. • Time-SLIP technique is easy to apply to the renal MRA examination. • Time-SLIP technique is an alternative to contrast-enhanced MRA and CT scanning

    Robotic approach to the uretero-vesical junction in children: An international multicentric retrospective study

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    BackgroundRobot-assisted approach to UVJ is getting more and more used in pediatric patients. MethodsIn this retrospective study 26 patients affected by nephro-urological malformations, robotic-surgically treated from 2016 and 2021 at 3 Pediatric Surgery Department were included: 3 (11.5%) primary obstructive megaureter, 2 (7.7%) dysplastic kidneys, 3 (11.5%) duplex collecting system, 18 (69.2%) primary vescico-ureteral reflux (VUR). ResultsMean age at surgery was 6 years old. 22 (84.6%) underwent Lich Gregoire extravesical ureteral reimplantation, 4 (15.4%) total nephroureterectomy. Mean operative time was 230 min. No conversions or intraoperative complications. Median hospital stay was 4 days. There were 4 (15.38%) postoperative complications: 3 (11.54%) persistent VUR and 1 (3.84%) refluxing megaureter. 2 (7.7%) redo-surgery. ConclusionsRobotic Surgery should be considered a safe and effective technique for treatment of UVJ anomalies in children, because it firstly allows surgeons to approach both upper and lower ureteral ends without modifying trocars' placement


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    BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was to assess the postoperative course of bilateral anterior sternothoracotomy (BAT) in children with sarcoma metastases, in a curative care perspective. METHODS: We reviewed the records of seven patients younger than 18 years old, who underwent surgical procedures for sarcoma metastasis to the lung between 2000 and 2012. We compared the postoperative course of the BAT group with that of patients who underwent unilateral posterolateral thoracotomies (PLTs) for the same etiology. RESULTS: Of 17 surgical procedures, there were seven BAT and 10 unilateral PLT. Mean ages at the time of the procedures were 12.9 ± 5.4 years old for BAT, and 17.4 ± 1.9 years old for PLT. Mean operative time was 173 ± 37 minutes in the BAT group, and 145 ± 39 minutes in the PLT group (P = 0.19). Patients received epidural analgesia in all cases; this was for a mean time of 3.8 ± 1.3 days in the BAT group, and 3.21 ± 4 days in the PLT group (P = 0.36). Chest tubes were removed after 3.6 ± 1.3 days in the BAT group, and 3 ± 1.2 days in the PLT group (P = 0.69). Total hospital stay was 7.7 ± 6.6 days in the BAT group, and 7 ± 1.2 days in the PLT group (P = 0.72). CONCLUSION: In our experience, BAT seems suitable and shows outcomes similar to those of PLT for sarcoma metastasis resection. The BAT procedure allows the manual exploration of both lungs during a single surgical intervention, and so reduces the delay of further therapies

    Pancreatic fracture: a rare complication following scoliosis surgery

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    STUDY DESIGN: Grand Round case report. OBJECTIVE: We report a pancreatic fracture associated with Wirsung duct disruption, following a scoliosis surgery in a cerebral palsy adolescent. Spinal fusion surgery is the standard treatment for severe neuromuscular scoliosis. Many complications such as digestive ones account for its complexity. Postoperative acute pancreatitis is well described, although its pathophysiology remains unclear. To our knowledge, pancreatic fracture following scoliosis correction has never been described to date. Clinical presentation is not specific, and management is not consensual. CASE REPORT: A 14-year-old adolescent had posterior spinal fusion for neuromuscular scoliosis due to cerebral palsy. During the postoperative course, she developed progressive nonspecific abdominal symptoms. The abdominal CT scan demonstrated a pancreatic fracture and a surgical exploration was decided as perforations of the bowel were highly suspected. Drains were placed around the pancreatic area as the retrogastric region was out of reach due to local inflammation. Conservative management led to the occurrence of a pseudocyst in the following weeks as the pancreatic leakage progressively dropped. DISCUSSION: Two hypotheses have been proposed: direct iatrogenic trauma from lumbar pedicle screws and pancreatic rupture related to the correction of the spinal deformity. As the latter seems the most likely, spinal surgeons should be aware of this occurrence following severe scoliosis correction. CONCLUSION: Spinal fusion for severe neuromuscular scoliosis is a difficult procedure, with a high rate of complications. Among them, pancreatic fracture should be considered when abdominal pain persists in the postoperative period. Conservative management is advocated especially in case of a poor general condition

    Appendectomy versus non-operative treatment for acute uncomplicated appendicitis in children: Study protocol for a multicentre, open-label, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial

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    Background Appendectomy is considered the gold standard treatment for acute appendicitis. Recently the need for surgery has been challenged in both adults and children. In children there is growing clinician, patient and parental interest in non-operative treatment of acute appendicitis with antibiotics as opposed to surgery. To date no multicentre randomised controlled trials that are appropriately powered to determine efficacy of nonoperative treatment (antibiotics) for acute appendicitis in children compared with surgery (appendectomy) have been performed. Methods Multicentre, international, randomised controlled trial with a non-inferiority design. Children (age 5–16 years) with a clinical and/or radiological diagnosis of acute uncomplicated appendicitis will be randomised (1:1 ratio) to receive either laparoscopic appendectomy or treatment with intravenous (minimum 12 hours) followed by oral antibiotics (total course 10 days). Allocation to groups will be stratified by gender, duration of symptoms (≫ or \u3c48 hours) and centre. Children in both treatment groups will follow a standardised treatment pathway. Primary outcome is treatment failure defined as additional intervention related to appendicitis requiring general anaesthesia within 1 year of randomisation (including recurrent appendicitis) or negative appendectomy. Important secondary outcomes will be reported and a cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed. The primary outcome will be analysed on a non-inferiority basis using a 20% non-inferiority margin. Planned sample size is 978 children. Discussion The APPY trial will be the first multicentre randomised trial comparing non-operative treatment with appendectomy for acute uncomplicated appendicitis in children. The results of this trial have the potential to revolutionise the treatment of this common gastrointestinal emergency. The randomised design will limit the effect of bias on outcomes seen in other studies. Trial registration number clinicaltrials.gov:NCT02687464. Registered on Jan 13th 2016

    Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a prospective, international, multicentre cohort study

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    Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common infections associated with health care, but its importance as a global health priority is not fully understood. We quantified the burden of SSI after gastrointestinal surgery in countries in all parts of the world. Methods: This international, prospective, multicentre cohort study included consecutive patients undergoing elective or emergency gastrointestinal resection within 2-week time periods at any health-care facility in any country. Countries with participating centres were stratified into high-income, middle-income, and low-income groups according to the UN's Human Development Index (HDI). Data variables from the GlobalSurg 1 study and other studies that have been found to affect the likelihood of SSI were entered into risk adjustment models. The primary outcome measure was the 30-day SSI incidence (defined by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for superficial and deep incisional SSI). Relationships with explanatory variables were examined using Bayesian multilevel logistic regression models. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02662231. Findings: Between Jan 4, 2016, and July 31, 2016, 13 265 records were submitted for analysis. 12 539 patients from 343 hospitals in 66 countries were included. 7339 (58·5%) patient were from high-HDI countries (193 hospitals in 30 countries), 3918 (31·2%) patients were from middle-HDI countries (82 hospitals in 18 countries), and 1282 (10·2%) patients were from low-HDI countries (68 hospitals in 18 countries). In total, 1538 (12·3%) patients had SSI within 30 days of surgery. The incidence of SSI varied between countries with high (691 [9·4%] of 7339 patients), middle (549 [14·0%] of 3918 patients), and low (298 [23·2%] of 1282) HDI (p < 0·001). The highest SSI incidence in each HDI group was after dirty surgery (102 [17·8%] of 574 patients in high-HDI countries; 74 [31·4%] of 236 patients in middle-HDI countries; 72 [39·8%] of 181 patients in low-HDI countries). Following risk factor adjustment, patients in low-HDI countries were at greatest risk of SSI (adjusted odds ratio 1·60, 95% credible interval 1·05–2·37; p=0·030). 132 (21·6%) of 610 patients with an SSI and a microbiology culture result had an infection that was resistant to the prophylactic antibiotic used. Resistant infections were detected in 49 (16·6%) of 295 patients in high-HDI countries, in 37 (19·8%) of 187 patients in middle-HDI countries, and in 46 (35·9%) of 128 patients in low-HDI countries (p < 0·001). Interpretation: Countries with a low HDI carry a disproportionately greater burden of SSI than countries with a middle or high HDI and might have higher rates of antibiotic resistance. In view of WHO recommendations on SSI prevention that highlight the absence of high-quality interventional research, urgent, pragmatic, randomised trials based in LMICs are needed to assess measures aiming to reduce this preventable complication

    Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis