100 research outputs found
Light neutralino dark matter in the MSSM and its implication for LHC searches for staus
It was shown in a previous study that a lightest neutralino with mass below
30 GeV was severely constrained in the minimal supersymmetric standard model
(MSSM), unless it annihilates via a light stau and thus yields the observed
dark matter abundance. In such a scenario, while the stau is the
next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP), the charginos and the other
neutralinos as well as sleptons of the first two families are also likely to be
not too far above the mass bounds laid down by the Large Electron Positron
(LEP) collider. As the branching ratios of decays of the charginos and the
next-to-lightest neutralino into staus are rather large, one expects
significant rates of tau-rich final states in such a case. With this in view,
we investigate the same-sign ditau and tri-tau signals of this scenario at the
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for two MSSM benchmark points corresponding to
light neutralino dark matter. The associated signal rates for these channels
are computed, for the centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. We find that both
channels lead to appreciable rates if the squarks and the gluino are not too
far above a TeV, thus allowing to probe scenarios with light neutralinos in the
14 TeV LHC run with 10-100 fb^{-1}.Comment: 19p, 4 Fig
Loop-induced photon spectral lines from neutralino annihilation in the NMSSM
We have computed the loop-induced processes of neutralino annihilation into
two photons and, for the first time, into a photon and a Z boson in the
framework of the NMSSM. The photons produced from these radiative modes are
monochromatic and possess a clear "smoking gun" experimental signature. This
numerical analysis has been done with the help of the SloopS code, initially
developed for automatic one-loop calculation in the MSSM. We have computed the
rates for different benchmark points coming from SUGRA and GMSB soft SUSY
breaking scenarios and compared them with the MSSM. We comment on how this
signal can be enhanced, with respect to the MSSM, especially in the low mass
region of the neutralino. We also discuss the possibility of this observable to
constrain the NMSSM parameter space, taking into account the latest limits from
the FERMI collaboration on these two modes.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Minor clarifications added in the text. Typing
mistakes and references corrected. Matches published versio
Effect of Peierls transition in armchair carbon nanotube on dynamical behaviour of encapsulated fullerene
The changes of dynamical behaviour of a single fullerene molecule inside an
armchair carbon nanotube caused by the structural Peierls transition in the
nanotube are considered. The structures of the smallest C20 and Fe@C20
fullerenes are computed using the spin-polarized density functional theory.
Significant changes of the barriers for motion along the nanotube axis and
rotation of these fullerenes inside the (8,8) nanotube are found at the Peierls
transition. It is shown that the coefficients of translational and rotational
diffusions of these fullerenes inside the nanotube change by several orders of
magnitude. The possibility of inverse orientational melting, i.e. with a
decrease of temperature, for the systems under consideration is predicted.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl
Light dark matter and dark force at colliders
Light Dark Matter, GeV, with sizable direct detection rate is an
interesting and less explored scenario. Collider searches can be very powerful,
such as through the channel in which a pair of dark matter particle are
produced in association with a jet. It is a generic possibility that the
mediator of the interaction between DM and the nucleus will also be accessible
at the Tevatron and the LHC. Therefore, collider search of the mediator can
provide a more comprehensive probe of the dark matter and its interactions. In
this article, to demonstrate the complementarity of these two approaches, we
focus on the possibility of the mediator being a new gauge boson, which
is probably the simplest model which allows a large direct detection cross
section for a light dark matter candidate. We combine searches in the
monojet+MET channel and dijet resonance search for the mediator. We find that
for the mass of between 250 GeV and 4 TeV, resonance searches at the
colliders provide stronger constraints on this model than the monojet+MET
searches.Comment: 23 pages and 14 figure
Reliability of Monte Carlo event generators for gamma-ray dark matter searches
We study the differences in the gamma-ray spectra simulated by four Monte Carlo event generator packages developed in particle physics. Two different versions of PYTHIA and two of HERWIG are analyzed, namely PYTHIA 6.418 and HERWIG 6.5.10 in Fortran and PYTHIA 8.165 and HERWIG 2.6.1 in C++. For all the studied channels, the intrinsic differences between them are shown to be significative and may play an important role in misunderstanding dark matter signals
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