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    Pemerintah daerah Gowa setiap tahunnya menyusun program/kegiatan untuk membantu masyarakat melalui kelompok tani demi mewujudkan visi Gowa Menjadi Wilayah Pengembangan Produksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Berkualitas. Namun, luasnya wilayah kabupaten Gowa serta lokasi masing-masing kelompok tani yang tersebar menyebabkan pelaporan serta pemantauan hasil komoditi tanaman pangan, palawija, serta hortikultura tidak berjalan secara optimal setiap bulannya. Selain itu, kegiatan pelaporan selama ini dilakukan masih berlangsung secara manual, dimana pengolah data dari dinas tanaman pangan turun ke lokasi pertanian untuk memantau dan mencatat hasil pemantauan komoditi tanaman pangan, palawija, serta hortikultura setiap bulannya. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan sistem pelaporan berbasis sistem informasi, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra melalui proses pelatihan dan pendampingan, serta mempercepat difusi teknologi dari masyarakat perguruan tinggi ke masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan melalui model difusi teknologi kepada masyarakat terkait pemanfaatan sistem informasi pelaporan berbasis aplikasi. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi pelaporan tanaman pangan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengoptimalkan pelaporan tanaman pangan di Kecamatan Tombolo Pao, Kabupaten Gowa. Kata kunci: Sistem informasi, tanaman pangan, transfer teknologi. ABSTRACT The Gowa local government yearly prepares plans to assist the community in realizing the objective of Gowa as a Development Area for High-Quality Food Crops and Horticulture Production through farmer groups. However, due to the district's geography and the dispersed locations of each farmer group, the monthly reporting and monitoring of yields of food crops commodities are not optimal. Additionally, reporting operations have been conducted manually, with data collection officers from the food crop office travelling to agricultural locations each month to monitor and record the outcomes of commodities monitoring for food crops, secondary crops, and horticulture. This activity aims to optimize the information system-based reporting system, raise the community’s knowledge and abilities through training and mentorship, and expedite the dissemination of technology from higher education to the general public. This activity is delivered to the community via a technology diffusion approach for application-based reporting information systems. This work results in the development of a food crop reporting application that can be used to optimize the Gowa reporting system. Keywords: Information system, food crop, technology dissemination


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    Work engagement has captured the attention of business practitioners, academic researchers and governments to understand the concept itself as well as its causes and consequences.Some researches indicate that work engagement is one of keys to perform best performances. Work engagement has been studied including the antecedents, which are job resources and personal resources. However only a few studies have demonstrated predictors and outcomes of work engagement on an ongoing basis. There are six areas of work life potentially provide a way to conceptualize the climate for engagement. When measured as the climate construct (at the level of unit or organization), six areas of work life (workload, control, reward, community, fairness, and values) can influence employee perceptions of job demands and job resources, which in turn affects work engagement. On the other hand optimism becomes more prominent and better predictor of the work engagement. This study aims to examine how the organizational climate (six areas of work life) influence work engagement and optimism as mediator. This research is a cross sectional study uses work engagement scale, organizational climate scale, and optimism scale for data collection. Subjects consisted of 61 employees of Psychology Faculty of Gadjah Mada University.Data is analysed by multiple linear regression analysis. Result shows optimism ism is partial mediator of organizational climates influence toward work engagement