53 research outputs found
PERAN PENGELOLA BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA: (Studi Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Lekopa’dis Tinambung)
The role of managing village-owned enterprises, one of the Lekopa'dis Community Welfare forums which aims; To find out the efforts made by the village-owned enterprise manager (BUNDES) so that the community can prosper. This type of research is qualitative using a sociological approach, while the data collection method; observation, interviews,documentation, with data analysis techniques; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.The results of the study indicate that the roles performed by the Village Owned Enterprise Manager are: a) Home industry business which is a business unit engaged in industry such as houses, residences or hometowns, b). Service business or services performed; economic activities that involve a number of consumers and do not result in a transfer of ownership, programs that are carried out based on community needs, c). Cattle fattening business with the hope of increasing community livestock income, such as Village-OwnedEnterprise Managers buy adult cows, and provide cages and cattle feed mills, and the cows are kept by residents.Peran pengelola badan usaha milik desa, salah satu wadah Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Lekopa’dis yang bertujuan; Untuk mengetahui usaha yang dilakukan pengelola badan usaha milik desa (BUNDES) agar masyarakat dapat kesejahteraan. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi, sedangkan metode pengumpulan data;observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dengan teknik analisis data; reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran yang dilakukan Pengelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa yaitu: a) Usaha home industri yang merupakan unit usaha bergerak dalam bidang industri seperti rumah, tempat tinggal ataupunkampung halaman, b). Usaha jasa atau layanan yang dilakukan; aktivitas ekonomi yang melibatkan sejumlah konsumen dan tidak menghasilkan transferkepemilikan, program yang dilakukkan berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat, c). Usaha penggemukan sapi dengan harapan dapat meningkatakan pendapatanhasil ternak masyarakat seperti Pengelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa membeli sapi dewasa, dan menyediakan kandang serta alat giling pakan sapi, dan sapitersebut dipelihara oleh warga
Religious Development in Fisherman in Sinjai Country
The study of the Religion of the fishermen in Sinjai Regency” which aims to know the coaching system of the
fishermen family of religious aspects in Sinjai County, and to know the quality of fishermen in the approach
Structural functionalism (Talc on Parson) in Sinjai County.
I use the research method: 1) study studies using a qualitative approach, 2). Data collection techniques are a
natural setting besides those collected descriptive data, in-depth interviews, Observation (careful response to a
purely sensing level), and documentation Studies and, 3). Data analysis techniques with model Miles and Huber
man are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal.
I did the results since the birth of the child’s post-birth coaching. To answer the cry of the child through the
planting of the values of Know and The situation of breastfeeding that is done by feeding the child begins with
the next right milk left milk, this suggests that parents have been well-done by starting something with the right
according to the recommendation of religion. While implementing Aqiqah, Khitaman, Khatam children as
Manifest taught Rasulullah Saw, 2). The provision of breast milk has taught the child to do an interaction with
the parents, so that someday the relationship of human beings is properly maintained, while the behaviour of the
ability and to be addressed to the child’s ear for future latency or maintenance of patterns in child development
Well maintained, while Aqiqah, Khitaman and Khatam to build the integration of others when the
implementation until the family is awake to the good integrity as taught Rasulullah Saw
The role of women related to disaster management is very urgent because they have the ability in terms of social services. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The research subjects were Tagana members at the Social Service of South Sulawesi Province. Data collection uses interviews, observation and documentation, while the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.
The results of the study show that: The role of women in disaster management has three levels, namely pre-disaster; carry out socialization, counseling and cleaning the environment around the community before a disaster occurs, while responding to emergencies; establishing emergency soup kitchens, preparing logistics, and conducting initial and post-disasterassessments; perform psychological recovery of victims with trauma healing. As for the obstacles faced by women in disaster management, namely: limited basic needs, the existence of other professions, lack of facilities at disaster locations and having parental permission.Peran perempuan terkait penanggulangan bencana sangat urgen sebab memiliki kemampuan dalam hal pelayanan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah anggota Tagana yang ada di Dinas Sosial Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Peran perempuan terhadap penanggulangan bencana terdapat tiga tingkatan yaitu pra-bencana; melakukan sosialisasi, penyuluhan dan membersihkan lingkungan sekitar masyarakat sebelum adanya bencana, sedangkan tanggap darurat; mendirikan dapur umum darurat, menyiapkan logistic, dan melakukan assessment awal, dan pasca bencana; melakukan pemulihan psikologis korban dengan trauma healing. Adapun hambatan yang dihadapi perempuan dalam penanggulanganbencana yaitu: keterbatasan kebutuhan pokok, adanya profesi lain, kurangnya fasilitas dilokasi bencana dan harus izin orang tua
INTERVENSI PRAKTIK PEKERJA SOSIAL (Studi Kasus Anak Korban Tindak Kekerasan Seksual) Di Rumah Perlindungan Dan Trauma Centre Makassar
Intervention practices of social workers carried out by child victimsof sexual violence, aims to understand social workers intervening in the practice of child victims of sexual violence at the Safe House and Trauma Center. Thistype of research is qualitative using a sociological approach, data collectionmethods through observation, interviews, documentation, with data analysistechniques; data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.The results of the study explained that the practical intervention of socialworkers in providing services to child victims of sexual violence in the Makassarshelter and trauma center, namely a). Home visit act; social workers conduct ahome visit to the client's residence to identify problems so that the client is able to adjust and be accepted where he lives, b). Social; assistance to clients to createharmonious social relationships between clients, family, environment and society,c). Psychosocial; social workers mengelisasikan assistance to clients topsychologists to find out what the actual condition of the client, then socialworkers provide services according to client conditions
Sakinah family coaching towards divorce prevention aims to foster family sakinah against pre-marital divorce prevention and to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors in sakinah family coaching towards preventive pre-marital divorce. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The subject of the study was the coach of the sakinah family in the Office of Religious Affairs in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency. Data collection uses structured and unstructured interview observation methods, as well as documentation. The author conducts research assisted with interview guidelines, observation guidelines. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.The results showed that: 1). The form of sakinah family coaching to prevent pre-marital divorce in the Office of Religious Affairs in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency is face to face, groups, lectures and discussions. In conducting the training for the participants the instructor / functional instructor gives advice in the form of family secrets, 2). The inhibiting factor in the formation of a Sakinah family towards the prevention of premarital divorce is work and misunderstanding for some people regarding the formation of a Sakinah family. Supporting factors are human resources, facilities and the number of places of worship
Perilaku Hedonisme Remaja di Mall Panakukkang Makassar
The social impact caused by the behavior of teenagers in Panakukkang Mall is due to the pattern of adolescent hedonism. The type of research used is qualitative research, with a sociological approach. There are two sources of data in this study, namely, primary data sources and secondary data sources, primary data sources include 10 adolescent informants who tend to behave hedonistically at Panakukkang Mall Makassar. Methods of collecting data by conducting observations, interviews, documentation and library research. The researcher's own research instrument. Data processing and analysis techniques in this study include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study describe the impact of adolescent hedonistic behavior: 1) Consumptive behavior that buys or uses an item that is not based on rational considerations but only for luxury. 2) Instant mentality brings people not to go through a convoluted process in terms of getting a happiness. The phenomenon of today's youth is the tendency to choose a comfortable, luxurious, and self-sufficient life without working hard. The act of extravagant lifestyle that likes to overuse money. Teenagers feel motivated to behave hedonistically with the following reasons: 1) Wanting to be refreshed because there are lots of college assignments, lots of reports, lots of assignments, basically, he feels that refreshing can make his mind clear again. 2) Recreation, for teenagers, malls are a means of recreation to spend time with their friends by shopping, hanging out at cafes, watching movies.Dampak sosial yang ditimbulkan perilaku remaja di Mall Panakukkang akibat pola hedonisme remaja. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan metode pendekatan sosiologi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu, sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder, sumber data primer meliputi 10 orang informan remaja yang cenderung berperilaku hedonisme di Mall Panakukkang Makassar. Metode pengumpulan data dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan library research. Instrumen penelitian peneliti sendiri. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan dampak yang ditimbulkan perilaku hedonisme remaja: 1) Berperilaku konsumtif yang membeli atau memakai suatu barang yang tidak didasarkan pada pertimbangan rasional tetapi hanya untuk bermewah-mewahan. 2) Mentalitas instan membawa manusia untuk tidak usah melalui proses berbelit-belit dalam hal mendapatkan suatu kebahagiaan. Fenomena remaja masa kini kecenderungan untuk memilih hidup enak, mewah, dan serba berkecukupan tanpa bekerja keras. Perbuatan boros gaya hidup yang gemar berlebih-lebihan dalam menggunakan uang. Para remaja merasa termotivasi berprilaku hedonisme dengan alasan: 1) Ingin refreshing karena banyak tugas kuliah, banyak laporan, banyak tugas, pokoknya serba banyak ia merasa refreshing bisa membuat fikirannya jernih kembali. 2) Rekreasi, bagi remaja mall menjadi sarana rekreasi untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama teman-teman mereka dengan belanja, nongkrong di cafe, nonton bioskop
Sosiologi Dakwah
Perspektif sosiologi dakwah di dalam mata kuliah ini,
memberikan pemahaman tentang upaya yang dilakukan pelaku
dakwah untuk memberikan solusi terhadap masalah-masalah yang
terkait dengan dakwah dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi
sebab yang menjadi aspek sosiologi dakwah adalah masyarakat
karena dalam kegiatan dakwah itu terdapat hubungan dan pergaulan
sosial, yakni hubungan antara pelaku dakwah dan mitra dakwah.
Pada hakikatnya manusia (individu) adalah anggota masyarakat yang
tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari pengaruh masyarakat. Manusia
yang baru lahir (bayi) kehidupannya semata-mata bergantung kepada
orang lain, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan manusia dimulai
dengan menggantungkan diri kepada orang lain. Tanpa masyarakat
(lingkungan) manusia tidak dapat hidup secara wajar (the feral man).
Dengan demikian kesanggupan manusia untuk menempuh
kehidupannya karena adanya bakat yang dibawa sejak lahir
kemudian bakat itu di bina serta dikembangkan oleh masyarakat
(lingkungan) melalui pendidikan.
Dalam hubungan ini perlu dikemukakan bahwa dalam lembagalembaga,
Buku Daras Sosiologi Dakwah | 1
unsur dakwah, sejarah ilmu dakwah, kemudian dikombinasikan
menjadi sosiologi dakwah, yang bermuara pada definisi sosiologi
dakwah, tujuan sosiologi dakwah, sebab munculnya sosiologi
dakwah, eksistensi sosiologi dakwah, refleksi sosiologi dakwah
Socialization Pattern (Paguyuban Family Child Education Study) in Malino Gowa
Research on the socialization of children's education aims to analyze the social actions
taken by the association family on the implementation of patterns carried out before and after
child birth. This type of descriptive qualitative research is because it can guide researchers to
obtain new findings, the data sources for the father and mother are 4 people with 2 families (main
informants), and 1 community leader (expert informant) the number of informants is 7 people.
The research instrument of the researchers themselves, in-depth interview data collection,
observation, documentation, with data analysis model miles and huberman, namely data
reduction, data presentation drawing conclusions. The results showed that the pattern of
socialization of children's education by parents varied greatly, namely (a). The period of
pregnancy; parents maintain nutritious food during pregnancy and speak and act well, (b). Give
breast milk, (c). Immunization, (d). Home environment or atmosphere, (e) Manners, (f).
Discipline; religious values are still instilled in children. Novelti; sacrifice of parents in the
socialization of children's education but parents are elevated with dignity for the success of their
Dasar-Dasar Penerapan Antropologi Kesehatan
Antropologi tentang Kesehatan atau antropologi kesehatan, membahasa kesehatan dari perspektif antropologi sebagai pekerja kesehata
Sistem Dakwah Sosial Keluarga Paguyuban pada Anak Pesisir Pantai
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan mendeskripsikan sistem dakwah sosial keluarga paguyuban dalam mendidik anak dari aspek agama. Sistem yang dilakukan keluarga inti sebagai upaya pembentukan anak pesisir pantai yang berkualitas berlandaskan iman dan takwah.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; sistem dakwah sosial kelurga paguyuban pesisir pantai dilakukan saat masa pembuahan, dan masa kelahiran dengan penyambutan suara adzan dan qamat, dan selanjutnya menyanyikan lagu yabe lale, salawat badar, sebagai motivasi hidup, aqiqah, dan mengajarkan do’a, bersikap jujur
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