938 research outputs found

    Exploring the Feasibility of Adopting Cloud Computing in Computer Center Taiz University

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    The paper would discuss the possibilities of using cloud computing as a solution to expand work efficiency at Taiz university (TU) Computer Center and Information Technology (CCIT) labs, these Labs  equipped with hardware and software resources. Cloud computing has been adopted for managing the  labs to facilitate maintenance and network management according to cloud computing characteristics, also paper has studied  the different types of cloud-based computing to decide the appropriate type that would gain significant advantages for students and lecturers.  Surely result of this paper will be the guideline for all universities in Yemen to use the cloud computing in different areas of their work. Keywords: Distributed computing system , Network computing ,Cloud Computing, Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) layer, Platform As A Service (PAAS) layer, Software As A Service (SAAS) layer, private cloud, pubic cloud, hybrid cloud

    Global risk factors affecting performance of construction firms in Abuja, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the Global Risk Factors (GRFs) affecting performance of Nigerian construction firms, with a view to identifying the most severe and appropriate risk response techniques. In order to achieve this aim, the severity of GRF across different categories of firms, and the risk response techniques most suitable for each GRF were examined. A total of 105 questionnaires were administered out of which a total of 49 were fully completed and returned. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data collected using Likert scales, while Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the similarities/differences in the views of different categories of construction firms. The findings show that most construction firms consider payment delays (mean = 2.65), poor project scope (mean = 2.40) and inadequate design information (mean = 2.39) as the most severe GRF affecting the performance of Nigeria construction firms. It was also discovered that, despite the high likelihood and impact of GRF such as; payment delays, design changes, and inflation/bank Interest rates amongst others, most firms still opted to “accept” them. On the other hand, poor project scopes, strikes, failure to meet clients need and all factors related to unethical practices were “avoided”, while all legal related risk factors were “mitigated”. It is hoped that these findings will help construction firms in developing countries such as Nigeria to be more aware of the effect of GRF in order to be able to assess them effectively before embarking on construction projects.Keywords: Global Risk Factors, Probabiity-Impact Metrix, Negative Risk, Risk Management, Semi-Quantitative Techniqu

    Effect of connecting shunt capacitor on nonlinear load terminals

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    This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. Copyright @ 2003 IEEEThe use of terminal shunt capacitance has different effects on the displacement factor and distortion factor components of the power factor. These effects are considered for nonlinear loads with ideal supply, and also where the supply impedance exists but is small compared with the load impedance. Optimization of the displacement factor is found to result in reduction of the distortion factor to a minimum value

    Women\u27s health: A global perspective

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    The purpose of this chapter is to discuss global issues related to women\u27s health. Several universal issues were selected for presentation to provide a context for understanding health care for women and to challenge readers to identify potential threats to quality care. In addition, principles that have been proposed for the development and implementation of a viable and comprehensive health care system for women are identified and discussed. The intent here is not to capture the situation and health experience of women in all parts of the world; nor is it possible to address all the contextual contingencies needed for addressing women\u27s health. Rather, the intent is to provide a framework for understanding the neglect that women have encountered in all aspects of their lives, including health care. Furthermore, our aim is to provide those who have been committed to health care for women with support in their attempt to provide quality health carefor other women. Finally,our goal is to raise the readers\u27 consciousness of women\u27s health needs beyond the United States. We fully realize that women\u27s health issues cannot be understood in isolation from the specific sociocultural context of their situations; however, by highlighting some universals, perhaps we can underscore the need for global cooperation in taking a more coherent and coordinated approach to providing affordable and quality health care for women

    The Influence of Generation Y and Generation Z Human Resource Management Strategy on the Satisfaction and Commitment of Banking Employees in Makassar

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    The purpose of this study is to empirically test and analyze the HR Management Strategy of Millennial Generation and Generation Z on employee satisfaction and commitment. The design of this study used a survey method with cross-sectional data collection through a questionnaire. Determination of the sample with non-probability sampling using two types of approaches, namely quota sampling and cluster sampling. The number of respondents is 100 employees each for the millennial generation and generation Z Banking in Makassar. The data analysis method used in testing the hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results provide evidence that the millennial generation and generation Z HR management strategies have a significant effect on satisfaction, the millennial generation HR management strategies have a significant effect on employee commitment but not for generation Z, millennial generation employee satisfaction has a significant effect on employee commitment but not for generation Z. satisfaction is an imperfect mediator in explaining the influence of millennial and generation Z HR management strategies on the commitment of banking employees in Makassar. The practical implication of this research is that it can provide an increase in employee understanding in increasing employee commitment through satisfaction which is influenced by the millennial generation and generation Z HR management strategies. millennial generation and generation Z on employee commitment by using satisfaction as a mediator of the relationship between variables, which previous research was mostly done partially

    Fixed-bed column adsorption of methyl blue using carbon derived from axle-wood (Anogeissus leiocarpus) stem as adsorsent

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    Axle Wood Carbon (AWC) was used to study the removal of Methyl Blue (MB) from its aqueous solution in a fixed-bed column adsorption system. The adsorbent (AWC) was characterized using SEM and pHPZC. SEM revealed the surface morphology and from the pHPZC determination, it was found that at pH of 8.21 the adsorbent has a net surface charge of zero. The column adsorption parameters were optimized and the maximum percentage removal was achieved by setting the level of process variables at 100 mg/L initial MB dye concentration, 28cm bed height, and 3mL/min flow rate. The fixed-bed adsorption system was found to perform well with lower initial dye concentration, higher adsorbent bed height, and lower feed flow rate. The breakthrough curve obtained from the adsorption process was fitted into Adams-Bohart and Yoon-Nelson models. Yoon–Nelson model showed the time required to achieve 50% adsorbate breakthrough, (τ) agreed closely with the experimental data (τ50% exp.) whose value is 298. While Adams-Borhat model, gave 35.7885 as the volumetric sorption capacity of the bed (N0). This implies that the column has reached first saturation level. As such AWC is effective for the removal of MB and the selected kinetic models can be used to explain the column behaviours for the removal of MB and also to predict the large scale industrial application of the process.Keywords: Axle wood Carbon, Breakthrough Curve, Column adsorption, Kinetic Model, Methyl Blu

    Role of sequential semen samples in infertile men candidates for assisted reproduction: A prospective study

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    Objective: To study the beneficial effect of repeated sequential ejaculation in infertile men who are candidates for assisted reproduction.Materials and methods: The study included a total of 237 infertile males attending our infertility and IVF center from January 2016 till December 2017. All patients were asked to provide two semen samples (1–3 h apart) after an abstinence period of 3–7 days. The two consecutive semen samples were analyzed according to the 2010 WHO criteria for semen analysis and their parameters were compared.Results: The mean age for our study group was 35.7 years (20–56 year). Of the 237 subjects, 157 showed oligoasthenozoospermia on their initial semen sample while the remaining 80 were azoospermic. A statistically significant difference was detected between the 2 sequential semen samples regarding all semen parameters except grade A motility. Despite the significant decrease in seminal volume by sequential sampling, there was a statistically significant increase in sperm concentration in the second ejaculate compared to the first (6.2 ± 0.61 versus 3.4 ± 0.52 million/mL, respectively, p = 0.016). The mean normal sperm morphology also demonstrated a significant increase (2.1 ± 1.8–5.1 ± 2.6%, p < 0.002). Mean progressive sperm motility increased from 1.13 ± 0.31 to 1.7 ± 0.31% (p = 0.010) on repeated sampling. Also, we were able to retrieve viable sperm in 15% of the azoospermic patients whom were known to be azoospermic on previous occasions.Conclusions: Obtaining consecutive semen samples leads to improvements in the quality of many semen parameters (sperm concentration, motility and morphology) which may be of special importance for management of infertile couples especially those attempting assisted reproductive techniques

    Matching Instructor Performance and Learner Preferred Learning Styles in Developing Fluency The Case of Tertiary Level at Nyala University

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    This study aims at students' views on the use of the foreign language as a means of communication and to show the importance of learning styles preferences to be matched with teaching style
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