3,117 research outputs found
Can lattice data for two heavy-light mesons be understood in terms of simply two-quark potentials?
By comparing lattice data for the two heavy-light meson system (Q^2 qbar^2)
with a standard many-body approach employing only interquark potentials, it is
shown that the use of unmodified two-quark potentials leads to a gross
overestimate of the binding energy.Comment: Contribution to LATTICE99 (Heavy Quarks). 3 pages, 2 ps figure
A Study of Degenerate Four-quark states in SU(2) Lattice Monte Carlo
The energies of four-quark states are calculated for geometries in which the
quarks are situated on the corners of a series of tetrahedra and also for
geometries that correspond to gradually distorting these tetrahedra into a
plane. The interest in tetrahedra arises because they are composed of {\bf
three } degenerate partitions of the four quarks into two two-quark colour
singlets. This is an extension of earlier work showing that geometries with
{\bf two} degenerate partitions (e.g.\ squares) experience a large binding
energy. It is now found that even larger binding energies do not result, but
that for the tetrahedra the ground and first excited states become degenerate
in energy. The calculation is carried out using SU(2) for static quarks in the
quenched approximation with on a lattice. The
results are analysed using the correlation matrix between different euclidean
times and the implications of these results are discussed for a model based on
two-quark potentials.Comment: Original Raw PS file replace by a tarred, compressed and uuencoded PS
The radial distributions of a heavy-light meson on a lattice
In an earlier work, the charge (vector) and matter (scalar) radial
distributions of heavy-light mesons were measured in the quenched approximation
on a 16^3 times 24 lattice with a quark-gluon coupling of 5.7, a lattice
spacing of 0.17 fm, and a hopping parameter corresponding to a light quark mass
about that of the strange quark.
Several improvements are now made: 1) The configurations are generated using
dynamical fermions with a quark-gluon coupling of 5.2 (a lattice spacing of
0.14 fm); 2) Many more gauge configurations are included (78 compared with the
earlier 20); 3) The distributions at many off-axis, in addition to on-axis,
points are measured; 4) The data-analysis is much more complete. In particular,
distributions involving excited states are extracted.
The exponential decay of the charge and matter distributions can be described
by mesons of mass 0.9+-0.1 and 1.5+-0.1 GeV respectively - values that are
consistent with those of vector and scalar qqbar-states calculated directly
with the same lattice parameters.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Lattice2002(heavyquark
Flux-tube Structure, Sum Rules and Beta-functions in SU(2)
Action and energy flux-tube profiles are computed, in SU(2) with
beta=2.4,2.5, for two quarks up to 1 fm apart and for which the colour fields
are in their ground state (A_1g) and the first (E_u) and higher (A'_1g) excited
gluonic states. When these profiles are integrated over all space, a scaling
comparison is made between the beta=2.4 and 2.5 data. Using sum rules, these
integrated forms also permit an estimate to be made of generalised
beta-functions giving b(2.4)=-0.312(15), b(2.5)=-0.323(9), f(2.4)=0.65(1) and
f(2.5)=0.68(1). When the profiles are integrated only over planes transverse to
the interquark line and assuming underlying string features, scaling
comparisons are again made near the centres of the interquark line for the
largest interquark distances. For the A'_{1g} case, some of the profiles
exhibit a 'dip-like' structure characteristic of the Isgur-Paton model.Comment: 3 pages, 6 eps figures. Presented at LATTICE9
An Analysis of Four-quark Energies in SU(2) Lattice Monte Carlo using the Flux-tube Symmetry:
Energies of four-quark systems calculated by the static quenched SU(2)
lattice Monte Carlo method are analyzed in bases for square,
rectangle, tilted rectangle, linear and quadrilateral geometry configurations
and in bases for a non-planar geometry configuration. For small
interquark distances, a lattice effect is taken into account by considering
perimeter dependent terms which are characterized by the cubic symmetry. It is
then found that a parameter - that can be identified as a gluon field
overlap factor - is rather well described by the form , where and are the area and
perimeter mainly defined by the positions of the four quarks, is the
string constant in the 2-quark potentials and are constants.Comment: (19 pages of Latex - 1 page of figures not included - sent on
request). Preprint HU-TFT-94-2
Dependence of direct detection signals on the WIMP velocity distribution
The signals expected in WIMP direct detection experiments depend on the
ultra-local dark matter distribution. Observations probe the local density,
circular speed and escape speed, while simulations find velocity distributions
that deviate significantly from the standard Maxwellian distribution. We
calculate the energy, time and direction dependence of the event rate for a
range of velocity distributions motivated by recent observations and
simulations, and also investigate the uncertainty in the determination of WIMP
parameters. The dominant uncertainties are the systematic error in the local
circular speed and whether or not the MW has a high density dark disc. In both
cases there are substantial changes in the mean differential event rate and the
annual modulation signal, and hence exclusion limits and determinations of the
WIMP mass. The uncertainty in the shape of the halo velocity distribution is
less important, however it leads to a 5% systematic error in the WIMP mass. The
detailed direction dependence of the event rate is sensitive to the velocity
distribution. However the numbers of events required to detect anisotropy and
confirm the median recoil direction do not change substantially.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, v2 version to appear in JCAP, minor change
Effects of Residue Background Events in Direct Dark Matter Detection Experiments on the Determination of the WIMP Mass
In the earlier work on the development of a model-independent data analysis
method for determining the mass of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs)
by using measured recoil energies from direct Dark Matter detection experiments
directly, it was assumed that the analyzed data sets are background-free, i.e.,
all events are WIMP signals. In this article, as a more realistic study, we
take into account a fraction of possible residue background events, which pass
all discrimination criteria and then mix with other real WIMP-induced events in
our data sets. Our simulations show that, for the determination of the WIMP
mass, the maximal acceptable fraction of residue background events in the
analyzed data sets of O(50) total events is ~20%, for background windows of the
entire experimental possible energy ranges, or in low energy ranges; while, for
background windows in relatively higher energy ranges, this maximal acceptable
fraction of residue background events can not be larger than ~10%. For a WIMP
mass of 100 GeV with 20% background events in the windows of the entire
experimental possible energy ranges, the reconstructed WIMP mass and the
1-sigma statistical uncertainty are ~97 GeV^{+61%}_{-35%} (~94
GeV^{+55%}_{-33%} for background-free data sets).Comment: 27 pages, 22 eps figures; v2: revised version for publication,
references added and update
Bounds on the cosmological abundance of primordial black holes from diffuse sky brightness: single mass spectra
We constrain the mass abundance of unclustered primordial black holes (PBHs),
formed with a simple mass distribution and subject to the Hawking evaporation
and particle absorption from the environment. Since the radiative flux is
proportional to the numerical density, an upper bound is obtained by comparing
the calculated and observed diffuse background values, (similarly to the Olbers
paradox in which point sources are considered) for finite bandwidths. For a
significative range of formation redshifts the bounds are better than several
values obtained by other arguments ; and they apply
to PBHs which are evaporating today.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PR
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