74 research outputs found
Monadic Sequence Testing and Explicit Test-Refinements
We present an abstract framework for sequence testing that is implemented in Isabelle/HOL-TestGen. Our framework is based on the theory of state-exception monads, explicitly modelled in HOL, and can cope with typed input and output, interleaving executions including abort, and synchronisation. The framework is particularly geared towards symbolic execution and has proven effective in several large case-studies involving system models based on large (or infinite) state. On this basis, we rephrase the concept of test-refinements for inclusion, deadlock and IOCO-like tests, together with a formal theory of its rela- tion to traditional, IO-automata based notions
A Screening Test for Disclosed Vulnerabilities in FOSS Components
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) components are ubiquitous in both proprietary and open source applications. Each time a vulnerability is disclosed in a FOSS component, a software vendor using this an application must decide whether to update the FOSS component, patch the application itself, or just do nothing as the vulnerability is not applicable to the older version of the FOSS component used. This is particularly challenging for enterprise software vendors that consume thousands of FOSS components and offer more than a decade of support and security fixes for their applications. Moreover, customers expect vendors to react quickly on disclosed vulnerabilities—in case of widely discussed vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed, within hours. To address this challenge, we propose a screening test: a novel, automatic method based on thin slicing, for estimating quickly whether a given vulnerability is present in a consumed FOSS component by looking across its entire repository. We show that our screening test scales to large open source projects (e.g., Apache Tomcat, Spring Framework, Jenkins) that are routinely used by large software vendors, scanning thousands of commits and hundred thousands lines of code in a matter of minutes. Further, we provide insights on the empirical probability that, on the above mentioned projects, a potentially vulnerable component might not actually be vulnerable after all
Formal Network Models and Their Application to Firewall Policies (UPF-Firewall)
We present a formal model of network protocols and their application to modeling firewall policies. The formalization is based on the Unified Policy Framework (UPF). The formalization was originally developed with for generating test cases for testing the security configuration actual firewall and router (middle-boxes) using HOL-TestGen. Our work focuses on modeling application level protocols on top of tcp/ip
A Formal Semantics of the Core DOM in Isabelle/HOL
At its core, the Document Object Model (DOM) defines a tree-like data structure for representing documents in general and HTML documents in particular. It forms the heart of any rendering engine of modern web browsers. Formalizing the key concepts of the DOM is a pre-requisite for the formal reasoning over client-side JavaScript programs as well as for the analysis of security concepts in modern web browsers. In this paper, we present a formalization of the core DOM, with focus on the node-tree and the operations defined on node-trees, in Isabelle/HOL. We use the formalization to verify the functional correctness of the most important functions defined in the DOM standard. Moreover, our formalization is (1) extensible, i.e., can be extended without the need of re-proving already proven properties and (2) executable, i.e., we can generate executable code from our specification
Workshop in OCL and Textual Textual Modelling: Report on Recent Trends and Panel Discussion
This paper reports on the panel session of the 17th Workshop in OCL and Textual Modeling, As in previous years, the panel session featured several lightning talks for presenting recent developments and open questions in the area of OCL and textual modeling. During this session, the OCL community discussed, stimulated through short pre- sentations by OCL experts, proposals for improving OCL to increase the attractiveness of textual modeling. This paper contains a summary of the workshop from the workshop organisers as well as summaries of two lightning talks provided by their presenters
Time for Addressing Software Security Issues: Prediction Models and Impacting Factors
Finding and fixing software vulnerabilities have become a major struggle for most software development companies. While generally without alternative, such fixing efforts are a major cost factor, which is why companies have a vital interest in focusing their secure software development activities such that they obtain an optimal return on this investment. We investigate, in this paper, quantitatively the major factors that impact the time it takes to fix a given security issue based on data collected automatically within SAP’s secure development process, and we show how the issue fix time could be used to monitor the fixing process. We use three machine learning methods and evaluate their predictive power in predicting the time to fix issues. Interestingly, the models indicate that vulnerability type has less dominant impact on issue fix time than previously believed. The time it takes to fix an issue instead seems much more related to the component in which the potential vulnerability resides, the project related to the issue, the development groups that address the issue, and the closeness of the software release date. This indicates that the software structure, the fixing processes, and the development groups are the dominant factors that impact the time spent to address security issues. SAP can use the models to implement a continuous improvement of its secure software development process and to measure the impact of individual improvements. The development teams at SAP develop different types of software, adopt different internal development processes, use different programming languages and platforms, and are located in different cities and countries. Other organizations, may use the results—with precaution—and be learning organizations
Recent Developments in OCL and Textual Modelling
The panel session of the 16th OCL workshop featured a lightning talk session for discussing recent developments and open questions in the area of OCL and textual modelling. During this session, the OCL community discussed, stimulated through short presentations by OCL experts, tool support, potential future extensions, and suggested initiatives to make the textual modelling community even more successful. This collaborative paper, to which each OCL expert contributed one section, summarises the discussions as well as describes the recent developments and open questions presented in the lightning talks
ATLTest: A White-Box Test Generation Approach for ATL Transformations
International audienceMDE is being applied to the development of increasingly complex systems that require larger model transformations. Given that the specification of such transformations is an error-prone task, techniques to guarantee their quality must be provided. Testing is a well-known technique for finding errors in programs. In this sense, adoption of testing techniques in the model transformation domain would be helpful to improve their quality. So far, testing of model transformations has focused on black-box testing techniques. Instead, in this paper we provide a white-box test model generation approach for ATL model transformations
Automated Certification of Authorisation Policy Resistance
Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC) extends traditional Access Control by
considering an access request as a set of pairs attribute name-value, making it
particularly useful in the context of open and distributed systems, where
security relevant information can be collected from different sources. However,
ABAC enables attribute hiding attacks, allowing an attacker to gain some access
by withholding information. In this paper, we first introduce the notion of
policy resistance to attribute hiding attacks. We then propose the tool ATRAP
(Automatic Term Rewriting for Authorisation Policies), based on the recent
formal ABAC language PTaCL, which first automatically searches for resistance
counter-examples using Maude, and then automatically searches for an Isabelle
proof of resistance. We illustrate our approach with two simple examples of
policies and propose an evaluation of ATRAP performances.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, version including proofs of the paper that will
be presented at ESORICS 201
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