60 research outputs found

    Covariant formulation of non-Abelian gauge theories without anticommuting variables

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    A manifestly Lorentz invariant effective action for Yang-Mills theory depending only on commuting fields is constructed. This action posesses a bosonic symmetry, which plays a role analogous to the BRST symmetry in the standard formalism.Comment: 8 pages, Late

    Hierarchy of massive gauge fields

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    An explicitely gauge invariant polynomial action for massive gauge fields is proposed. For different values of parameters it describes massive Yang-Mills field, the Higgs-Kibble model, the model with spontaneously broken symmetry and two scalar mesons.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Lattice QCD with Exponentially Small Chirality Breaking

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    A new multifermion formulation of lattice QCD is proposed. The model is free of spectrum doubling and preserves all nonanomalous chiral symmetries up to exponentially small corrections. It is argued that a small number of fermion fields may provide a good approximation making computer simulations feasible.Comment: 14 pages, no figures; typos correcte

    A practical gauge invariant regularization of the SO(10) grand unified model

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    It is shown that a simple modification of the dimensional regularization allows to compute in a consistent and gauge invariant way any diagram with less than four loops in the SO(10) unified model. The method applies also to the Standard Model generated by the symmetry breaking SO(10)→SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)SO(10) \to SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1). A gauge invariant regularization for arbitrary diagram is also described.Comment: 10 pages, uses linedraw.st

    Chiral symmetry in lattice QCD

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    A chiral invariant effective action for lattice QCD is proposed. Its connection to the multifermion model is established. A possibility of using this action for computer simulations is discussed.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice 2000(chiral fermions

    QCD effective action with dressing functions - consistency checks in the perturbative regime

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    In a previous paper, we presented solution to the Slavnov--Taylor identity for the QCD effective action, and argued that the action terms containing (anti)ghost fields are unique. These terms have the same form as those in the classical action, but the gluon and (anti)ghost effective fields are convoluted with gluon and ghost dressing functions G_A and G_c, the latter containing perturbative and nonperturbative effects (but not including the soliton-like vacuum effects). In the present work we show how the perturbative QCD (pQCD) can be incorporated into the framework of this action, and we present explicit one-loop pQCD expressions for G_A and G_c. We then go on to check the consistency of the obtained results by considering an antighost Dyson--Schwinger equation (DSE). By solving the relations that result from the Legendre transformation leading to the effective action, we obtain the effective fields as power expansions of sources. We check explicitly that the aforementioned one-loop functions G_A and G_c fulfil the antighost DSE at the linear source level. We further explicitly check that these one-loop G_A and G_c have the regularization-scale and momentum dependence consistent with the antighost DSE at the quadratic source level. These checks suggest that the the effective action with dressing functions represents a consistent framework for treating QCD, at least at the one-loop level.Comment: 17 pages, revtex4; dimensional regularization used instead of Pauli-Villars, the check of identity in the linear-in-sources Dyson-Schwinger equation now includes the finite part; conclusions unchanged; to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Fermi-Bose duality via extra dimension

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    Representation of a DD-dimensional fermion determinant as a path integral of exponent of a (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional Hermitean bosonic action is constructed.Comment: 7 pages, LATE

    Bosonization of Fermion Determinants

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    A four dimensional fermion determinant is presented as a path integral of the exponent of a local five dimensional action describing constrained bosonic system. The construction is carried out both in the continuum theory and in the lattice model.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    An approach to solve Slavnov-Taylor identities in nonsupersymmetric non-Abelian gauge theories

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    We present a way to solve Slavnov--Taylor identities in a general nonsupersymmetric theory. The solution can be parametrized by a limited number of functions of spacetime coordinates, so that all the effective fields are dressed by these functions via integral convolution. The solution restricts the ghost part of the effective action and gives predictions for the physical part of the effective action.Comment: revised version, section 3 is enlarged, 24 pages, Latex2e, no figures, version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Generalized Pauli-Villars regularization for undoubled lattice fermions

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    A manifestly gauge invariant formulation of chiral theories with fermions on the lattice is developed. It combines SLAC lattice derivative \cite{DWY}, \cite{ACS}, \cite{S} and generalized Pauli-Villars regularization \cite{FS}. The theory is free of fermion doubling, requires only local gauge invariant counterterms and produces correct results when applied to exactly solvable two dimensional models.Comment: 10 pages LATEX fil
