758 research outputs found
What does women’s empowerment have to do with malnutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from demographic and health surveys from 30 countries
The reduction of childhood malnutrition has been identified as a priority for health and development in sub Saharan African countries. The association between women’s empowerment and children’s nutritional status is of policy interest due to its effect on human development, labour supply, productivity, economic growth and development. This study aimed to determine the association between women’s empowerment and childhood nutritional status in sub Saharan African countries.
The study utilized secondary datasets of women in their child bearing age (15–49 years) from the latest Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in 2011–2017 across 30 sub Saharan Africa countries. The outcome variable of the study was childhood nutritional status while the exposure variable was women’s empowerment indicators such as decision making and attitude towards violence. Analyses were performed at bivariate level with the use of chi square to determine association between outcome and exposure variables and at multivariate level with the use of regression models to examine the effect of women’s empowerment on childhood nutritional status.
Women’s socio-demographic and other selected characteristics were statistically significantly associated with childhood nutritional status (stunted and underweight) at p < 0.001. These characteristics were also statistically significantly associated with empowerment status of women (Decision-making, Violence attitudes and Experience of violence) at p < 0.001 except for child age and sex. The association between childhood nutritional statuses and women’s empowerment (all three empowerment measures) was significant after controlling for other covariates that could also influence childhood nutrition statuses at p < 001. Two of the empowerment measures (attitudes towards violence and experience of violence) showed positive association with childhood nutritional statuses while the third (decision-making) showed negative association.
There is an independent relationship between childhood nutrition status and women’s empowerment in sub Saharan African countries. Women’s empowerment was found to be related to childhood nutritional status. Policies and programmes aiming at reducing childhood malnutrition should include interventions designed to empower women in Sub-Saharan Africa
Human Capital Development as Correlates of Librarians’ Productivity in Nigerian Public University Libraries
The study examined human capital development in relationship with the productivity of librarians in the Nigerian public university libraries. It employed survey research design to investigate 923 librarians in 54 public university libraries. A self-developed questionnaire was adopted and it gave a reliability coefficient of 88% to Human Capital Development and 94% to Productivity. A response rate of 67.2% was achieved. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. It was revealed that human capital development will boost the productivity of librarians. It concluded that effective human capital development of librarians would greatly enhanced librarians’ job performance in the university libraries. The study recommended that library management should continue in developing her professional workforce so as to satisfy various clienteles in the university community
Incidence of Opportunistic Infections Among Adult HIV Positive People Receiving Co-trimoxazole Prophylaxis
In Ethiopia, Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis therapy (CPT) used to prevent opportunistic infections among people living with HIV is the standard of practice; however incidence of opportunistic infection and their predictors are rarely documented in the country. This was a retrospective follow up study to describe the incidence and predictors of opportunistic infections among 244 adults receiving CPT. Participants were followed for a median time of 72 weeks. During a study period a total of 53opportunistic infections were recorded; making the overall incidence rate 23.9/100 person-years. High incidence of opportunistic infections is likely to occur if: the clients were married (adjusted hazard ratio (AHR) 1.965;(95% CI: 1.109, 3.451), had history of tuberculosis treatment (AHR: 2.34(95% CI:1.05, 5.24)), patients who are indicated for CPT because of both clinical and WHO clinical staging criteria(AHR 2.418 (95% CI:1.02, 5.72 ),and had poor adherence to CPT (AHR, 2.11 (95% CI: 1.19-3.72)). Eventhough adherence is non-substitutable strategy to prevent opportunistic infection, the cohort of HIV patients failed to adhere to CPT, which in turn resulthigh incidence of opportunistic infections among them, therefore improving adherence as guideline should be a priority to prevent OIs among people living with HIV in the study region
Tinjauan Ulang Sistem Pemindaian Termal Tubuh Manusia dengan Sensor Suhu Pyroelectric
Elemen sensor pyroelectric sangat sensitif terhadap jangkauan lebar radiasi dan sudut jatuh incoming radiasi panas badan manusia pada panjang gelombang 5-15 µm [1]. Signal respon sensor pyroelectric dapat didekatkan oleh dua buah grafik exponensial sebagai akibat Perubahan kapasitansi dalam amplifier. Waktu naik dan turun dari signal tegangan dapat ditentukan oleh (tetapan waktu elektrik) dan (tetapan waktu termal) yang sebelumnya telah melewati bandpass filter. Dalam tulisan ini, akan dijelaskan secara rinci semua aspek yang menyangkut sistem pemindaian termal tubuh manusia dengan sensor suhu pyroelectric. Pyroelectric sensor element is very sensitive to a wide range of incoming radiation and heat radiation angles of the human body at 5-15 μm wavelength [1]. The response signal of the pyroelectric shown by two exponential graph as a result of changes capacitance in the amplifier. Rise and fall time of the voltage signal can be determined by the (electric time constant) and (thermal time constant) through a bandpass filter. In this paper, will be explained in detail how Infrared motion detector components work
This study aims to find out enhancement of students’ mathematical reflective thinking ability through
knowledge sharing learning strategy in Senior High School. The method of study used quasi
experiment by non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study are eighth grader
students of Senior High School in Tangerang City, Banten Province. Sampling technique used cluster
random sampling with the numbers of students are 140 students. The instruments used in the form
prior mathematical knowledge test and mathematical reflective thinking ability test. Data analysis are
done by requisite test, namely data normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Test) and homogeneity
test (Levene Test). The statistic analysis of the data was conducted with one-way ANOVA, two-way
ANOVA, and Scheffe Test. The results of study are as follows: (1) there is enhancement difference
of mathematical reflective thinking ability of the students learning with knowledge sharing strategy
and conventional learning; (2) there is enhancement difference of mathematical reflective thinking
ability between students learning with knowledge sharing strategy (KSS) and conventional learning
based on school level and prior mathematical knowledge (MPK) of students (higher, middle,
lower); (3) The interaction between learning strategy (KSS) and prior mathematical knowledge
(higher, middle, lower) influenced student’s enhancement of mathematical reflective thinking
Aplikasi Data Warehouse untuk Menunjang Standar 3 Borang Akreditasi Prodi Informatika Universitas Mercu Buana
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan secara berkelanjutan baik input, proses maupun output dalam suatu program studi, diperlukan aplikasi yang dapat mendukung bisnis proses. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut diperlukan solusi dasar dalam pembuatan laporan borang akreditasi khususnya standar 3 yang dapat mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan strategis untuk tingkat manajemen. Model pengambangan data warehouse yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model skema star. Hal ini akan menghasilkan suatu sistem informasi data warehouse yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam pengisian borang akreditasi. Data warehouse dapat menyajikan data dengan lebih cepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan serta menghasilkan informasi yang lebih ringkas. Kemudian dengan bantuan aplikasi data warehouse dapat juga dilakukan analisis multidimensi dan dapat menghasilkan informasi yang bersifat analistis, sehingga bermanfaat dalam pengambilan keputusan selanjutny
Modelling Long-Range Dependence and Non-linearity in the Infant Mortality Rates of African Countries.
Infant mortality rates in 34 Sub-Saharan African countries (1960–2016), obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis database, were examined in this paper by focusing on the degree of persistence and non-linearities in the growth rate series. Persistence deals with the degree of association between the observations. Non-linearity occurs when departing from the linear assumption as in a time trend. These two issues are relevant in this context because they are intimately related. Based on the high degree of persistence observed in the series examined, instead of investigating structural breaks, which produce abrupt changes in the data, a non-linear approach was used based on Chebyshev polynomials in time, producing smooth rather than abrupt changes. This approach has never been examined in a unified framework in the treatment of infant mortality rates. The results indicate that half of the countries examined display non-linearities and the orders of integration of the series are extremely large in all cases, being around two in the majority of them. Looking at the growth rate series, significant negative trends were observed for: Chad, Equatorial Guinea and Mozambique. Evidence of mean reversion and thus transitory shocks, were observed for Lesotho, Rwanda, Botswana and Mozambique. Time dynamics of the series were expected to persist in order to ascertain the decline in mortality rates. Therefore, serious government interventions are required in managing infant health in these countries.pre-print314 K
Bromination of Graphene and Graphite
We present a density functional theory study of low density bromination of
graphene and graphite, finding significantly different behaviour in these two
materials. On graphene we find a new Br2 form where the molecule sits
perpendicular to the graphene sheet with an extremely strong molecular dipole.
The resultant Br+-Br- has an empty pz-orbital located in the graphene
electronic pi-cloud. Bromination opens a small (86meV) band gap and strongly
dopes the graphene. In contrast, in graphite we find Br2 is most stable
parallel to the carbon layers with a slightly weaker associated charge transfer
and no molecular dipole. We identify a minimum stable Br2 concentration in
graphite, finding low density bromination to be endothermic. Graphene may be a
useful substrate for stabilising normally unstable transient molecular states
POE2WE Learning Management Based on Google Classroom Blended Learning (Alternative Models in Learning during WFH Pandemic Covid-19)
This study aims to describe the application of the POE2WE model based on blended
learning using Google Classroom media to increase student interest during the WFH Pandemic Covid-19
Period. Along with the lack of mastery of technology by educators as well as the lack of mastery of the material
delivered by educators to students. Therefore, learning has not maximally impacted student interest in learning.
For this reason, there is a need for models and methods from educators to increase student interest in learning,
one of which is to use blended learning methods and POE2WE learning models using the Google Classroom
media. The results of the study indicate that the application of the POE2WE model based on Blended Learning
with Google Classroom media can be used as a solution to the problem in the WFH Pandemic Covid-19
Learning Process
Phytochemical studies of Melilotus officinalis
GC-MS analysis of the n-hexane extract of Melilotus officinalis seeds revealed twelve compounds with a combined area percentage of 98.33% predominantly, (9Z,12Z)-octadecadienoic acid (20.22%, 366 ppm), 14-methylpentadecanoic acid (19.52%, 353 ppm) and (9E)-octadecenoic acid (15.94%, 289 ppm). Two compounds, namely, cis-coumaric acid-2-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (cis-melilotoside, 1) and 1,2-benzopyrone (coumarin, 2), were isolated from the MeOH extract of the seeds of M. officinalis. The structures of isolated compounds were determined by spectroscopic techniques such as NMR, UV-Vis, and FTIR. The MeOH extract of M. Officinalis was also tested for its antioxidant activity using DPPH assay. The extract showed 29.87% DPPH inhibition at concentration of 100 μg/mL.
KEY WORDS: Melilotus officinalis, Fatty acid methyl esters, Esterification, GC-MS, DPPH radical scavenging assay, Antioxidant activity
Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2021, 35(1), 141-150.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v35i1.1
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