181 research outputs found
Hard parton damping in hot QCD
The gluon and quark collisional widths in hot QCD plasmas are discussed with
emphasis on temperatures near Tc, where the coupling is large. Considering the
effect on the entropy, which is known from lattice calculations, it is argued
that the width of the partons, which in the perturbative limit is given by
gamma ~ g^2 ln(1/g) T, should be sizeable at intermediate temperatures but has
to be small close to Tc. This behavior implies a substantial reduction of the
radiative energy loss of jets near Tc.Comment: invitetd talk given at 'Hot Quarks 04', July 18-24 2004, Taos Valley,
Resummation of the QCD thermodynamic potential
It is argued why thermodynamic approximations in terms of dressed propagators
may, at larger coupling strength, be better behaved than perturbative results,
and why in hot QCD the hard thermal loop approximation of the thermodynamic
potential cannot be expected to work close to the phase transition.Comment: 5 pages. Talk given at `Statistical QCD', Bielefeld, August 26-30,
Collisional jet quenching becomes probable
It was argued recently that loop corrections to tree-level amplitudes are
essential in the discussion of the collisional energy loss of energetic partons
in the hot quark gluon plasma: Instead of , as first derived by Bjorken (assuming a constant ), the
mean energy loss actually behaves as .
Here we calculate, within this resummation-improved framework, the probability
distribution functions (`quenching weights') of the collisional energy loss.
First results from a Monte Carlo implementation of this probabilistic
collisional quenching shed new light on the interpretation of jet suppression
in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 5 figure
The hot non-perturbative gluon plasma is an almost ideal colored liquid
We study properties of a gluon plasma above the critical temperature in
a generalized quasi-particle approach with a Lorentz spectral function. The
model parameters are determined by a fit of the entropy to lattice QCD
data. The effective degrees of freedom are found to be rather heavy and of a
sizeable width. With the spectral width being closely related to the
interaction rate, we find a large effective cross section, which is comparable
to the typical distance squared of the quasiparticles. This suggests that the
system should be viewed as a liquid as also indicated by an estimate of the
plasma parameter . Furthermore, within the quasiparticle approach we
find a very low viscosity to entropy ratio, for , supporting the recent conjecture of an almost ideal quark-gluon liquid
seen at RHIC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, published versio
Quasi-particle model for deconfined matter
Our quasi-particle model for deconfined matter near T_c is reviewed. The
extrapolation of lattice QCD data to a finite baryo-chemical potential is
discussed. Determined by the chiral transition temperature T_c, the resulting
equation of state of neutral and beta-stable deconfined matter is soft and
limits size and mass of pure quark stars.Comment: Contribution to 5th Intern. Conf. "Quark Confinement and the Hadron
Spectrum", Gargnano (It), Sep. 10 - 14, 200
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