414 research outputs found

    Non-oscillating solutions to uncoupled Ermakov systems and the semiclassical limit

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    The amplitude-phase formulation of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation is investigated within the context of uncoupled Ermakov systems, whereby the amplitude function is given by the auxiliary nonlinear equation. The classical limit of the amplitude and phase functions is analyzed by setting up a semiclassical Ermakov system. In this limit, it is shown that classical quantities, such as the classical probability amplitude and the reduced action, are obtained only when the semiclassical amplitude and the accumulated phase are non-oscillating functions respectively of the space and energy variables. Conversely, among the infinitely many arbitrary exact quantum amplitude and phase functions corresponding to a given wavefunction, only the non-oscillating ones yield classical quantities in the limit ℏ→0\hbar \to 0.Comment: 2 figure

    Are Bohmian trajectories real? On the dynamical mismatch between de Broglie-Bohm and classical dynamics in semiclassical systems

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    The de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics aims to give a realist description of quantum phenomena in terms of the motion of point-like particles following well-defined trajectories. This work is concerned by the de Broglie-Bohm account of the properties of semiclassical systems. Semiclassical systems are quantum systems that display the manifestation of classical trajectories: the wavefunction and the observable properties of such systems depend on the trajectories of the classical counterpart of the quantum system. For example the quantum properties have a regular or disordered aspect depending on whether the underlying classical system has regular or chaotic dynamics. In contrast, Bohmian trajectories in semiclassical systems have little in common with the trajectories of the classical counterpart, creating a dynamical mismatch relative to the quantum-classical correspondence visible in these systems. Our aim is to describe this mismatch (explicit illustrations are given), explain its origin, and examine some of the consequences on the status of Bohmian trajectories in semiclassical systems. We argue in particular that semiclassical systems put stronger constraints on the empirical acceptability and plausibility of Bohmian trajectories because the usual arguments given to dismiss the mismatch between the classical and the de Broglie-Bohm motions are weakened by the occurrence of classical trajectories in the quantum wavefunction of such systems.Comment: Figures downgraded to low resolution. V2:Minor change
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