11,198 research outputs found

    Development of compressor end seals stator interstage seals, and stator pivot seals in air breathing propulsion systems Semiannual report no. 1, 29 Jun. - 31 Dec. 1965

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    Seal concepts evaluation for compressor end seals, stator interchange seals, and stator pivot seals in air breathing propulsion syste

    An Institutional Framework for Heterogeneous Formal Development in UML

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    We present a framework for formal software development with UML. In contrast to previous approaches that equip UML with a formal semantics, we follow an institution based heterogeneous approach. This can express suitable formal semantics of the different UML diagram types directly, without the need to map everything to one specific formalism (let it be first-order logic or graph grammars). We show how different aspects of the formal development process can be coherently formalised, ranging from requirements over design and Hoare-style conditions on code to the implementation itself. The framework can be used to verify consistency of different UML diagrams both horizontally (e.g., consistency among various requirements) as well as vertically (e.g., correctness of design or implementation w.r.t. the requirements)

    Nonlinear stability of the Taub-NUT soliton in 6+1 dimensions

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    Using mixed numerical and analytical methods we give evidence that the 6+1 dimensional Taub-NUT soliton is asymptotically nonlinearly stable against small perturbations preserving biaxial Bianchi IX symmetry. We also show that for sufficiently strong perturbations the soliton collapses to a warped black hole. Since this black hole solution is not known in closed form, for completeness of the exposition we prove its existence and determine its properties. In particular, the mass of the black hole is computed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Scalar Field Theory on Non-commutative Snyder Space-Time

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    We construct a scalar field theory on the Snyder non-commutative space-time. The symmetry underlying the Snyder geometry is deformed at the co-algebraic level only, while its Poincar\'e algebra is undeformed. The Lorentz sector is undeformed at both algebraic and co-algebraic level, but the co-product for momenta (defining the star-product) is non-co-associative. The Snyder-deformed Poincar\'e group is described by a non-co-associative Hopf algebra. The definition of the interacting theory in terms of a non-associative star-product is thus questionable. We avoid the non-associativity by the use of a space-time picture based on the concept of realization of a non-commutative geometry. The two main results we obtain are: (i) the generic (namely for any realization) construction of the co-algebraic sector underlying the Snyder geometry and (ii) the definition of a non-ambiguous self interacting scalar field theory on this space-time. The first order correction terms of the corresponding Lagrangian are explicitly computed. The possibility to derive Noether charges for the Snyder space-time is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages; v2: introduction rewritten, co-algebraic analysis improved, references added; to appear in PR

    Coupled opto-electronic simulation of organic bulk-heterojunction solar cells: parameter extraction and sensitivity analysis

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    A general problem arising in computer simulations is the number of material and device parameters, which have to be determined by dedicated experiments and simulation-based parameter extraction. In this study we analyze measurements of the short-circuit current dependence on the active layer thickness and current-voltage curves in poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) based solar cells. We have identified a set of parameter values including dissociation parameters that describe the experimental data. The overall agreement of our model with experiment is good, however a discrepancy in the thickness dependence of the current-voltage curve questions the influence of the electric field in the dissociation process. In addition transient simulations are analyzed which show that a measurement of the turn-off photocurrent can be useful for estimating charge carrier mobilities.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Physic

    Developing the evidence base for adult social care practice: The NIHR School for Social Care Research

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    In a foreword to 'Shaping the Future of Care Together', Prime Minister Gordon Brown says that a care and support system reflecting the needs of our times and meeting our rising aspirations is achievable, but 'only if we are prepared to rise to the challenge of radical reform'. A number of initiatives will be needed to meet the challenge of improving social care for the growing older population. Before the unveiling of the green paper, The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) announced that it has provided 15m pounds over a five-year period to establish the NIHR School for Social Care Research. The School's primary aim is to conduct or commission research that will help to improve adult social care practice in England. The School is seeking ideas for research topics, outline proposals for new studies and expert advice in developing research methods

    Equivalence of domains for hyperbolic Hubbard-Stratonovich transformations

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    We settle a long standing issue concerning the traditional derivation of non-compact non-linear sigma models in the theory of disordered electron systems: the hyperbolic Hubbard-Stratonovich (HS) transformation of Pruisken-Schaefer type. Only recently the validity of such transformations was proved in the case of U(p,q) (non-compact unitary) and O(p,q) (non-compact orthogonal) symmetry. In this article we give a proof for general non-compact symmetry groups. Moreover we show that the Pruisken-Schaefer type transformations are related to other variants of the HS transformation by deformation of the domain of integration. In particular we clarify the origin of surprising sign factors which were recently discovered in the case of orthogonal symmetry.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Extended Poincar\'e supersymmetry in three dimensions and supersymmetric anyons

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    We classify the unitary representations of the extended Poincar\'e supergroups in three dimensions. Irreducible unitary representations of any spin can appear, which correspond to supersymmetric anyons. Our results also show that all irreducible unitary representations necessarily have physical momenta. This is in sharp contrast to the ordinary Poincar\'e group in three dimensions, that admits in addition irreducible unitary representations with non-physical momenta, which are discarded on physical grounds.Comment: 7 pages; commentaries added in Sect. IV A and in Conclusion; added reference

    B- and A-Type Stars in the Taurus-Auriga Star Forming Region

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    We describe the results of a search for early-type stars associated with the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud complex, a diffuse nearby star-forming region noted as lacking young stars of intermediate and high mass. We investigate several sets of possible O, B and early A spectral class members. The first is a group of stars for which mid-infrared images show bright nebulae, all of which can be associated with stars of spectral type B. The second group consists of early-type stars compiled from (i) literature listings in SIMBAD; (ii) B stars with infrared excesses selected from the Spitzer Space Telescope survey of the Taurus cloud; (iii) magnitude- and color-selected point sources from the 2MASS; and (iv) spectroscopically identified early-type stars from the SDSS coverage of the Taurus region. We evaluated stars for membership in the Taurus-Auriga star formation region based on criteria involving: spectroscopic and parallactic distances, proper motions and radial velocities, and infrared excesses or line emission indicative of stellar youth. For selected objects, we also model the scattered and emitted radiation from reflection nebulosity and compare the results with the observed spectral energy distributions to further test the plausibility of physical association of the B stars with the Taurus cloud. This investigation newly identifies as probable Taurus members three B-type stars: HR 1445 (HD 28929), tau Tau (HD 29763), 72 Tau (HD 28149), and two A-type stars: HD 31305 and HD 26212, thus doubling the number of stars A5 or earlier associated with the Taurus clouds. Several additional early-type sources including HD 29659 and HD 283815 meet some, but not all, of the membership criteria and therefore are plausible, though not secure, members.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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