6,077 research outputs found
Measurement of the B0 → D∗-π+π-π+branching fraction by BABAR
The BABAR collaboration measured the decay branching fraction B(B'→D∗-πππ+) =(ι∈l∞∞(stat.)±l 3∂ ∞(syst.)) × ∞l-∂ using a sample of (470.9 ± 2.8) × 106 BB pairs. This measurement will facilitate the measurement of B(B' → D∗- τ+ντ) with τ+ → π+π-π+ντ at hadronic colliders, improving the experimental precision on the normalization branching fraction B(B' → D∗-'π+ π-π+)
Light New Physics searches with BaBar
Several hypothetical light New Physics particles have been searched using the clean and large electron-positron collision samples collected by the BaBar collaboration around the Υ(4S) resonance. No evidence has been found and 90% confidence level upper limits have been set on a dark photon decaying into electron or muon pairs, on a next-to-minimal supersymmetric Higgs boson decaying to charmed
hadrons, and to an exotic π0-like particle that would couple to the tau lepton
Tensor mesons produced in tau lepton decays
Light tensor mesons (T = a_2, f_2 and K_2^*) can be produced in decays of tau
leptons. In this paper we compute the branching ratios of tau --> T pi nu
decays by assuming the dominance of intermediate virtual states to model the
form factors involved in the relevant hadronic matrix element. The exclusive
f_2(1270) pi^- decay mode turns out to have the largest branching ratio, of
O(10^-4) . Our results indicate that the contributions of tensor meson
intermediate states to the three-pseudoscalar channels of tau decays are rather
small.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Version accepted for publication in PRD, some
typos are corrected and comments are added in section 4. Conclusions remain
The impact of SuperB on flavour physics
This report provides a succinct summary of the physics programme of SuperB,
and describes that potential in the context of experiments making measurements
in flavour physics over the next 10 to 20 years. Detailed comparisons are made
with Belle II and LHCb, the other B physics experiments that will run in this
decade. SuperB will play a crucial role in defining the landscape of flavour
physics over the next 20 years.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
Tau spin correlations and the anomalous magnetic moment
We show that the precise determination of the Tau magnetic properties is
possible in the next generation accelerators, specially at B/Flavour factories.
We define spin correlation observables suitable to extract the real part of the
magnetic form factor that, for the first time, will allow to test the standard
model-QED predictions. In particular, the predicted QED-dependence with both
the momentum transfer and the lepton mass can be precisely measured. Until now,
the most stringent bounds on the magnetic moment come from LEP
data with strong assumptions on the physics involved on the observed process.
In this paper, we find three different combinations of spin correlations of the
outgoing Taus that disentangle the magnetic moment form factor of the Tau
lepton in the electromagnetic vertex. These combinations of asymmetries also
get rid off the contributions coming from Z-mediating amplitudes to the defined
correlations. Using unpolarized electron beams and an integrated luminosity of
, the sensitivity to the magnetic moment form
factor is of the order . This sensitivity is two orders of magnitude
better than the present existing high- or low-energy bounds on the magnetic
moment and would allow its actual measurement with the precision of a few per
cent.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur
Ebstein Anomaly in Pregnancy
A 27-year-old primiparous woman with 28 weeks gestational age was admitted to our hospital with worsening shortness of breath. She was diagnosed with Ebstein’s anomaly three years ago, but preferred to be left untreated. The patient was not cyanotic and her vital signs were stable. Her ECG showed incomplete RBBB and prolonged PR-interval. Blood tests revealed mild anemia. Observation of two-dimensional echo with color flow Doppler study showed Ebstein’s anomaly with PFO as additional defects, EF of 57%, LV and LA dilatation, RV atrialization, severe TR, and moderate PH with RVSP of 44.3 mmHg. The patient then underwent elective sectio caesaria at 30 weeks of gestational age; both the mother and her baby were alive and were in good conditions. Problem: there was an increasing breathlessness in this patient so that there was an increasing need to take a decision for her pregnancy.Ebstein’s anomaly is a complicated congenital anomaly. Medical treatment may be followed for many years in patients with mild forms of Ebstein’s anomaly. Surgery should be considered if there is objective evidence of debasement such as significant enlargement of heart size, reduction of systolic function in echocardiography
Electric dipole moments from flavoured CP violation in SUSY
The so-called supersymmetric flavour and CP problems are deeply related to
the origin of flavour and hence to the origin of the SM Yukawa couplings
themselves. We show that realistic SU(3) flavour symmetries with spontaneous CP
violation reproducing correctly the SM Yukawa matrices can simultaneously solve
both problems without ad hoc modifications of the SUSY model. We analyze the
leptonic electric dipole moments and lepton flavour violation processes in
these models. We show that the electron EDM and the decay mu -> e gamma are
naturally within reach of the proposed experiments if the sfermion masses are
measurable at the LHC.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures; added references, corrected typos; added
referres suggestions, version accepted in PR
T violation and the unidirectionality of time
An increasing number of experiments at the Belle, BNL, CERN, DA{\Phi}NE and
SLAC accelerators are confirming the violation of time reversal invariance (T).
The violation signifies a fundamental asymmetry between the past and future and
calls for a major shift in the way we think about time. Here we show that
processes which violate T symmetry induce destructive interference between
different paths that the universe can take through time. The interference
eliminates all paths except for two that represent continuously forwards and
continuously backwards time evolution. Evidence from the accelerator
experiments indicates which path the universe is effectively following. This
work may provide fresh insight into the long-standing problem of modeling the
dynamics of T violation processes. It suggests that T violation has previously
unknown, large-scale physical effects and that these effects underlie the
origin of the unidirectionality of time. It may have implications for the
Wheeler-DeWitt equation of canonical quantum gravity. Finally it provides a
view of the quantum nature of time itself.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. Final version accepted for publishing in
Foundations of Physics. The final publication is available at
SuperB: a linear high-luminosity B Factory
This paper is based on the outcome of the activity that has taken place
during the recent workshop on "SuperB in Italy" held in Frascati on November
11-12, 2005. The workshop was opened by a theoretical introduction of Marco
Ciuchini and was structured in two working groups. One focused on the machine
and the other on the detector and experimental issues.
The present status on CP is mainly based on the results achieved by BaBar and
Belle. Estabilishment of the indirect CP violation in B sector in 2001 and of
the direct CP violation in 2004 thanks to the success of PEP-II and KEKB e+e-
asymmetric B Factories operating at the center of mass energy corresponding to
the mass of the Y(4s). With the two B Factories taking data, the Unitarity
Triangle is now beginning to be overconstrained by improving the measurements
of the sides and now also of the angles alpha, and gamma. We are also in
presence of the very intriguing results about the measurements of sin(2 beta)
in the time dependent analysis of decay channels via penguin loops, where b -->
s sbar s and b --> s dbar d. Tau physics, in particular LFV search, as well as
charm and ISR physics are important parts of the scientific program of a SuperB
Factory. The physics case together with possible scenarios for the high
luminosity SuperB Factory based on the concepts of the Linear Collider and the
related experimental issues are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures, INFN Roadmap Repor
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