1,741 research outputs found
On the classification of fusion rings
The fusion rules and modular matrix of a rational conformal field theory obey
a list of properties. We use these properties to classify rational conformal
field theories with not more than six primary fields and small values of the
fusion coefficients. We give a catalogue of fusion rings which can arise for
these field theories. It is shown that all such fusion rules can be realized by
current algebras. Our results support the conjecture that all rational
conformal field theories are related to current algebras.Comment: 10 pages, CALT-68-196
Singular Monopoles and Gravitational Instantons
We model A_k and D_k asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons on
the moduli spaces of solutions of U(2) Bogomolny equations with prescribed
singularities. We study these moduli spaces using Ward correspondence and find
their twistor description. This enables us to write down the K\"ahler potential
for A_k and D_k gravitational instantons in a relatively explicit form.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe
Tests of Seiberg-like Duality in Three Dimensions
We use localization techniques to study several duality proposals for
supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions reminiscent of Seiberg
duality. We compare the partition functions of dual theories deformed by real
mass terms and FI parameters. We find that Seiberg-like duality for N=3
Chern-Simons gauge theories proposed by Giveon and Kutasov holds on the level
of partition functions and is closely related to level-rank duality in pure
Chern-Simons theory. We also clarify the relationship between the
Giveon-Kutasov duality and a duality in theories of fractional M2 branes and
propose a generalization of the latter. Our analysis also confirms previously
known results concerning decoupled free sectors in N=4 gauge theories realized
by monopole operators.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure
On the non-relativistic limit of the quantum sine-Gordon model with integrable boundary condition
We show that the the generalized Calogero-Moser model with boundary potential
of the P\"oschl-Teller type describes the non-relativistic limit of the quantum
sine-Gordon model on a half-line with Dirichlet boundary condition.Comment: 6 pages, CALT-68-1949, USC-94-01
On the relation between open and closed topological strings
We discuss the relation between open and closed string correlators using
topological string theories as a toy model. We propose that one can reconstruct
closed string correlators from the open ones by considering the Hochschild
cohomology of the category of D-branes. We compute the Hochschild cohomology of
the category of D-branes in topological Landau-Ginzburg models and partially
verify the conjecture in this case.Comment: 28 pages, corrected the proof of eq. 2
D_k Gravitational Instantons and Nahm Equations
We construct D_k asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons as
moduli spaces of solutions of Nahm equations. This allows us to find their
twistor spaces and Kahler potentials.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures (published version
Nahm Transform For Periodic Monopoles And N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory
We study Bogomolny equations on . Although they do not admit
nontrivial finite-energy solutions, we show that there are interesting
infinite-energy solutions with Higgs field growing logarithmically at infinity.
We call these solutions periodic monopoles. Using Nahm transform, we show that
periodic monopoles are in one-to-one correspondence with solutions of Hitchin
equations on a cylinder with Higgs field growing exponentially at infinity. The
moduli spaces of periodic monopoles belong to a novel class of hyperk\"ahler
manifolds and have applications to quantum gauge theory and string theory. For
example, we show that the moduli space of periodic monopoles provides the
exact solution of super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group
compactified on a circle of arbitrary radius.Comment: 48 pages, AMS latex. v2: several minor errors corrected, exposition
Topological Disorder Operators in Three-Dimensional Conformal Field Theory
Many abelian gauge theories in three dimensions flow to interacting conformal
field theories in the infrared. We define a new class of local operators in
these conformal field theories which are not polynomial in the fundamental
fields and create topological disorder. They can be regarded as
higher-dimensional analogues of twist and winding-state operators in free 2d
CFTs. We call them monopole operators for reasons explained in the text. The
importance of monopole operators is that in the Higgs phase, they create
Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen vortices. We study properties of these operators in
three-dimensional QED using large N_f expansion. In particular, we show that
monopole operators belong to representations of the conformal group whose
primaries have dimension of order N_f. We also show that monopole operators
transform non-trivially under the flavor symmetry group, with the precise
representation depending on the value of the Chern-Simons coupling.Comment: 24 pages, latex. v2: a reference to prior work has been adde
Nonrenormalization Theorem for Gauge Coupling in 2+1D
We prove that \be-function of the gauge coupling in gauge theory
coupled to any renormalizable system of spinor and scalar fields is zero. This
result holds both when the gauge field action is the Chern-Simons action and
when it is the topologically massive action.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX file, CALT-68-191
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