1,292 research outputs found

    Decoupling a Fermion Whose Mass Comes from a Yukawa Coupling: Nonperturbative Considerations

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    Perturbative analyses seem to suggest that fermions whose mass comes solely from a Yukawa coupling to a scalar field can be made arbitrarily heavy, while the scalar remains light. The effects of the fermion can be summarized by a local effective Lagrangian for the light degrees of freedom. Using weak coupling and large N techniques, we present a variety of models in which this conclusion is shown to be false when nonperturbative variations of the scalar field are considered. The heavy fermions contribute nonlocal terms to the effective action for light degrees of freedom. This resolves paradoxes about anomalous and nonanomalous symmetry violation in these models. Application of these results to lattice gauge theory imply that attempts to decouple lattice fermion doubles by the method of Swift and Smit cannot succeed, a result already suggested by lattice calculations.Comment: 31 page

    String Islands

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    We discuss string theories with small numbers of non-compact moduli and describe constructions of string theories whose low-energy limit is described by various pure supergravity theories. We also construct a D=4,N=4 compactification of type II string theory with 34 vector fields.Comment: An erroneous example removed. We thank Massimo Bianchi and Cumrun Vafa for pointing out this erro

    Violating the string winding number maximally in Anti-de Sitter space

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    We study n-string scattering amplitudes in three-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space (AdS3). We focus our attention on the processes in which the winding number conservation is violated maximally; that is, those processes in which it is violated in n-2 units. A worldsheet conformal field theory calculation leads us to confirm a previous conjecture about the functional form of these observables.Comment: 15 pages. V2 references added and minor typo corrected. V3, V4 addendum on an alternative derivation of the main formula for short string

    Two Centered Black Holes and N=4 Dyon Spectrum

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    The exact spectrum of dyons in a class of N=4 supersymmetric string theories is known to change discontinuously across walls of marginal stability. We show that the change in the degeneracy across the walls of marginal stability can be accounted for precisely by the entropy of two centered small black holes which disappear as we cross the walls of marginal stability.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages; v3: added footnote 2 regarding overall sign of the index, expanded footnote 3, added reference

    Closed String Tachyons on C/Z_N

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    We analyse the condensation of closed string tachyons on the C/ZNC/Z_N orbifold. We construct the potential for the tachyons upto the quartic interaction term in the large NN limit. In this limit there are near marginal tachyons. The quartic coupling for these tachyons is calculated by subtracting from the string theory amplitude for the tachyons, the contributions from the massless exchanges, computed from the effective field theory. We argue that higher point interaction terms are are also of the same order in 1/N as the quartic term and are necessary for existence of the minimum of the tachyon potential that is consistent with earlier analysis.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; comments added about NN dependence of contact ter

    Three String Junction and N=4 Dyon Spectrum

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    The exact spectrum of dyons in a class of N=4 supersymmetric string theories gives us information about dyon spectrum in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories. This in turn can be translated into prediction about the BPS spectrum of three string junctions on a configuration of three parallel D3-branes. We show that this prediction agrees with the known spectrum of three string junction in different domains in the moduli space separated by walls of marginal stability.Comment: LaTeX file, 14 page

    Higher Derivative Corrections, Dimensional Reduction and Ehlers Duality

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    Motivated by applications to black hole physics and duality, we study the effect of higher derivative corrections on the dimensional reduction of four-dimensional Einstein, Einstein Liouville and Einstein-Maxwell gravity to one direction, as appropriate for stationary, spherically symmetric solutions. We construct a field redefinition scheme such that the one-dimensional Lagrangian is corrected only by powers of first derivatives of the fields, eliminating spurious modes and providing a suitable starting point for quantization. We show that the Ehlers symmetry, broken by the leading R2R^2 corrections in Einstein-Liouville gravity, can be restored by including contributions of Taub-NUT instantons. Finally, we give a preliminary discussion of the duality between higher-derivative F-term corrections on the vector and hypermultiplet branches in N=2 supergravity in four dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, uses JHEP3.cls; v3: minor corrections, final version published in JHE

    On the timelike Liouville three-point function

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    In a recent paper, D. Harlow, J. Maltz, and E. Witten showed that a particular proposal for the timelike Liouville three-point function, originally due to Al. Zamolodchikov and to I. Kostov and V. Petkova, can actually be computed by the original Liouville path integral evaluated on a new integration cycle. Here, we discuss a Coulomb gas computation of the timelike three-point function and show that an analytic extension of the Selberg type integral formulas involved reproduces the same expression, including the adequate normalization. A notable difference with the spacelike calculation is pointed out.Comment: 11 pages. v2 comments and references added. Appropriate credit is given to Ref. arXiv:hep-th/0512346, where the Coulomb gas computation of the c<1 theory has already been discusse

    Walls of Marginal Stability and Dyon Spectrum in N=4 Supersymmetric String Theories

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    The spectrum of quarter BPS dyons in N=4 supersymmetric string theories can change as the asymptotic moduli cross walls of marginal stability on which the dyon can break apart into a pair of half BPS states. In this paper we classify these marginal stability walls and examine this phenomenon in the context of exact dyon spectrum found in a class of N=4 supersymmetric string theories. We argue that the dyon partition functions in different domains separated by marginal stability walls are the same, but the choice of integration contour needed for extracting the degeneracies from the partition function differ in these different regions. We also find that in the limit of large charges the change in the degeneracy is exponentially suppressed compared to the leading contribution. This is consistent with the fact that in the computation of black hole entropy we do not encounter any change as the asymptotic moduli fields move across the walls of marginal stability. Finally we carry out some tests of S-duality invariance in the theory.Comment: LateX file, 1 figure, 42 pages; v2 more tests of S-duality added with complete proof for all N<7; v3: minor change

    Black Holes, Elementary Strings and Holomorphic Anomaly

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    In a previous paper we had proposed a specific route to relating the entropy of two charge black holes to the degeneracy of elementary string states in N=4 supersymmetric heterotic string theory in four dimensions. For toroidal compactification this proposal works correctly to all orders in a power series expansion in inverse charges provided we take into account the corrections to the black hole entropy formula due to holomorphic anomaly. In this paper we demonstrate that similar agreement holds also for other N=4 supersymmetric heterotic string compactifications.Comment: LaTeX file, 28 pages, reference added, minor changes in appendix
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