1,011 research outputs found
A three-qubit interpretation of BPS and non-BPS STU black holes
Following the recent trend we develop further the black hole analogy between
quantum information theory and the theory of extremal stringy black hole
solutions. We show that the three-qubit interpretation of supersymmetric black
hole solutions in the STU model can be extended also to include
non-supersymmetric ones. First we show that the black hole potential can be
expressed as one half the norm of a suitably chosen three-qubit entangled state
containing the quantized charges and the moduli. The extremization of the black
hole potential in terms of this entangled state amounts to either supressing
bit flip errors (BPS-case) or allowing very special types of flips transforming
the states between different classes of non-BPS solutions. We are illustrating
our results for the example of the D2-D6 system. In this case the bit flip
errors are corresponding to sign flip errors of the charges originating from
the number of D2 branes. After moduli stabilization the states depending
entirely on the charges are maximally entangled graph states (of the triangle
graph) well-known from quantum information theory. An N=8 interpretation of the
STU-model in terms of a mixed state with fermionic purifications is also given.Comment: 35 page
Inherited crustal deformation along the East Gondwana margin revealed by seismic anisotropy tomography
Acknowledgments We thank Mallory Young for providing phase velocity measurements in mainland Australia and Tasmania. Robert Musgrave is thanked for making available his tilt-filtered magnetic intensity map. In the short term, data may be made available by contacting the authors (S.P. or N.R.). A new database of passive seismic data recorded in Australia is planned as part of a national geophysics data facility for easy access download. Details on the status of this database may be obtained from the authors (S.P., N.R., or A.M.R.). There are no restrictions on access for noncommercial use. Commercial users should seek written permission from the authors (S.P. or N.R.). Ross Cayley publishes with the permission of the Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
Equation of state of low--density neutron matter and the pairing gap
We report results of the equation of state of neutron matter in the
low--density regime, where the Fermi wave vector ranges from . Neutron matter in this regime is superfluid because of
the strong and attractive interaction in the channel. The properties of
this superfluid matter are calculated starting from a realistic Hamiltonian
that contains modern two-- and three--body interactions. The ground state
energy and the superfluid energy gap are calculated using the Auxiliary
Field Diffusion Monte Carlo method. We study the structure of the ground state
by looking at pair distribution functions as well as the Cooper-pair wave
function used in the calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure
Hyperdeterminants as integrable discrete systems
We give the basic definitions and some theoretical results about
hyperdeterminants, introduced by A. Cayley in 1845. We prove integrability
(understood as 4d-consistency) of a nonlinear difference equation defined by
the 2x2x2-hyperdeterminant. This result gives rise to the following hypothesis:
the difference equations defined by hyperdeterminants of any size are
We show that this hypothesis already fails in the case of the
2x2x2x2-hyperdeterminant.Comment: Standard LaTeX, 11 pages. v2: corrected a small misprint in the
3D printing dimensional calibration shape: Clebsch Cubic
3D printing and other layer manufacturing processes are challenged by
dimensional accuracy. Several techniques are used to validate and calibrate
dimensional accuracy through the complete building envelope. The validation
process involves the growing and measuring of a shape with known parameters.
The measured result is compared with the intended digital model. Processes with
the risk of deformation after time or post processing may find this technique
beneficial. We propose to use objects from algebraic geometry as test shapes. A
cubic surface is given as the zero set of a 3rd degree polynomial with 3
variables. A class of cubics in real 3D space contains exactly 27 real lines.
We provide a library for the computer algebra system Singular which, from 6
given points in the plane, constructs a cubic and the lines on it. A surface
shape derived from a cubic offers simplicity to the dimensional comparison
process, in that the straight lines and many other features can be analytically
determined and easily measured using non-digital equipment. For example, the
surface contains so-called Eckardt points, in each of which three of the lines
intersect, and also other intersection points of pairs of lines. Distances
between these intersection points can easily be measured, since the points are
connected by straight lines. At all intersection points of lines, angles can be
verified. Hence, many features distributed over the build volume are known
analytically, and can be used for the validation process. Due to the thin shape
geometry the material required to produce an algebraic surface is minimal. This
paper is the first in a series that proposes the process chain to first define
a cubic with a configuration of lines in a given print volume and then to
develop the point cloud for the final manufacturing. Simple measuring
techniques are recommended.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl
Octonionic Representations of GL(8,R) and GL(4,C)
Octonionic algebra being nonassociative is difficult to manipulate. We
introduce left-right octonionic barred operators which enable us to reproduce
the associative GL(8,R) group. Extracting the basis of GL(4,C), we establish an
interesting connection between the structure of left-right octonionic barred
operators and generic 4x4 complex matrices. As an application we give an
octonionic representation of the 4-dimensional Clifford algebra.Comment: 14 pages, Revtex, J. Math. Phys. (submitted
Second order perturbation theory for spin-orbit resonances
We implement Lie transform perturbation theory to second order for the planar
spin-orbit problem. The perturbation parameter is the asphericity of the body,
with the orbital eccentricity entering as an additional parameter. We study
first and second order resonances for different values of these parameters. For
nearly spherical bodies like Mercury and the Moon first order perturbation
theory is adequate, whereas for highly aspherical bodies like Hyperion the spin
is mostly chaotic and perturbation theory is of limited use. However, in
between, we identify a parameter range where second order perturbation theory
is useful and where as yet unidentified objects may be in second order
resonances.Comment: To appear in A
Does three-tangle properly quantify the three-party entanglement for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-type states?
Some mixed states composed of only GHZ states can be expressed in terms of
only W-states. This fact implies that such states have vanishing three-tangle.
One of such rank-3 states, , is explicitly presented in this paper.
These results are used to compute analytically the three-tangle of a rank-4
mixed state composed of four GHZ states. This analysis with
considering Bloch sphere of qudit system allows us to derive the
hyper-polyhedron. It is shown that the states in this hyper-polyhedron have
vanishing three-tangle. Computing the one-tangles for and ,
we prove the monogamy inequality explicitly. Making use of the fact that the
three-tangle of is zero, we try to explain why the W-class in the
whole mixed states is not of measure zero contrary to the case of pure states.Comment: 10 pages, no figure V2: new calculational results are included. 11
pages: V3 accepted in the Rapid Communication of PRA, 4 pages (two column
E_7 and the tripartite entanglement of seven qubits
In quantum information theory, it is well known that the tripartite
entanglement of three qubits is described by the group [SL(2,C)]^3 and that the
entanglement measure is given by Cayley's hyperdeterminant. This has provided
an analogy with certain N=2 supersymmetric black holes in string theory, whose
entropy is also given by the hyperdeterminant. In this paper, we extend the
analogy to N=8. We propose that a particular tripartite entanglement of seven
qubits, encoded in the Fano plane, is described by the exceptional group E_7(C)
and that the entanglement measure is given by Cartan's quartic E_7 invariant.Comment: Minor improvements. 15 page late
Qubits from extra dimensions
We link the recently discovered black hole-qubit correspondence to the
structure of extra dimensions. In particular we show that for toroidal
compactifications of type IIB string theory simple qubit systems arise
naturally from the geometrical data of the tori parametrized by the moduli. We
also generalize the recently suggested idea of the attractor mechanism as a
distillation procedure of GHZ-like entangled states on the event horizon, to
moduli stabilization for flux attractors in F-theory compactifications on
elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau four-folds. Finally using a simple example we
show that the natural arena for qubits to show up is an embedded one within the
realm of fermionic entanglement of quantum systems with indistinguishable
constituents.Comment: 32 pages Late
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