2,641 research outputs found

    Quantum geometry and black hole entropy: inclusion of distortion and rotation

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    Equilibrium states of black holes can be modelled by isolated horizons. If the intrinsic geometry is spherical, they are called type I while if it is axi-symmetric, they are called type II. The detailed theory of geometry of quantum type I horizons and the calculation of their entropy can be generalized to type II, thereby including arbitrary distortions and rotations. The leading term in entropy of large horizons is again given by 1/4th of the horizon area for the same value of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter as in the type I case. Ideas and constructions underlying this extension are summarized.Comment: Text based on parallel talk given at the VI Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics: ``Approaches to Quantum Gravity'', held in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, in November of 2004; IGPG preprint number added; metadata abstract correcte

    Mechanics of Rotating Isolated Horizons

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    Black hole mechanics was recently extended by replacing the more commonly used event horizons in stationary space-times with isolated horizons in more general space-times (which may admit radiation arbitrarily close to black holes). However, so far the detailed analysis has been restricted to non-rotating black holes (although it incorporated arbitrary distortion, as well as electromagnetic, Yang-Mills and dilatonic charges). We now fill this gap by first introducing the notion of isolated horizon angular momentum and then extending the first law to the rotating case.Comment: 31 pages REVTeX, 1 eps figure; Minor typos corrected and a footnote adde

    Photon inner product and the Gauss linking number

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    It is shown that there is an interesting interplay between self-duality, loop representation and knots invariants in the quantum theory of Maxwell fields in Minkowski space-time. Specifically, in the loop representation based on self-dual connections, the measure that dictates the inner product can be expressed as the Gauss linking number of thickened loops.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex. No figures. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Fock representations from U(1) holonomy algebras

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    We revisit the quantization of U(1) holonomy algebras using the abelian C* algebra based techniques which form the mathematical underpinnings of current efforts to construct loop quantum gravity. In particular, we clarify the role of ``smeared loops'' and of Poincare invariance in the construction of Fock representations of these algebras. This enables us to critically re-examine early pioneering efforts to construct Fock space representations of linearised gravity and free Maxwell theory from holonomy algebras through an application of the (then current) techniques of loop quantum gravity.Comment: Latex file, 30 pages, to appear in Phys Rev

    Constructing Hamiltonian quantum theories from path integrals in a diffeomorphism invariant context

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    Osterwalder and Schrader introduced a procedure to obtain a (Lorentzian) Hamiltonian quantum theory starting from a measure on the space of (Euclidean) histories of a scalar quantum field. In this paper, we extend that construction to more general theories which do not refer to any background, space-time metric (and in which the space of histories does not admit a natural linear structure). Examples include certain gauge theories, topological field theories and relativistic gravitational theories. The treatment is self-contained in the sense that an a priori knowledge of the Osterwalder-Schrader theorem is not assumed.Comment: Plain Latex, 25 p., references added, abstract and title changed (originally :``Osterwalder Schrader Reconstruction and Diffeomorphism Invariance''), introduction extended, one appendix with illustrative model added, accepted by Class. Quantum Gra

    Non-minimal couplings, quantum geometry and black hole entropy

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    The black hole entropy calculation for type I isolated horizons, based on loop quantum gravity, is extended to include non-minimally coupled scalar fields. Although the non-minimal coupling significantly modifies quantum geometry, the highly non-trivial consistency checks for the emergence of a coherent description of the quantum horizon continue to be met. The resulting expression of black hole entropy now depends also on the scalar field precisely in the fashion predicted by the first law in the classical theory (with the same value of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter as in the case of minimal coupling).Comment: 14 pages, no figures, revtex4. Section III expanded and typos correcte

    Quantum horizons and black hole entropy: Inclusion of distortion and rotation

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    Equilibrium states of black holes can be modelled by isolated horizons. If the intrinsic geometry is spherical, they are called type I while if it is axi-symmetric, they are called type II. The detailed theory of geometry of \emph{quantum} type I horizons and the calculation of their entropy can be generalized to type II, thereby including arbitrary distortions and rotations. The leading term in entropy of large horizons is again given by 1/4th of the horizon area for the \emph{same} value of the Barbero-Immirzi parameter as in the type I case. Ideas and constructions underlying this extension are summarized.Comment: 9 page

    2+1 Gravity without dynamics

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    A three dimensional generally covariant theory is described that has a 2+1 canonical decomposition in which the Hamiltonian constraint, which generates the dynamics, is absent. Physical observables for the theory are described and the classical and quantum theories are compared with ordinary 2+1 gravity.Comment: 9 page

    Generic isolated horizons in loop quantum gravity

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    Isolated horizons model equilibrium states of classical black holes. A detailed quantization, starting from a classical phase space restricted to spherically symmetric horizons, exists in the literature and has since been extended to axisymmetry. This paper extends the quantum theory to horizons of arbitrary shape. Surprisingly, the Hilbert space obtained by quantizing the full phase space of \textit{all} generic horizons with a fixed area is identical to that originally found in spherical symmetry. The entropy of a large horizon remains one quarter its area, with the Barbero-Immirzi parameter retaining its value from symmetric analyses. These results suggest a reinterpretation of the intrinsic quantum geometry of the horizon surface.Comment: 13 page

    Spherically Symmetric Quantum Horizons

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    Isolated horizon conditions specialized to spherical symmetry can be imposed directly at the quantum level. This answers several questions concerning horizon degrees of freedom, which are seen to be related to orientation, and its fluctuations at the kinematical as well as dynamical level. In particular, in the absence of scalar or fermionic matter the horizon area is an approximate quantum observable. Including different kinds of matter fields allows to probe several aspects of the Hamiltonian constraint of quantum geometry that are important in inhomogeneous situations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX