10,090 research outputs found
BFFT quantization with nonlinear constraints
We consider the method due to Batalin, Fradkin, Fradkina, and Tyutin (BFFT)
that makes the conversion of second-class constraints into first-class ones for
the case of nonlinear theories. We first present a general analysis of an
attempt to simplify the method, showing the conditions that must be fulfilled
in order to have first-class constraints for nonlinear theories but that are
linear in the auxiliary variables. There are cases where this simplification
cannot be done and the full BFFT method has to be used. However, in the way the
method is formulated, we show with details that it is not practicable to be
done. Finally, we speculate on a solution for these problems.Comment: 19 pages, Late
Hamiltonian formulation of nonAbelian noncommutative gauge theories
We implement the Hamiltonian treatment of a nonAbelian noncommutative gauge
theory, considering with some detail the algebraic structure of the
noncommutative symmetry group. The first class constraints and Hamiltonian are
obtained and their algebra derived, as well as the form of the gauge invariance
they impose on the first order action.Comment: enlarged version, 7 pages, RevTe
Relativistic deuteron structure function at large Q^2
The deuteron deep inelastic unpolarized structure function F_2^D is
calculated using the Wilson operator product expansion method. The long
distance behaviour, related to the deuteron bound state properties, is
evaluated using the Bethe-Salpeter equation with one particle on mass shell.
The calculation of the ratio F_2^D/F_2^N is compared with other convolution
models showing important deviations in the region of large x. The implications
in the evaluation of the neutron structure function from combined data on
deuterons and protons are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 ps figure, RevTeX source, 1 tar.gz file. Submited to
Physical Letter
Noncommutative Particles in Curved Spaces
We present a formulation in a curved background of noncommutative mechanics,
where the object of noncommutativity is considered as an
independent quantity having a canonical conjugate momentum. We introduced a
noncommutative first-order action in D=10 curved spacetime and the covariant
equations of motions were computed. This model, invariant under diffeomorphism,
generalizes recent relativistic results.Comment: 1+15 pages. Latex. New comments and results adde
Immigration and early life stages recruitment of the European flounder (Platichthys flesus) to an estuarine nursery: the influence of environmental factors
Connectivity between coastal spawning grounds and estuarine nurseries is a critical step in the life cycle of many fish species. Larval immigration and transport-associated physical–biological processes are determinants of recruitment success to nursery areas. The recruitment of the European flounder, Platichthys flesus, to estuarine nurseries located at the southern edge of the species distribution range, has been usually investigated during its juvenile stages, while estuarine recruitment during the earlier planktonic life stage remains largely unstudied. The present study investigated the patterns of flounder larval recruitment and the influence of environmental factors on the immigration of the early life stages to the Lima estuary (NW Portugal), integrating data on fish larvae and post-settlement individuals (< 50 mm length), collected over 7 years. Late-stage larvae arrived at the estuary between February and July and peak abundances were observed in April. Post-settlement individuals (< 50 mm) occurred later between April and October, whereas newly-settled ones (< 20 mm) were found only in May and June. Variables associated with the spawning, survival and growth of larvae in the ocean (sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a and inland hydrological variables) were the major drivers of flounder occurrence in the estuarine nursery. Although the adjacent coastal area is characterized by a current system with strong seasonality and mesoscale variability, we did not identify any influence of variables related with physical processes (currents and upwelling) on the occurrence of early life stages in the estuary. A wider knowledge on the influence of the coastal circulation variability and its associated effects upon ocean-estuarine connectivity is required to improve our understanding of the population dynamics of marine spawning fish that use estuarine nurseries
Hamiltonian embedding of the massive noncommutative U(1) theory
We show that the massive noncommutative U(1) can be embedded in a gauge
theory by using the BFFT Hamiltonian formalism. By virtue of the peculiar
non-Abelian algebraic structure of the noncommutative massive U(1) theory,
several specific identities involving Moyal commutators had to be used in order
to make the embedding possible. This leads to an infinite number of steps in
the iterative process of obtaining first-class constraints. We also shown that
the involutive Hamiltonian can be constructed.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex (multicol
Experience with the Open Source based implementation for ATLAS Conditions Data Management System
Conditions Data in high energy physics experiments is frequently seen as
every data needed for reconstruction besides the event data itself. This
includes all sorts of slowly evolving data like detector alignment, calibration
and robustness, and data from detector control system. Also, every Conditions
Data Object is associated with a time interval of validity and a version.
Besides that, quite often is useful to tag collections of Conditions Data
Objects altogether. These issues have already been investigated and a data
model has been proposed and used for different implementations based in
commercial DBMSs, both at CERN and for the BaBar experiment. The special case
of the ATLAS complex trigger that requires online access to calibration and
alignment data poses new challenges that have to be met using a flexible and
customizable solution more in the line of Open Source components. Motivated by
the ATLAS challenges we have developed an alternative implementation, based in
an Open Source RDBMS. Several issues were investigated land will be described
in this paper:
-The best way to map the conditions data model into the relational database
concept considering what are foreseen as the most frequent queries.
-The clustering model best suited to address the scalability problem.
-Extensive tests were performed and will be described.
The very promising results from these tests are attracting the attention from
the HEP community and driving further developments.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, conferenc
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