16 research outputs found


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    Penanaman padi hibrida adalah pe-manfaatan teknologi yang aman bagi lingkungan dan menjadi salah satu upaya peningkatan produksi padi seiring dengan pertambahan penduduk di dunia. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena padi hibrida dapat berpotensi hasil lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan varietas padi inbrida karena sifat heterosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penampilan karakter kuantitatif genotip padi hibrida yang diuji dan mendapatkan genotip padi hibrida yang berdaya hasil tinggi dibandingkan dengan varietas pembanding. Penelitian dilak-sanakan bulan Januari - April 2014 di Malang. Sebanyak 18 genotip padi hibrida hasil perakitan BBPADI (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G16, G17, G18) dan 2 varietas pembanding (Ciherang dan Hipa 8) diuji menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 4 kali ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan pada karakter kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter eksersi malai, luas daun, umur berbunga, jumlah anakan produktif, tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, umur panen, panjang malai, gabah isi, gabah hampa, gabah total, persentase gabah isi, dan hasil menunjukkan keragaman antar genotip kecuali pada bobot 1000 butir. Semua genotip padi hibrida yang diuji memiliki daya hasil setara dengan varietas Ciherang dan Hipa 8 kecuali genotip G10 memiliki hasil lebih rendah. Berdasarkan selisih hasil terhadap Ciherang genotip G1, G2, G6 dan G12 memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai padi hibrida unggul sehingga layak dilakukan pengujian lanjutan yaitu multilokasi. Kata Kunci : Padi Hibrida, Uji Daya Hasil Lanjutan, Karakter Kuantitatif, Dataran Mediu


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    Selection of parents based on their combining ability is an effective approach in hybrid breeding. Four CMS and four restorer lines were crossed in line x tester mating design to obtain 16 F1 hybrids rice. The 8 parental lines and 16 hybrids rice were planted in randomized complete block design with three replications at Kuningan and Muara field station of ICRR during 2012-2013. The results revealed that mean squares for GCA were significant for number of fertile spikelet per panicle, a thousand-grains weight, and 50% days of flowering. Mean squares for SCA were significant for plant height and grain yield. Parental lines exhibited the highest GCA effects for GMJ12A (line) and CRS703 (tester) for grain yield trait and revealed good potential to be used as parents for hybrid rice. Among all the crosses, GMJ6A/CRS707 and GMJ12A/CRS707 showed the greatest positive SCA effects for grain yield and had heterosis over better parent and midparent

    Keragaan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Sepuluh Genotipe Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    Padi (Oryza sativa L.) adalah tanaman pangan yang dimanfaatkan bijinya. Permintaan beras semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya akan tetapi produktivitas semakin menurun. Peningkatan produk-tivitas beras dapat dilakukan dengan ekstensifikasi yaitu pemanfaatan lahan-lahan suboptimal seperti lahan rawa lebak dan tadah hujan.Ketersediaan air pada lahan tersebut tidak menentu misalkan terjadi kekeringan sehingga diperlukan varietas yang memiliki daya hasil tinggi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi hasil dari sepuluh genotipe padi.Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai Desember 2017 sampai dengan April 2018 di Kebun Percobaan Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi (BB Padi), Subang, Jawa Barat.Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 10 perlakuan genotipe dan diulang tiga kali. Analisis data yang digunakan pada percobaan ini adalah analisis ragam (Uji F) 5% dan apabila hasil menunjukkan beda nyata dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) 5% dan analisis korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa B13983E-KA-6-3 memiliki hasil tertinggi yaitu 8.06 ton ha-1 meskipun tidak berbeda nyata dengan Inpari 38 (6,75 ton ha-1). Karakter pertumbuhan vegetatif yang berkorelasi positif dengan hasil yaitu tinggi tanaman (r=0.08) danjumlah anakan (r=0.49). Karakter pertumbuhan generatif yang berkorelasi positif dengan hasil adalah umur berbunga (r=0.44) dan umur masak(r=0.15). Karakter komponen hasil yang berkorelasi positif dengan hasil adalah presentase gabah isi (r=0.10), bobot 1000 butir (r=0.11) dan bobot gabah per rumpun (r=0.17)

    Korelasi Hasil Gabah Dan Komponen Hasil Padi Hibrida

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    One of the objectives in rice breeding is to increase grain yield. Grain yield is quantitative characters that are complex and highly influenced by the environment. The selection of superior genotypes should not only base on grain yield, but also need to consider characters that associated with grain yield. This research was to evaluate the relation between grain yield and yield components of experimental hybrid rice. The information would be useful for determining selection criteria in preliminary and advanced yield trial. The experiment was conducted during the rainy season (November-February) of 2013 in Cilacap, Central Java and in Malang, East Java, using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. A total of 18 experimental hybrid rice and two check varieties, namely Hipa 8 and Ciherang were used in the study. Results showed that grain yield was affected by locations, genotypes and interaction between locations and genoptypes. The average yield of Hipa 8 was 9 t/ha, while Ciherang was 8.78 t/ha. Panicle length, 1,000 seed weight, percentage of filled grain and number of productive tillers as yield components gave positive effects on the increased of grain yield and could be used as selection criteria for choosing genotype among experimental hybrid rice. There were two experimental hybrids, i.e. A7/BH25B-1B (9.13 t/ha) and A1/CRS516 (9.15 t/ha) that produce the highest grain yield and are potential to be released as new hybrid variety

    Evaluasi Galur Haploid Ganda Pelestari Hasil Kultur Antera untuk Perakitan Galur Mandul Jantan pada Padi

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    Hybrid rice has been proven to be the key factor to increase food supply in highly populated countries such as China and India. The success has encouraged the government of Indonesia to intensify research and development on hybrid rice using cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility system. The use of good male sterile line is a prerequisite for commercial seed production of hybrid rice. The objective of this research was to evaluate several F1 plants to develop completely sterile cytoplasmic male sterile line (CMS) with good agronomic characters. This research was conducted at screen house of Bogor Agricultural University during dry season (DS) of 2007. Fourty eight F1s, derived from testcross between cytoplasmic male sterile sources with doubled-haploid (DH) maintainer lines, were evaluated in randomized complete design using three replications. Observation was done on pollen sterility, panicle and stigma exsertion, plant height, and tillering ability. The results showed 14 F1s were completely sterile (100 % pollen sterility). They were A-2/H36-3-Ma, A-1/H36-3-Mb, A-2/H36-3-Mb, A-3/H36-3-Mb, A-1/H36-4-M, A-2/B1-1-Mb, A-3/B1-1-Mb, A-1/B1-2-Pa, A-2/B1-2-Pb, A-3/B2-1-M, A-1/B2-4-Pb, A-3/B4-1-Da, A-1/B4-1-Dc, and A-3/B4-1-Dc. They also had early flowering date, averaged from 66 - 90 days after planting (DAP). There were other 14 F1s with stigma exsertion more than 70 % and good panicle exsertion, i.e. A-2/H36-3-Mb, A-1/H36-3-Mc, A-2/H36-3-Mc, A-1/H36-4-M, A-2/B1-2-Pa, A-2/B1-2-Pb, A-3/B2-1-Db, A-1/B2-1-Dc, A-1/B2-1-M, A-1/B2-4-Pb, A-3/B2-4-Pb, A-2/B4-1-Da, A-1/B4-1-Dc and A-3/B4-1-Dc. However, only five F1s had all desirable characteristics as male sterile line candidates, such as 100% pollen sterility, good panicle exsertion, high stigma exsertion, semi-dwarf in plant height and good tillering ability. They were A-1/H36-4-M, A-2/B1-2-Pb, A-1/B2-4-Pb, A-1/B4-1-Dc, A-3/B4-1-Dc

    Karakter Agronomi Dan Ketahanan Beberapa Galur Pelestari Dihaploid Terhadap Hawar Daun Bakteri

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    Agronomic Characters and Resistance of Several Dihaploid Maintainer Lines to Bacterial Leaf Blight. Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Xoo) is one of the most serious diseases of rice in Indonesia. From previous research thirteen lines of dihaploid (DH) maintainer lines-derived anther culture were selected for developing cytoplasmic male sterile lines. In this research those DH maintainers were evaluated for their agronomic characters such as plant height, number of productive tiller, and seed weight per hill as well as their resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) pathotypes III, IV and VIII at Indonesian Center Rice Research (ICRR), Sukamandi during wet season 2008/2009. The results showed that 10 DH maintainer lines i.e. BioMAc18-H36-3-Ma, BioMAc19-H36-3-Mb, BioMAc20- H36-3-Mc, BioMAc21-H36-4-M, BioMAc26-B1-1-Mb, BioMAc29-B2-1-Db, BioMAc31-B2-1-M, BioMAc33-B2-4- Pb, BioMAc34-B4-1-Da and BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc having plant height ranged from 88.79-104.08 cm, productive tiller ranged from 9 to 13 tillers/hill. Among those DH maintainer lines three lines were resistant to BLB pathotype III, i.e. BioMAc26-B1-1-Mb, BioMAc29-B2-1-Db and BioMAc31- B2-1-M lines, and two lines, i.e. BioMAc21-H36-4-M and BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc were highly resistant to BLB pathotype VIII. Only BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc lines highly resistant to BLB pathotype IV