29,614 research outputs found
The Strathclyde Brain Computer Interface (S-BCI) : the road to clinical translation
In this paper, we summarise the state of development of the Strathclyde Brain Computer Interface (S-BCI) and what has been so far achieved. We also briefly discuss our next steps for translation to spinal cord injured patients and the challenges we envisage in this process and how we plan to address some of them. Projections of the S-BCI project for the coming few years are also presented
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Mechanisms underlying extremely fast muscle V˙O2 on-kinetics in humans.
The time constant of the primary phase of pulmonary V˙O2 on-kinetics (τp ), which reflects muscle V˙O2 kinetics during moderate-intensity exercise, is about 30 s in young healthy untrained individuals, while it can be as low as 8 s in endurance-trained athletes. We aimed to determine the intramuscular factors that enable very low values of t0.63 to be achieved (analogous to τp , t0.63 is the time to reach 63% of the V˙O2 amplitude). A computer model of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in skeletal muscle was used. Muscle t0.63 was near-linearly proportional to the difference in phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration between rest and work (ΔPCr). Of the two main factors that determine t0.63 , a huge increase in either OXPHOS activity (six- to eightfold) or each-step activation (ESA) of OXPHOS intensity (>3-fold) was needed to reduce muscle t0.63 from the reference value of 29 s (selected to represent young untrained subjects) to below 10 s (observed in athletes) when altered separately. On the other hand, the effect of a simultaneous increase of both OXPHOS activity and ESA intensity required only a twofold elevation of each to decrease t0.63 below 10 s. Of note, the dependence of t0.63 on OXPHOS activity and ESA intensity is hyperbolic, meaning that in trained individuals a large increase in OXPHOS activity and ESA intensity are required to elicit a small reduction in τp . In summary, we postulate that the synergistic action of elevated OXPHOS activity and ESA intensity is responsible for extremely low τp (t0.63 ) observed in highly endurance-trained athletes
Approximate Killing Vectors on S^2
We present a new method for computing the best approximation to a Killing
vector on closed 2-surfaces that are topologically S^2. When solutions of
Killing's equation do not exist, this method is shown to yield results superior
to those produced by existing methods. In addition, this method appears to
provide a new tool for studying the horizon geometry of distorted black holes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review D, revtex
Induced pseudoscalar form factor of the nucleon at two-loop order in chiral perturbation theory
We calculate the imaginary part of the induced pseudoscalar form factor of
the nucleon in the framework of two-loop heavy baryon chiral
perturbation theory. The effect of the calculated three-pion continuum on the
pseudoscalar constant measurable in
ordinary muon capture turns out to be negligibly small.
Possible contributions from counterterms at two-loop order are numerically
smaller than the uncertainty of the dominant pion-pole term proportional to the
pion-nucleon coupling constant . We conclude that a
sufficiently accurate representation of the induced pseudoscalar form factor of
the nucleon at low momentum transfers is given by the sum of the pion-pole
term and the Adler-Dothan-Wolfenstein term: , with fm
the axial mean square radius of the nucleon.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review
Heavy-Light Semileptonic Decays in Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory
We calculate the form factors for the semileptonic decays of heavy-light
pseudoscalar mesons in partially quenched staggered chiral perturbation theory
(\schpt), working to leading order in , where is the heavy quark
mass. We take the light meson in the final state to be a pseudoscalar
corresponding to the exact chiral symmetry of staggered quarks. The treatment
assumes the validity of the standard prescription for representing the
staggered ``fourth root trick'' within \schpt by insertions of factors of 1/4
for each sea quark loop. Our calculation is based on an existing partially
quenched continuum chiral perturbation theory calculation with degenerate sea
quarks by Becirevic, Prelovsek and Zupan, which we generalize to the staggered
(and non-degenerate) case. As a by-product, we obtain the continuum partially
quenched results with non-degenerate sea quarks. We analyze the effects of
non-leading chiral terms, and find a relation among the coefficients governing
the analytic valence mass dependence at this order. Our results are useful in
analyzing lattice computations of form factors and when the
light quarks are simulated with the staggered action.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figures, v2: Minor correction to the section on finite
volume effects, and typos fixed. Version to be published in Phys. Rev.
Null-vectors in Integrable Field Theory
The form factor bootstrap approach allows to construct the space of local
fields in the massive restricted sine-Gordon model. This space has to be
isomorphic to that of the corresponding minimal model of conformal field
theory. We describe the subspaces which correspond to the Verma modules of
primary fields in terms of the commutative algebra of local integrals of motion
and of a fermion (Neveu-Schwarz or Ramond depending on the particular primary
field). The description of null-vectors relies on the relation between form
factors and deformed hyper-elliptic integrals. The null-vectors correspond to
the deformed exact forms and to the deformed Riemann bilinear identity. In the
operator language, the null-vectors are created by the action of two operators
\CQ (linear in the fermion) and \CC (quadratic in the fermion). We show
that by factorizing out the null-vectors one gets the space of operators with
the correct character. In the classical limit, using the operators \CQ and
\CC we obtain a new, very compact, description of the KdV hierarchy. We also
discuss a beautiful relation with the method of Whitham.Comment: 36 pages, Late
Multiple Schramm-Loewner Evolutions and Statistical Mechanics Martingales
A statistical mechanics argument relating partition functions to martingales
is used to get a condition under which random geometric processes can describe
interfaces in 2d statistical mechanics at criticality. Requiring multiple SLEs
to satisfy this condition leads to some natural processes, which we study in
this note. We give examples of such multiple SLEs and discuss how a choice of
conformal block is related to geometric configuration of the interfaces and
what is the physical meaning of mixed conformal blocks. We illustrate the
general ideas on concrete computations, with applications to percolation and
the Ising model.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures. V2: well, it looks better with the addresse
Low Dirac Eigenmodes and the Topological and Chiral Structure of the QCD Vacuum
Several lattice calculations which probe the chiral and topological structure
of QCD are discussed. The results focus attention on the low-lying eigenmodes
of the Dirac operator in typical gauge field configurations.Comment: Talk presented at the DPF2000 Conferenc
Momentum Dependent Vertices , and : The NJL Scalar Hidden by Chiral Symmetry
We calculate the momentum dependence of three particle vertices , and in the context of a
Nambu Jona Lasinio type model. We show how they influence the processes , and and how chiral symmetry
shadows the presence of the .Comment: 9 pages (latex), 5 figures available from the authors, preprint
Coimbra 940506, IJS-TP-94/10, accepted for publication in Zeit. f. Physik
Staggered Fermion Actions with Improved Rotational Invariance
We introduce a class of improved actions for staggered fermions which to
O(p^4) and O(p^6), respectively, lead to rotationally invariant propagators. We
discuss the resulting reduction of flavour symmetry breaking in the meson
spectrum and comment on the improvement in the calculation of thermodynamic
observables.Comment: 3 pages and 4 figures, Contribution to Lattice 97 (Poster Session),
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