2,528 research outputs found
The Choice of Topics in Male, Female and Mixed-sex Groups of Students of Petra Christian University in Their Chatting
This study analyzed some conversations in the male, female and male-female groups of some university students. Using McCarthy\u27s classification of topics, the results show that \u27Persons\u27 is the typical topic in the female group, while \u27Objects/ belongings\u27 is the most favorite topic in the male group. In the mixed-sex group, it is interesting to see how both sexes negotiated the topics by proposing the typical topics of the other sex group
Compliments Given by a Teacher in Symphpnia Music School Surabaya to High-, Mid-, and Low-ability Students
This research aimed at observing compliment and non-compliment feedbacks between a teacher at a private music school and her students who had different abilities. The data were the recorded piano lesson of each student and the analysis was focused on the compliments and exchange structures as directed by Holmes (1988) and Coulthart (1992). The findings showed that all students received more compliments than non-compliments. For the compliment, all types of student received ‘Good' token the most. On the second place high-ability student received ‘Very Good', while mid- and low-ability student got mitigation. As for the non-compliment feedback, high- and low-ability student got criticism the most and it was found that the frequency of no feedback in mid-ability student occured the most
Magnetic shape-memory effect in SrRuO
Like most perovskites, SrRuO exhibits structural phase transitions
associated with rotations of the RuO octahedra. The application of moderate
magnetic fields in the ferromagnetically ordered state allows one to fully
control these structural distortions, although the ferromagnetic order occurs
at six times lower temperature than the structural distortion. Our neutron
diffraction and macroscopic measurements unambiguously show that magnetic
fields rearrange structural domains, and that for the field along a cubic
[110] direction a fully detwinned crystal is obtained. Subsequent heating
above the Curie temperature causes a magnetic shape-memory effect, where the
initial structural domains recover
Plasmon-assisted two-photon Rabi oscillations in a semiconductor quantum dot -- metal nanoparticle heterodimer
Tho-photon Rabi oscillations hold potential for quantum computing and quantum
information processing, because during a Rabi cycle a pair of entangled photons
may be created. We theoretically investigate the onset of this phenomenon in a
heterodimer comprising a semiconductor quantum dot strongly coupled to a metal
nanoparticle. Two-photon Rabi oscillations in this system occur due to a
coherent two-photon process involving the ground-to-biexciton transition in the
quantum dot. The presence of a metal nanoparticle nearby the quantum dot
results in a self-action of the quantum dot via the metal nanoparticle, because
the polatization state of the latter depends on the quantum state of the
former. The interparticle interaction gives rise to two principal effects: (i)
- enhancement of the external field amplitude and (ii) - renormalization of the
quantum dot's resonance frequencies and relaxation rates of the off-diagonal
density matrix elements, both depending on the populations of the quantum dot's
levels. Here, we focus on the first effect, which results in interesting new
features, in particular, in an increased number of Rabi cycles per pulse as
compared to an isolated quantum dot and subsequent growth of the number of
entangled photon pairs per pulse. We also discuss the destructive role of
radiative decay of the excitonic states on two-photon Rabi oscillations for
both an isolated quantum dot and a heterodimer.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figure
Behavioral HIV-prevention Interventions for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Indonesia
Behavioral HIV-prevention Interventions for Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Indonesia
Tailoring optical response of a hybrid comprising a quantum dimer emitter strongly coupled to a metal nanoparticle
We study theoretically the optical response of a nanohybrid comprising a
symmetric quantum dimer emitter coupled to a metal nanoparticle (MNP). The
interactions between the exitonic transitions in the dimer and the plasmons in
the MNP lead to novel effects in the composite's input-output characteristics
for the light intensity and the absorption spectrum, which we study in the
linear and nonlinear regimes. We fnd that the exciton-plasmon hybridization
leads to optical bistability and hysteresis for the one-exciton transition and
enhancement of excitation for the two-exciton transition. The latter leads to a
signifcant decrease of the field strength needed to saturate the system. In the
linear regime, the absortion spectrum has a dispersive (Fano-like) line shape.
The spectral position and shape of this spectrum depend on the detuning of the
dimer's one-exciton resonance relative to the plasmon resonance. Upon
increasing the applied field intensity to the nonlinear regime, the Fano-like
singularities in the absorption spectra are smeared and they disappear due to
the saturation of the dimer, which leads to the MNP dominating the spectrum.
The above effects, for which we provide physical explanations, allow one to
tailor the Fano-like shape of the absorption spectrum, by changing either the
detuning or the input power
Optimalisasi Peran Teknologi Informasi (Internet) dalam Meningkatkan Efektifitas dan Kualitas Proses Pembelajaran Pjj S1 Pgsd
Government's program to improve elementary school or MI teachers' qualification has been highly well responded by society. The teachers whose qualification is not yet equal to S1 degree are enthusiastically attending program of distance learning S1 PGSD held by 10 universities or Teacher Education Institutes (LPTK). Educational Science Faculty (FIP), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is one of the LPTKs entrusted to conduct the program. In so doing, FIP has been implementing a distance learning system named Flexible Learning Model which requires web or internet support in carrying out the learning process.Yet, deemed as having web-based and blended learning system and model, the conduct of distance learning held by FIP is not as expected. The use of web is limited to e-mail leaving the other internet or web facilities. Moreover, FIP's distance learning does not embrace interaction using online discussion forum which enables teachers and student to directly communicate at the same time (synchronous). This might lead to ineffective and less quality distance learning practice which in the end might bring about a less qualified graduate (read: teacher) since internet has been the most prominent support in determining the quality of interaction and learning process between teacher and student in distance learning program. Without optimal and effective use of internet, student and teacher cannot interact well and effectively.To this point, this paper aims to propose an alternative by designing and creating a particular website serving as the supporting software or Learning Management System media, providing a learning activity center, synchronous and asynchronous mode of student – teacher and student – student interaction, academic and administration information center, reviewing and testing media, digital library and e-material enabling student and teacher to independently learn. In addition, a website particularly designed in such a way to address needs and the characteristics of the Faculty's distance learning program will certainly benefit the teacher in that it provides a record of all teaching and learning activitues conducted through web, which functions as a portofolio.Government's program to improve elementary school or MI teachers' qualification has been highly well responded by society. The teachers whose qualification is not yet equal to S1 degree are enthusiastically attending program of distance learning S1 PGSD held by 10 universities or Teacher Education Institutes (LPTK). Educational Science Faculty (FIP), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is one of the LPTKs entrusted to conduct the program. In so doing, FIP has been implementing a distance learning system named Flexible Learning Model which requires web or internet support in carrying out the learning process.Yet, deemed as having web-based and blended learning system and model, the conduct of distance learning held by FIP is not as expected. The use of web is limited to e-mail leaving the other internet or web facilities. Moreover, FIP's distance learning does not embrace interaction using online discussion forum which enables teachers and student to directly communicate at the same time (synchronous). This might lead to ineffective and less quality distance learning practice which in the end might bring about a less qualified graduate (read: teacher) since internet has been the most prominent support in determining the quality of interaction and learning process between teacher and student in distance learning program. Without optimal and effective use of internet, student and teacher cannot interact well and effectively.To this point, this paper aims to propose an alternative by designing and creating a particular website serving as the supporting software or Learning Management System media, providing a learning activity center, synchronous and asynchronous mode of student – teacher and student – student interaction, academic and administration information center, reviewing and testing media, digital library and e-material enabling student and teacher to independently learn. In addition, a website particularly designed in such a way to address needs and the characteristics of the Faculty's distance learning program will certainly benefit the teacher in that it provides a record of all teaching and learning activitues conducted through web, which functions as a portofolio
Analisa Pengaruh Kualitas Batubara Terhadap Biaya Pembangkitan (Studi Kasus Di Pltu Rembang)
Coalisone of the sourcesof energythat are widely usedinpower generation. Indonesiancoal productionas much as254milliontons in 2009as much as75% is exported, while the remaining25% for domestic consumption. Since much ofhigh-gradecoal(coal highrange) wereexportedout of the countrymakes theplantsin Indonesiawereoperating usingwith alow qualitycoal. The results ofthe analysis carried outinPLTU RembangofSeptember-November 2013can be concludedthatthe lower thecalorific valueof coalisusedthe higher themass flow rateof coal, thesteammass flow rateisrelativelythe same. The higherthe load, the coalmass flow rateis also higher,the specificfuelconsumption(kg /kWh) was decrease,theheatratewas decrease. However,the thermalefficiencywas increase. When theload of180MWto 250MWmoreefficientuseof coalcomposition100% LRC. Ata loadof 200MWto 250MWmoreefficientuseof coalcomposition of25%MRCand75% LRC. From theaverage value ofthe price ofproduction, moreefficientuseof coalcomposition100% LRC, butwiththecompositioncan notachievethe highestload. When viewedfrom theaverage valuethatcanmeet thehighestload, themore efficientisbyusing thecoalcomposition of50% MRC and50% LRC
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