192 research outputs found

    First-Year Papers Cover Page and Editorial Board

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    THE FIRST-YEAR PAPERS Volume 20, 2015 – 2016 EDITORS (in alphabetical order) Haley Dougherty Justin Fortier Lydia Herndon Caroline Howell Dylan Ingram Lilla Kis Mathilde Sauquet Emily Turner Editors were drawn from the Class of 2019 Deans’ Scholars Editing, Layout, and Publishing Tennyson O’Donnell, Director, Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric, and Allan K. Smith Lecturer in English Composition Dania Field, Coordinator of First-Year Academic Experiences Amy Harrell, Librarian, Digital Projects The First-Year Papers were established in 1996-1997 to recognize the excellent written work of the first-year students at Trinity College. Each year, submissions are drawn from First-Year Seminars and from courses associated with the Cities, Guided Studies, InterArts, and Interdisciplinary Science Programs. The First-Year Papers Volume 20, 2015 – 2016 Published by Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut, September 201

    Seminário PIBIC Embrapa Solos 2015/2016.

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    1 - Monitoramento de Iniciativas de Pagamentos por Serviços Ambientais Hídricos no Brasil: diagnóstico comparativo e perspectivas futuras - Ana Paula Morais de Lima; Rachel Bardy Prado; Azeneth Eufrausino Schuler; Elaine Cristina Cardoso Fidalgo. 2 - Avaliação da susceptibilidade magnética e teores totais de elementos minerais em amostras de solos antrópicos do Sambaqui da Fazenda Campos Novos - Cabo Frio - RJ - Julia Hernandez Cardoso; Wenceslau Geraldes Teixeira; Edgar Shinzato; Alexandre Ortega Gonçalves; Katia Mansur. 3 - Ossos de suínos pirolisado como fonte de P na produção de mudas de Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi(1) - Ana Luiza Carvalho Guimarães de Aguiar; Pedro Vaz Rocha; Fabiano de Carvalho Balieiro; Etelvino Henrique Novotny; Sergio Miana de Faria; Everaldo Zonta. 4 - Qualidade física de Solo em Pastagens com Níveis de Degradação Diferenciados no Meio Oeste Maranhense(1) - Rhaissa Zarjitsky Moraes; Ana Luiza Carvalho Guimarães de Aguiar; Beatriz da Silva Marinho; Guilherme Kangussu Donagemma; Fabiano de Carvalho Balieiro; Ademir Fontana; Guilherme Montandon Chaer. 5 - Solubilidade e mobilidade de fertilizantes boratados em condições controladas(1) - Rafael Oliveira Silva Romano Correia; Paulo Cesar Teixeira, Bianca Braz Mattos, José Carlos Polidoro, Letícia Bolsas Mendonça. 6 - Uso de Satélite e Métodos Multi-Escala para Apoiar o Plano de Agricultura de Baixa Emissão de Carbono (Plano ABC) (1) - Magareth Simões; M. L. Neves, R. P. D. Ferraz, P. L. Freitas; A. Bégué, B. Bellón. 7 - Produção de fertilizantes organominerais a partir de substâncias húmicas (1) - Vivian Oliveira Cabral; David Campos Vilas Boas; Bianca Braz Mattos; Paulo Cesar Teixeira. 8 - Caracterização física dos horizontes dos solos da região Oeste da Bahia - Fernanda Reis Cordeiro; Henrique de Almeida Crespo; Ademir Fontana; Wenceslau Geraldes Teixeira; Fabiano de Carvalho Balieiro. 9 - Efeito de fontes e doses de boro na produção de matéria seca e acúmulo de nutrientes em plantas de braquiária( 1) - Ricardo de Castro Dias; Paulo César Teixeira; José Carlos Polidoro; Rafael Gomes da Mota Gonçalves; Everaldo Zonta. 10 - Distribuição espacial das propriedades eletromagnéticas e gamarradiométricas do solo e sua relação com o relevo e atributos químicos e físicos do solo(1) - Hugo M Rodrigues; Gustavo M Vasques. 11 - Índice de Precipitação Padronizada para a condição climática do município de Chapada Gaúcha, MG - Evaldo de Paiva Lima; Givanildo de Gois, Fabrizio do Nascimento Garritano. Edital Embrapa Solos Pibic/CNPq 2016. Regulamento do Seminário Pibic Embrapa Solos 2015/2016.bitstream/item/152651/1/DOC-188-Seminario-Pibic-2016.pdfEditores técnicos: Alba Leonor da Silva Martins, Caio de Teves Inácio, Claudia Regina Delaia Machado, Claudio Lucas Capeche, Jacqueline Silva Rezende Mattos, Lígia Souza Brandão

    The Kawachi Genji clan at the civil war Hogen

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    Talking Foreign Policy

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    intralingual : a bilingual student magazine = 人云譯云

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    This magazine is the product—or in pedagogical terms, the learning outcome—of a course offered by the Department of Translation at Lingnan University called Bilingual Publication Workshop. The aim of the Department of Translation is to not only train students in written translation and oral interpreting between Chinese and English, but also to prepare students for work in a wide variety of careers that require excellent bilingual skills. In Hong Kong, many jobs, such as those in the publishing world, require such training. 這本雜誌是嶺南大學翻譯系課程「雙語出版工作坊」所製作──以教育學的術語來說,這本雜誌是這門課的「學習成果」。翻譯系不僅訓練學生中英文筆譯和傳譯,也要使同學做好準備,以投身各行各業要求出色雙語技巧的工作。香港有很多工作例如出版業的職位都需要這種訓練。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/tran_pub_workshop/1001/thumbnail.jp

    A study of Kofukuji temple during the "Insei" period

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    Policy Brief: Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act

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    The Lifespan Respite Care Act (PL 109-442) provides critical support for families caring for loved ones at home. Family caregivers in the United States provide an estimated $470 billion worth of uncompensated care—a figure that exceeds the total Medicaid budget for 2013 (NAC Task Force, 2016). According to the National Respite Coalition, access to respite care helps protect caregiver health, strengthens families, keeps marriages intact, and prevents the need for expensive institutional long-term care. Reauthorization of the Lifespan Respite Care Act is essential to the well-being of individuals in need of long-term care and their families affected by long-term health care needs. Respite services are utilized by a variety of populations: individuals with disabilities, individuals living with chronic illness, veterans, and the aging population (NAC Task Force, 2016). Research consistently indicates positive outcomes of respite care and reduces the need for costly residential care

    Book of the Conference Proceedings: International Congress 2017. International Administrative Cooperation in Tax Matters and Tax Governance

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    International Congress 2017. International Administrative Cooperation in tax matters and tax Governance. Barcelona, Wednesday 26th & 27th of January 2017. “Salón de grados”. Faculty of Law University of BarcelonaEditors: Eva Andrés Aucejo and Robert Domingo; Authors: BAKER, Philip; VAN DER SMITTE, Paul; GRAU, Amparo; ANDRÉS, Eva; TURINA, Alessandro; HONGLER, Peter; PISTONE, Pasquale; MOSQUERA, Irma; MASTELLONE, Pietro; VIÑUALES, Luis[spa] Este libro contiene la relación de documentos gráficos que sustentaron la mayoría de las conferencias de los ponentes del Congreso Internacional: International Congress 2017. International Administrative Cooperation in Tax Matters and Tax Governance, celebrado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona los días 26 y 27 de enero de 2017.[eng] This book includes the graphic reports shown by the different speakers in the “International Congress 2017: International Administrative Cooperation in Tax Matters and Tax Governance”, held in the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona on January 26th and 27th, 2017

    Bacterial Metabolites Mirror Altered Gut Microbiota Composition in Patients with Parkinson's Disease

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    Increasing evidence is supporting the hypothesis of α-synuclein pathology spreading from the gut to the brain although the exact etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD) is unknown. Furthermore, it has been proposed that inflammation, via the gastrointestinal tract, potentially through infections, may contribute to α-synuclein pathogenesis, and thus to the risk of developing PD. Recently, many studies have shown that PD patients have an altered microbiota composition compared to healthy controls. Inflammation in the gut might drive microbiota alterations or vice versa. Many studies focused on the detection of biomarkers of the etiology, onset, or progression of PD however also report metabolites from bacterial origin. These metabolites might reflect the bacterial composition and as well play an important role in immune homeostasis, ultimately affecting the progression of PD. Besides the bacterial metabolites, pharmacological treatment of PD might play a crucial role during the progression and thus treatment of the disease on the immune system. This review aims to establish a link between the microbial composition with the observed alterations of bacterial metabolites and their impact on the immune system, which could have influential effect in onset, progression and etiology of PD