576 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat dibidang telekomunikasi saat ini menjadikan Tower Bersama Group sebagai perusahaan yang terdepan dalam penyedia layanan tower telekomunikasi dan terus berkomitmen untuk dapat menyediakan infrastruktur yang berkualitas. Proses pengajuan modernisasi perangkat yang selama ini diajukan melalui pengajuan Collo Application Form (CAF) yang diajukan oleh operator melalui sistem secara manual yang sudah tidak dapat memenuhi kecepatan kebutuhan customer lagi, Selain karena prosesnya yang membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 8 hari juga menyebabkan informasi yang sering kali tidak berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perancangan sistem informasi pengajuan Collo Application Form (CAF) yang terintegrasi antara Tower Bersama dengan pihak operator agar dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pihak operator. Perspektif penelitian yang digunakan dalam membuat Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengajuan Collo Application Form (CAF) pada Tower Bersama menggunakan metodologi perancangan model System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang juga dikenal sebagai metode Waterfall. Setiap tahapan proses analisa kondisi eksisting, identifikasi permasalahan dan analisa kebutuhan dilakukan berdasarkan aspek THIO (technoware, humanware, organiware, infoware). Technoware berhubungan dengan hardware serta software yang digunakan pada Tower Bersama. Humanware berkaitan dengan kondisi organisasi, struktur organisasi, dan job description sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki di dalam proses pengajuan CAF. Infoware menjelaskan proses kerja dan dokumen pemetaan alur informasi yang berjalan, pelaporan data serta tampilan interface data (dashboard). Organiware menjabarkan mengenai prosedur, kewenangan serta Standard Operating Procedur (SOP) yang mengatur kepada organisasi internal serta kebijakan yang mengikat organisasi dan customer. Perancangan sistem informasi yang dihasilkan mengenai sebuah konsep merancang sistem informasi yang baru pada Tower Bersama Group untuk pengajuan CAF yang efisien dan efektif serta mampu menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas juga dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan customer untuk proses utilization site maupun kebutuhan kerahasiaan data organisasi. Kata Kunci : Perancangan Sistem Informasi, Metoda Waterfall, THIO (technoware, humanware, organiware, infoware)

    H. Clay Wood.

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    51-1War ClaimsReport : Claim of of H. Wood. [2807] Civil War action at Fort Cobb, Indian Territory: 1861.1890-6

    Letter from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting, pursuant to House resolution, information relating to the opening of the Navajo Indian Reservation

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    52-2Public LandsNavajo Indian Reservation. [3105] Regarding an Executive order to restore that part of said reservation lying in Utah to the public domain.1893-3

    Investigating the Origin of the First Ionization Potential Effect With a Shell Turbulence Model

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    International audienceThe enrichment of coronal loops and the slow solar wind with elements that have low First Ionization Potential, known as the FIP effect, has often been interpreted as the tracer of a common origin. A current explanation for this FIP fractionation rests on the influence of ponderomotive forces and turbulent mixing acting at the top of the chromosphere. The implied wave transport and turbulence mechanisms are also key to wave-driven coronal heating and solar wind acceleration models. This work makes use of a shell turbulence model run on open and closed magnetic field lines of the solar corona to investigate with a unified approach the influence of magnetic topology, turbulence amplitude and dissipation on the FIP fractionation. We try in particular to assess whether there is a clear distinction between the FIP effect on closed and open field regions

    Ефективні прийоми мотивації у навчальному процесі

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    Бугайчук, К. Л. Ефективні прийоми мотивації у навчальному процесі / Костянтин Леонідович Бугайчук // Психологічні та педагогічні проблеми професійної освіти та патріотичного виховання персоналу системи МВС України: тези доп. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 7 квіт. 2017 р.) / МВС України; Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків: ХНУВС, 2017. – С. 42-45.Розглянуто поняття та здійснено класифікацію мотивації, в т.ч. щодо організації навчального процесу. Визначено основні прийоми і способи створення позитивної мотивації у навчальному процесі.Рассмотрены понятие и осуществлена классификация мотивации, в т.ч. по организации учебного процесса. Определены основные приемы и способы создания положительной мотивации в учебном процессе

    Cold SO_2 molecules by Stark deceleration

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    We produce SO_2 molecules with a centre of mass velocity near zero using a Stark decelerator. Since the initial kinetic energy of the supersonic SO_2 molecular beam is high, and the removed kinetic energy per stage is small, 326 deceleration stages are necessary to bring SO_2 to a complete standstill, significantly more than in other experiments. We show that in such a decelerator possible loss due to coupling between the motional degrees of freedom must be considered. Experimental results are compared with 3D Monte-Carlo simulations and the quantum state selectivity of the Stark decelerator is demonstrated.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure


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    Dispõe sobre a criação e competências das unidades ou núcleos socioambientais nos órgãos e conselhos do Poder Judiciário e implantação do respectivo Plano de Logística Sustentável (PLS-PJ)

    The Covid-19 explosion in the state of Amapá: how is the most preserved region in the Brazilian Amazon currently fighting the SARS-COV 2 pandemic?

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    The state of Amap\ue1 is located in the extreme north of Brazil, within the Amazon rainforest and is crossed by the Equator. It has a hot and humid climate with rains that last 8 months a year and 4 months of unrelenting sun that melts rubber from car seals, fries eggs on the floor and even cooks a whole egg tub, in case you forget in a car exposed to the sun . It was believed that with this potent solar incidence, the Sars-COV 2 virus would not have so much impact in this region, a terrible mistake! Today Amap\ue1 has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in the whole of Brazil, with a maid of 600 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants and in the Amazon it is the 3rd in deaths and loses in this item only to the state of Amazonas and Par\ue1