58,616 research outputs found
The study is about a critical analysis of a political discourse. Using Megawatiâs opening speech in
the Fourth Congress of the PDIP, I want to find out the ideological model context used by the text
producer and the social structure influencing the speech. Using the critical discourse analysis
approach of van Dijk, the finding shows that Megawati uses ideological values of Soekarnoâs
leadership concept to indoctrinate the audience. The concept is also used to tease the current
President Joko Widodo
Discussing the ideas of Kartini through her collected letters has been done by many
scholars. However, they usually come from non-linguistic domain. As a result, the power of
language used by Kartini in expressing her ideas almost has not been analysed. This study
aims to identify meanings produced in one of her letter. Using the critical discourse analysis
approach, the analysis results that by means of her letter, Kartini criticised the custom of
Bumiputera society, struggled againts the domination of the custom, and recieved ânewâ
ideology from Western society. The ways she represented the Bumiputeraâs and Westernâs
custom result the way she constructed identities of herself and the others
Aspectuality is one of the universal temporal meanings found both in an aspect language and in a nonaspect language. The other temporal meanings are actionality and temporality. The close relationship has caused some grammarians conceive aspect and tense as the same concept (Comrie 1976; 1). Other grammarians such as Lyons (1977), Alieva (1992), and Verkuyl (1993) have also conceived the concept of aspectuality as one concept with different realizations. Beside the two groups, there are other grammarians such as Brinton (1988), Smith (1991) and Bache (1997) that have treated actionality and aspectuality as different concepts. Their argument was aimed to solve the problem of the confusing definitions of aspect and Aktionsart. Bache (1997; 12) even said that aspect, action, and tense should be kept distinct as separate categories
The issues of LGBT in Indonesia produce two major groups of society, antiâLGBT groups
and proâLGBT groups. The former is usually positioned as the groups that in their social
practices often dominate the later. They position themselves as the ones that have legitimate
rights to control the LGBT people, so the dominated groups feel to be discriminated.
The paper purposes to study the discourse produced by the dominant institutions in
articulating their power against the LGBT issues. The research problems answered are (i)
how the dominant groups practice their discourse againts LGBT issues and (ii) whether or not
the discourses contain the practice of social wrong such as the power abuse and discrimination.
The research data were taken from twenty texts of pro- and contra-LGBT downloaded from
Kompas.com and Republika.co.id. The data are the utterances realizing the discourses against
LGBT produced by people representing 18 institutions.
Using the critical discourse analysis approach, I found that mostly, the text producers
from the dominant group exploited lexico-grammatical expressions to oppose the LGBT
communities. They used material, relational, and verbal processes to represent the negative
activities and identities of LGBT commnity. They used certain vocabularies representing
strong controls and hate attitudes. There are discourse articulating power abuse to control all
aspects of LGBT communityâs life, discrimination, and legitimation of power practices
Kajian ini dilatarbelakangi kondisi ketidak berdayaan perempuan di desa Pitusunggu sebagai bagian masyarakat islam, kemudian berkat peran agen perubahan Nurhayati lewat program-program pemberdayaannya akhirnya mengalami perubahan dan bisa lebih berdaya, dalam menjalankan perannya Nurhayati menghadapi dinamika peran yang menarik untuk dipelajari. Tujuan penulisan ini ingin mengetahui dinamika peran agen perubahan dalam memberdayakan perempuan muslim di desa Pitusunggu, kecamatan Maârang, kabupaten Pangkep, Sulawesi Selatan. Konsep teoretis/pendekatan yang dipakai sebagai pijakan analisis adalah teori tentang peran agen perubahan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Metode dalam kajian ini adalah kualitatif dan studi pustaka. Hasil temuan dalam kajian ini, Nurhayati sebagai agen perubahan telah melakukan melakukan beberapa peran diantaranya peran mengidentifikasi masalah dan potensi masyarakat, peran inovator, peran sebagai katalisator, peran sebagai perwakilan masyarakat, peran sebagai penilai pemberdayaan. Dalam menjalankan perannya, Nurhayati berhasil menyelesaikan dinamika tantangan berupa pandangan yang menganggap peran wanita hanya dirumah saja, kemudian tantangan ketidak percayaan diawal. Peran-peran tersebut bisa terlaksana karena Nurhayati mempunyai kedekatan, kepedulian, kedudukan sebagai Kepala Desa, serta kemampuannya dalam menganalisis masalah dan menghasilkan ide inovasi pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dari beberapa peran tersebut, Nurhayati belum bisa menjalankan peran terminasi karena masyarakat Desa Pitusunggu masih meggantungkan kepadanya, sehingga masih perlu proses untuk membangun kemandirian warga agar tidak tergantung pada agen perubahan
Implementasi Teknologi Augmented Reality Menggunakan Magic Book Sebagai Media Pemasaran Produk Berbasis Android
This study is conducted based on the problem faced by the owner of the Nurhayati Shop. motivated by the obstacles that are often experienced by the owner nurhayati shop. The 2D Tupperware catalog used by Nurhayati Shop becomes the core problem in serving the customers due to the inefficient time and product description. This study applies Multimedia Life Cycle (MDLC) as the method. The result shows that augmented reality technology integrated into a magic book can be used as the marketing media with android-base. Technology helps the seller in promoting the product throught the android that changes the object into 3D. Besides, it helps the buyer to have an effective time to choose the product
This time, morbiditas (mortality) diarrhoea in East Java reaching 2.017 people taken care at \ud
Hospiteal at in the middle of the 2006 (Jawets, 2001). During the time medication of diarrhoea \ud
by using antibiotic, but existing Anti-Diare have side effects like is queasy, puking, fever, \ud
headache, blood trouble, disparity of liver even kidney function trouble (Anonymous, 2007). \ud
Herewith, needed by the way of medication of alternative used to cure the disease is with herb \ud
therapy, that is by exploiting flora which is efficacious drug. One of them is exploiting salam of \ud
leaf (Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight.) Wapl.). \ud
Target this research is to know difference of zona diameter pursue bacterium of Salmonella typhi \ud
at level old of salam of leaf, to know difference of zona diameter pursue bacterium of Salmonella \ud
typhi at various concentration of dekok salam of leaf and to know difference of zona diameter \ud
pursue bacterium of Salmonella typhi at various combination of old concentration and of dekok \ud
salam of leaf. Research type the used is true eksperiment and of desain the used is Factorial \ud
Design. Device Attempt use Complete Random Device (RAL), by 5 treatment (1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, \ud
dan 9%) and repeated thrice. This Research population is mushroom of Salmonella typhi taken \ud
away from Laboratory University of Brawijaya Malang. Technique intake of sampel by Simple \ud
Random Sampling. This Research done on 12 July 2007 in Biological Laboratory of UMM. \ud
Indicator Research that is zona diameter pursue Salmonella typhi. Obtained data to be analysed \ud
with Anava 2 Factor, and continued with Different Test of Smallest Reality (BNT) with level of \ud
signifikansi 5%. \ud
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketuaan dan konsentrasi dekok daun salam mempengaruhi \ud
perbedaan diameter zona hambat Salmonella typhi dengan perlakuan terbaik A1 (daun salam \ud
muda), pada berbagai konsentrasi dekok daun salam mempengaruhi perbedaan diameter zona \ud
hambat Salmonella typhi dengan perlakuan terbaik B3 (konsentrasi 5 %), dan tidak ada interaksi \ud
antara ketuaan dan konsentrasi dekok daun salam tidak mempengaruhi perbedaan diameter zona \ud
hambat Salmonella typhi. \ud
Result of research indicate that old and concentration dekok salam of leaf influence difference of \ud
zona diameter pursue Salmonella typhi with best treatment A1 (young salam of leaf), at various \ud
concentration dekok salam of leaf influence difference of zona diameter pursue Salmonella typhi \ud
with best treatment B3 (concentration 5%), and no interaction between old and concentration \ud
dekok salam leaf do not influence difference of zona diameter pursue Salmonella typhi
Mastering structure is a must for language learners, because if the structure of language is not known well it can make errors in comprehending the information. The purpose of this study is to explain the function and to know the frequency of occurrence of âingâ form in Reform magazine second edition 2003. The research design in this study is quantitative research. The population was twenty-five articles that contain ing-form sentences in Reform magazine second edition 20003 and the sample was taken from the whole population. The data collection was obtained through reading the articles and identifying the âingâ forms sentences in the Reform magazine. . The data analysis was conducted by identifying the entire sentences of Reform magazine consist of âingâ forms. Then deciding the function of âingâ forms in each sentence, classifying them and counting the frequency of occurrence and percentage each type in the table. The result of study shows that the uses of âingâ forms in Reform magazine second edition 2003 were dominated by gerund. The total occurrence of gerund which has seven functions is (64.43%) while the total occurrence of participle which has six functions is (35.57%). Concerning with the uses of âingâ forms, suggestion is offered for the teacher to give priority in teaching âingâ form as gerund that is to be the dominant type. For English students they can read more English articles and study how the writer applies the form. The last for the future researcher can conduct the research in the same field with different case of study
Implementation of the Futsal Field Ordering Platform Using the UCD Method
The development of information technology is exploding. We cannot separate the need for information from the use and use of computers. With a computerized information system, the work done will be more effective and accurate. Karawang Futsal is a sports venue in the Karawang Regency. Using the futsal ordering system is still manual, the data input system which is still recording in the ledger, making reports is not accurate because of frequent miscalculations that result in making reports not on time because all processes are done. Therefore, with the existence of a computer system, all the needs for everything in the Karawang Regency Futsal will run
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